In 2004 a second small kiln (kiln 2) was exposed by wave erosion on
the northwestern slopes of the promontory. A rescue excavation was
therefore initiated in 2005 by Dr. Metaxia Tsipopoulou of the 24th
Greek Archaeological Department, Aghios Nikolaos (Hayden is field director).
This excavation has begun to reveal the scope of prehistoric and historical
industrial activity, which is embedded within the larger prehistoric
and historical harbor settlement. This settlement is demonstrated by
well-preserved architectural remains and pottery.
Excavation of the settlement and related industrial quarter will address
three issues and related questions that pertain to east Cretan and
Aegean archaeology:
1) Cultural history and development: How does the development
of this large diachronic coastal center accord with, or differ from,
other contemporary sites in eastern Crete, especially those recently
excavated sites along the eastern side of the Gulf? What can the
Greek phases of settlement, for example, reveal concerning the inception,
development, and history of this coastal polis? What do the Roman
phases demonstrate concerning the role Crete played in long-distance
trade? What does this settlement reveal concerning the agricultural
and manufacturing base, regional consumption, and exchange networks
across the Gulf and in the southern Aegean? For earlier periods,
does the rise of palatial Gournia in the Late Bronze Age accord with
the decline of adjacent, possibly ancillary sites in the Gulf? What
is the chronological range of the large Neolithic coastal settlement
that underlies the Bronze Age site? What are its links to central
Crete and the Cyclades? Is development continuous at this coastal
center from the Neolithic through the Bronze Age?
2) Regional Industries: a) Ceramic production: What
are the products, chronological range, and technological developments
of ceramic manufacture? Can these ceramics be differentiated from
other production centers?; can trade networks and perhaps polity
be traced through the distribution of these ceramics? b) Iron
smelting: Can chronological range and manufacturing techniques
be determined? What can this investigation reveal concerning the
relationship of Crete and Cyprus from the Early Iron Age to the early
Greek period? Is there a Phoenician presence? Does this technology
contribute to the economic and political development of Early Iron
Age regional powers such as Vrokastro, and 7th-6th c. B.C. city-states,
such as the nearby polis of Istron?
3) Environment: How were regional resources
used in craft production and agriculture? What opportunities and
constraints were presented by these resources?
Summary of Results of the 2005 Excavation by Trench
In 2005 four trenches were initially opened on the
western to central part of the promontory2. These were excavated
by M. Eaby (U. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill); J. Ott (New York
University, American School); A. Stamos (Temple University, INSTAP
Study Center) and Dr. H. Dierckx (Classical Studies, Elmira College,
NY). In addition to trenches placed over possible ceramic kilns/furnaces
in area A (trench A1000), and architectural relics in area G (trench
G2000), one trench (G1000) was placed over the large Minoan ceramic
kiln [1] eroding out of the west scarp, and in area H, on the eroded
northwest slopes, another trench (H1000) was placed over the small
kiln [2] revealed in 2004.
1. First Excavation View
2. Locations of Trenches
Area H
Three 5 by 5 meter trenches were eventually opened in area H on the eroded
northwest slopes of the promontory around the small kiln that appeared
in 2004. Because this is an eroded slope with shallow soil, no baulks were
used between trenches.
The small kiln (kiln 2: H1004) in trench H1000 is approximately
1 m. wide and 1.50 m. long. It is oriented northwest-southeast and
has two channels separated by a wall, with a firing chamber on the
down slope (western) side, closer to the sea and placed to utilize
the northwest updraft winds2. This kiln can be described as either
a channel or updraft type. The kiln walls consisted of calcined small
stone and mud packing forming the curved exterior eastern wall; this
encircling wall is partially preserved on the south and north sides
of the kiln, and projecting bedrock was also used in kiln construction.
Within some of these crevices a great deal of broken pottery was found,
with sherds dated primarily to the Early Minoan period. This pottery
was accompanied by burned and raw clay and carbon.
