These pictures are all of sites where the University Museum has worked. Can you select the proper caption for each picture? Answers are on page 44.
The deep well at el-Jib, Jordan, which has been identified as the pool of Gibeon. Excavations in the Burned Building of the ninth century B.C. at Hasanlu, Iran. Monuments in process of excavation in the Great Plaza at Tikal, Guatemala. The city gate at Gordion, Turkey; Persian walls are on top of Phrygian.
The headdress of Queen Shub-ad as found in her tomb at Ur in southern Iraq.
The great stone enclosure at Tiahuanaco, Bolivia; the Gateway of the Sun in background.
The Authors
GEORGE F. BASS (“A Bronze Age Shipwreck”) obtained his M. A. from Johns Hopkins University in 1955 and is now working toward his Ph.D. degree in Classical Archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania. His mayor interest is the prehistoric Aegean. From 1955 to 1957 he was associated with the American School of Classical Studies in Athens; he was a member of the American School’s expedition to Lerna
in the Peloponnese and of the University Museum’s expedition to Gordian. From 1957 to 1959 he was with the U. S. Army in Korea; since then, has been associated with the Museum.
RODNEY S. YOUNG (“Footnote on Griffins”), Curator of the Mediterranean Section of the University Museum since 1949, initiated the excavation of Gordion in 1950. Since that time he has divided his time between his duties in the Museum, teaching in the University of Pennsylvania, and the direction of the Gordion Expedition. In 1953, he headed a reconnaissance expedition for the Museum to Afghanistan.
Between 1933 and 1940, Dr. Young was an Agora Fellow, later a Fulbright Fellow, at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens (except for an interlude for Government service during the war), where his particular interest was in the study and publication of Early Iron Age material. He has published numerous articles in his field in Hesperia and the American Journal of Archaeology.
ROBERT C. SMITH (“The Ruins of Rome”) obtained his Ph.D. degree from Harvard University. He is Professor of the History of Art at the University of Pennsylvania and Research Associate at the Henry Francis DuPont Winterthur Museum. He is also Honorary Consultant in Portuguese and Brazilian Studies at the Library of Congress, and is the author of a number of books in this field, including Franz
Friihbeck’s Brazilian Journey, just published by the University of Pennsylvania Press for the Historical Society of America, of which he is a Fellow. Dr. Smith has recently been appointed the first Fuibright Professor in Portugal and, beginning this February, will deliver a series of lectures on the art of the United States and of Portugal at the University and Museum of Fine Arts in Lisbon.
FRANCES W. JAMES (“Beth Shan”) entered archaeology as a pick-and-shovel volunteer on blitz sites in London and else where in England where she was stationed as a journalist. She moved on into academic archaeology at London University’s Institute of Archaeology, first doing a postgraduate diploma in the archaeology of the Roman Provinces in 1953. After her first season at Jericho, she decided to specialize in
Palestinian archaeology and earned a second diploma in that field. She came to the University Museum last spring to cull material from the Beth Shan collection for her doctoral dissertation which will deal with the Israelite levels there.
C. L. LUNDELL (“The Flora of Tikal”) has been director and chief botanist of the Texas Research Foundation since 1946. He has done considerable exploration in Central America, where he discovered the Maya cities of Calakmul and Poll. He was director and botanist of the University of Michigan—Carnegie Institution of Washington expedition to Mexico and Central America –from 1933 to 1938; in this
capacity he made a study of the flora at Uaxactun in the Peten, and for the last three years has been
associated with the University Museum expedition to Tikal. He is the author of numerous articles in his field in both scientific and popular publications.
Suggested Reading
A BRONZE AGE SHIPWRECK LL0NEL CAISSON, The Ancient Mariners. The Macmillan Co., New York. 1959.
PETER THROCKMORTON, Oldest Shipwreck Ever Found, National Geographic Magazine, May 1960. Washington. CAPT. J. Y. COUSTEAU With FREDERIC DUMAS, The Silent World. Harpers, New York. 1953.
PHILIPPE Thou, 4000 Years Under the Sea. Pan Books, London. 1957.
BETH SHAN W. F. ALBRIGHT, The Archaeology of Palestine. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth. 1960.
KATHLEEN KENYON, Archaeology in the Holy Land. Ernest Benn, London. 1960.