Welcome to the New Penn Museum

From the Director

By: Julian Siggers

Originally Published in 2019

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Dear Friends,

In 1926, the Coxe (Egyptian) Wing opened, and visitors thronged the lower gallery to see the great Sphinx of Ramses II in his new home. We long thought that the Sphinx would stay in that gallery permanently—however, as archaeologists and anthropologists so often demonstrate, assumptions can be questioned, and new developments in technology make great feats possible.

Julian Siggers with the Sphinx
Williams Director Julian Siggers stands with the Sphinx in its new home adjacent to the Main Entrance.

It turned out that the Sphinx could move, and on June 12, he did move: thousands of people across the world tuned in on social media as the Sphinx safely traversed our inner courtyard on a custom runway, escorted by a team of conservators and expert riggers. (Read more about this momentous day on p. 6.) Now, from his post at the heart of the new Sphinx Gallery adjacent to the Kamin Main Entrance, he will beckon all visitors to explore the wonders of our Museum.

Moving a 25,000-pound Sphinx is a feat in itself, but it is only one aspect of our transformation. Our new Main Level invites visitors to travel the world across continents and millennia, through vibrant new galleries. Joining the Middle East Galleries are new Africa Galleries and Mexico and Central America Gallery, showcasing rich and vibrant cultures that are so very important to our shared human story. In these new gallery spaces, visitors of all ages are invited to engage with objects and their stories through thoughtful displays that forge connections and spark curiosity. And we continue to invite everyone to learn beyond our galleries through special talks and programs: the Harrison Auditorium—one of the largest public spaces on Penn’s campus and an anchor of our public programming for more than a century—has been beautifully renovated, thanks to the support of our generous donors, including many of you who named newly reupholstered seats.

The transformation of our Main Level is dramatic. We are proud of what the first phase of construction has achieved and hope that, as members, you will share our pride and excitement too. But our building transformation, as you know, is about more than transforming our historic building. This November marks the launch of our new Penn Museum, with a visual identity that conveys our important place as a public museum as well as a university museum. Our new logo brings together archaeology and anthropology to create a portal, inviting all to step through and explore the human story, and new wayfinding alongside our expanded visitor amenities ensures that everyone feels comfortable and welcome to explore our spaces. Read more on p. 4 about how we worked to create this new look for and within the Museum.

As our members, you are an integral part of our Building Transformation and this exciting chapter of our Museum’s story. Please join us for special members-only events and for a grand reopening celebration on November 16 and 17. In the meantime, I hope that you enjoy exploring this issue, and that you will come and explore our new spaces soon. Welcome to the new Penn Museum.

Warm regards,
Siggers Signature

Cite This Article

Siggers, Julian. "Welcome to the New Penn Museum." Expedition Magazine 61, no. 2 (November, 2019): -. Accessed September 12, 2024. https://www.penn.museum/sites/expedition/welcome-to-the-new-penn-museum/

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