Two surfaces were found in the two channels of the
kiln, a lower burned mud-packing on the bedrock, and a higher surface
of burned mud (both 6-8 cm. thick), the upper separated from the lower
by 20-25 cm. of burned soil. It is possible that these two surfaces
might indicate two periods of use. The few sherds found in this soil
between the two surfaces were primarily Early Minoan in date, although
one sherd, a so-called 'beehive' shape with incised cross-hatched lines
on the interior, is probably later (Middle to Late Minoan). These sherds
cannot be used to establish the chronology of the kiln, however, as
they might have been washed into the opening between the two layers
of mud-packing from the west. Pots to be fired in a channel kiln would
normally have been placed on stone slabs set to span the
channels, allowing hot air to flow from the small western firing chamber
under and over the vessels. A hole in the dome allowed heat and smoke
to exit the kiln. In this case, possibly the vases were placed on the
thick clay layer spanning the channel.
Small half-formed bits of clay that had been pinched into rough shapes
were also recovered from this trench and from H3000 (and were found
in trench G1000 as well, near the larger kiln). These were fired and
sometimes one pinched end was hastily pricked or incised; these roughly
worked small pieces of clay may have been used to stack or set vases
in the kiln. A very large burned tripod(?)3 leg was also found in the
kiln in the second pass, near the southern end of the east channel.
Other examples of these large 'legs' were recovered from this trench
and from trench G1000 to the south, where another large ceramic kiln
was excavated. At present their purpose is unknown. Although all are
burned (either thoroughly or at the tip), some still retain clay slip
and they were made on reed mats, as the flat side of the 'leg' sometimes
retains the woven impression. They are consistently tempered with granodiorite,
chaff, quartz, limestone, and gold mica. These may have been the legs
of huge cauldrons or baking plates, or the legs might have been used
to hold up firing platforms in kilns, or perhaps were used (individually)
to block the opening in the top of the kiln to produce a reduction
atmosphere. With further excavation, more artifacts that could be interpreted
as kiln equipment or furniture may be identified.
The mixed chronology of the sherds found between the two surfaces in the
kiln cannot provide a firm date for this small structure. Another similar
kiln, of Late Minoan I date, has been excavated in an industrial quarter
at the nearby harbor settlement at Mochlos, east of the Isthmus of Hierapetra
(Soles et al. 2003: 80-89, fig. 52). This similarity in structure
suggests that the Priniatikos Pyrgos example also belongs to the Late Bronze
Excavation will continue in 2006 in trench H2000, located directly east
of trench H1000. Surface cleaning in this trench revealed evidence of metalworking
in the form of a large convex piece of iron slag possibly from the bottom
of a shaft furnace, bits of bronze, and two lead rivets, mold-made. Bits
of melted glass may suggest other industrial activities, and obsidian was
also found in this trench. Bronze Age, plentiful historical pottery, stone
tools, bone, plaster, and carbon were also recovered. In the southeastern
corner, part of a large wall was revealed, and abundant pebbles, possibly
from a destroyed floor located east of the wall.
Trench H3000 revealed part of a probable Minoan workshop
area located directly south of the small kiln in trench H1000. H3000
is defined by small rooms and Minoan (Bronze Age) walls bedded on soil.
From the first removal of surface soil, stone tools, obsidian, sherds,
and mud packing were revealed. Excavation of the area H3003 on the
western side of the trench revealed a number of marine shells washed
up against the base of the north-south wall H3003 2. Part
of a bronze pin, an olive pit, and stone weights were found in Area
H3002, in the center of the trench. This material was interpreted by
the excavator as slope wash. In the southwest corner of the trench
(locus H3004), two 5-cm. diameter holes were found drilled into a large
stone that is probable bedrock. These holes are not aligned, but open
at different angles. Thus their function is not understood; excavation
will continue in 2006 in the area around this feature. Flanking this
area on the north is wall H3005, which extends southeast, widens, and
turns into a broad wall H3006 that may have functioned as a platform
or bench.
Bronze Age floors were found near walls H3008, H3013,
and H3009, composed of pebble packing covered by a thin smoothed layer
of yellow-white clay. Located just above this floor between the walls
oriented northeast-southwest (H3008 and H3013) were painted fine-ware
cups. These are of probable early Neopalatial date; one has flaring
walls and a vertical handle3. One cup was found upright,
and a long clay water-channel or drain with handles was found directly
east, parallel to wall H3013, and bedded on a floor4. A Middle Minoan
II-III date for this water channel is suggested by its coarse clay
fabric, which contains abundant granodiorite.
