Where in the World?

By: Robert H. Dyson, Jr.

Originally Published in 1988

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Many people interested in The Univer­sity Museum ask from time to time about our research activities. To respond to these requests, Expedition publishes “Uni­versity Museum Research Projects (see p. 61). The range of these projects—in subject, space, and time—is great. During 1988, the Museum maintained an active program that included field research in 12 countries, laboratory analysis of technical samples, and preparation of research pub­lications. In addition to University Museum funds, these various projects have received grants and gifts from foundations and individuals. Web wish especially to thank the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Geographical Society, and the National Science Foundation for their support.

Field work was supported by the Museum at the following sites or regions: Combo Capelle, France (III. Dibble); La Quina, France (H. Dibble, P. Chase); Mycenae, Greece (S. Iako-vidis); Corinth, Greece (D. Romano); Vrokastro region, Greece (B. Hayden); Yugoslavia (A. Mann, J. Monge); Gordian, Turkey (G. K. Sams, M. Voigt); East Bengal, India (L. Horne); Thailand (V. Pigott); Abides, Egypt (I). O’Connor); Sierra Leone (K. Hardin); Kenya (K. Ryan); Sakajut, Guatemala (R. Sharer); Copan, I Honduras (R. Sharer); California (H. Michaels); and Silver Reef, Utah (R. Schuyler).

Analytical studies being carried on by the Museum Applied Science Center for Archae­ology under Stuart Fleming’s direction included work on Royal Purple dye (P. McGovern); production and trade in ancient Iraq (S. Fleming, M. Rothman); Neolithic copper arti­facts From Cayonu, Turkey (T. Stech); and ancient agricultural patterns in Turkey (N.Miller). Museum curators and staff also con­ducted research in preparation for major reports on excavations at Rojdi, India (G. Possehl);Ban Chiang, Thailand (J. White); Nippur, Iraq (R. Mettler); Hasanlu, Iran (M. de Scimanensee);Gordian,. Turkey (I. Romano); Abydos, Egypt (I). Silverman); and Tikal, Guatemala (C. Jones).

Research publications include three major series produced within the Museum. The University Museum Monographs are final reports on archaeological field work, usually sponsored by the Museum. Now in press are books on the excavations at Cordion, Turkey (A. Gunter, E.Kohler, G. K. Sams); Styrene, Libya (D. White); Beth Shan, Israel (P. McGovern for F. Jamest); Haft Tepe, Iran (E. Negahban); Malyan, Iran (I. Nicholas); and Tikal, Guatemala (W. Coe). The Sumerian Dictionary Project continues its study of the oldest known written language (A.Sjoberg, E. Leichty, H. Behrens, D. Loding). Also in preparation is a complete catalogue of the Museum’s tablet collection (E. Leichty, P. Gerardi). The Corpus Vasorum Project (K. De Vries) will provide a complete catalogue to the Museum’s collection of ancient Greek pot­tery (see p. 21).

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Jr., Robert H. Dyson,. "Where in the World?." Expedition Magazine 30, no. 2 (July, 1988): -. Accessed January 17, 2025. https://www.penn.museum/sites/expedition/where-in-the-world/

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