The irregular limestone bedrock surface in trench H3000
was leveled by enclosing depressions with small stones and filling
in these areas with cobbles, stone tools, and sherds taken from other
areas of the site. Although surface pottery was mixed, the majority
of these sherds packed into the karst depressions belonged to the Early
Bronze Age, especially to the Vasilike ware style. A large variety
of pottery shapes in Vasilike Ware were recovered from this trench
and from trench H1000, including small jars and jugs, bowls, conical
and footed globular cups, trays, and larger storage shapes5. Vasilike
Ware is a hard-fired ceramic with a burnished, mottled surface with
color varying from red to orange and red-brown to black. The mottled
surface color is deliberate and produced in the firing of the vessel.
At least three clay fabrics were identified in Vasilike Ware, and the
quality of these vases (e.g., firing, surface treatment, care in shaping)
varies widely. The presence of granodiorite inclusions in the clay
fabrics of some of these Vasilike vases also indicates local manufacture,
probably at Priniatikos Pyrgos.
Area G is located 30 meters to the south of area H, along
the lower west slopes of the promontory. One trench, G1000, was opened
up on a steep slope around a large kiln (kiln 1: G1004) which had been
eroding out of the slope for over a decade. Excavation along the east
side of this trench revealed a deep cross-section of strata that illustrates
much of the history of the site, from Final Neolithic/Early Minoan through
the Roman period2. The
highest stratum (loci G1001-G1008) consists of loose
gray soil, 1.5 meters thick, containing everything from modern garbage
to pottery of all periods. Near the surface and throughout this upper
stratum several extremely vitrified sherds of Late Roman date testify
to the presence of a Roman ceramic kiln on the site2a.
Also found in these passes of gray soil were parts of iron and bronze
artifacts, loomweights, glass, a small greenstone lid, burned clay, and
groundstone tools3.
A large and loosely built terrace wall (G1003) is located
at the highest elevation along the east side of the trench. It survives
in three courses and judging by its depth, could belong to the Greek
or later periods. The base of this terrace wall is ca. 1.50 m. below
the modern surface, at the bottom of the modern-to-recent loose gray
soil stratum. Below and slightly to the west of the large terrace is
another wall, G1006, built of cobble-sized stone. This wall is three
to four stones wide and one course high, and appears to be a leveling
course or perhaps part of a road, as the top surface of these cobbles
is worn. This cobble wall is bedded on a thick, deep yellow-brown soil/clay
layer on the south side of the trench, which descends to the excavated
base of the trench. Directly below this cobble wall, a thin stratum of
yellow clay suggests a possible floor. This possible surface was associated
with Late Minoan pottery.
Below this potential floor, the yellow-brown, claylike
soil stratum extends downward to a depth of over one meter. It contains
small pieces of white lime plaster, Minoan sherds, carbon, small rocks,
and patches of red, burned clay. The claylike soil may be derived from
ancient construction--either mudbrick or roofing material. More Middle
and Late Minoan pottery was recovered from the north side of the trench,
especially from 1.50 m. below the surface. Other finds from this trench
include stone weights and tools, obsidian blades and flakes, metal fragments,
a bone pin or needle, and in the baulk along the northeastern side of
the trench, a small painted clay boat of Bronze Age date4. Fragments
of possible potters' wheels and clay bats for holding vases on the wheel
were also recovered. Much of the pottery recovered from the deep yellow
soil stratum dated to the Neopalatial period (MM III-Late Minoan I),
although LM III (Postpalatial) sherds were also found in the trench5.
At the base of the yellow stratum, narrow strata or lens
of yellow-white clay were seen in the baulk interbedded or lying over
thin strata of beach pebbles. These thin strata could be prepared surfaces
or floors laid over pebble packing, and these strata extend in the eastern
baulk to the north edge of the trench (similarly prepared surfaces were
also found in trenches H3000 and G2000). Below these lens a paving made
of green schist was revealed, with one paving stone having an incised
'kernos,' a Minoan form associated with cult and used to hold offerings
(see the plan, above)6. Early Minoan sherds of third millennium date
began to be found at this level, suggesting that the paving may belong
to this period, but more excavation needs to be completed in this area
before the date of the paving can be established. The schist paving is
on the same approximate level as the lower of two limestone pavements
found on the north side of the trench (see the plan of the trench, above).
A large Late Minoan ceramic channel kiln, G1004, is the
central feature of this trench (see the plan of the trench, above), and
the kiln is located between the north and south pavements. The kiln contains
three channels or flues and parts of these are still preserved7. These
channels extend west to a firing chamber that the sea has destroyed.
The southern exterior wall preserves an east-west dimension for the kiln
of over 3 meters, indicating that the structure is a large example of
its type. The small cobbled-sized stones carefully packed over a thick
clay platform at the preserved back of the kiln may have been placed
there as a surface for pottery to be fired. Pottery found in strata near
the kiln suggest a date of Middle Minoan III through Late Minoan I(A?)
for this structure.
This type of kiln is known from several other sites on
the island and belongs to the Neopalatial period. A larger and well-published
example of this type was found at the Minoan harbor of Kommos in southern
Crete (Shaw et al. 2001: 20), and others have been found at
Vathypetro, Aghia Triada, Phaistos, Knossos, and Zakros. The presence
of these two kilns indicates that Priniatikos Pyrgos was a probable pottery
production center and coastal distribution point for regional ceramics
in the early Neopalatial period, and possibly during earlier periods
as well. These vases manufactured at the site can be identified or traced
because of one key marker--the presence of the igneous rock temper--granodiorite.
Thus ceramics produced at Priniatikos Pyrgos may be traceable in the
archaeological and historical record. This ability to track the distribution
of pottery from Priniatikos Pyrgos provides a unique opportunity to record
trade contacts within the Mirabello area, eastern Crete, and the Aegean.
The Roman-period wasters found at Priniatikos Pyrgos also indicate pottery
was manufactured here in the historical period, and this may prove useful
in reconstructing trade networks for the later periods.
The presence of these two kilns indicates that Priniatikos
Pyrgos was a probable pottery production center and coastal distribution
point for regional ceramics during the Bronze Age, as were other Minoan
coastal sites, such as Kommos in the south (Shaw 1997, 2000, 2001), and
Gouves (Vallianou 1997) and Mochlos (Soles et al., 1997, 2000) on the
north coast. These vases were exports to be sold abroad or shipped as
containers for regional produce (for example, wine, honey, oil). Wasters
(very burned sherds) of Roman date from the site also indicate that ceramic
production continued into the historical periods. Because pottery manufactured
at the site contains granodiorite temper, it is possible that the distribution
of these ceramics can be traced in eastern Crete and beyond.
Trench G2000 was placed on the level surface above and
just southeast of the slope containing trench G1000. This trench was
placed in an area where remote sensing indicated habitations and possible
kilns. Almost immediately below the surface a cobbled east-west narrow
road or 'calderimi' was found of probable Venetian or Ottoman date. This
road was built over walls of one (or two) Roman structures (walls G2006,
2007, 2012). The more massive wall in the southeastern corner of the
trench, G2003, may have been the external wall of this structure. No
Roman floor was found associated with these walls, which are quite close
to the surface. Below the Roman walls, fragmentary walls of probable
Greek date were found, based on the associated pottery (G2020, G2037)
along the south side of the trench and north of the calderimi. In the
southeast corner, Area 1, and extending into Area 2 and 3, a thick deposit
or midden of Greek pottery accompanied by ash, bone, shell, and stone
tools was found ca. 60 cm. below the surface. The gray ashy soil was
collected for sediment flotation of stratified paleobotanical and zooarchaeological
remains. This will occur in an regional environment already carefully
documented in terms of the extent of agricultural potential and production,
soil conditions, and plant communities (Vrokastro Reports 2, 3).
The ash deposit contained high-quality Greek pottery2 predominantly
of the sixth through fourth century B.C., although some sherds could
belong to the Early Iron Age (LM IIIC/PG)3. This Greek-period pottery
consists primarily of fine and medium-coarse wares (cups, bowls, basins,
jugs and jars) and is both locally produced, based on observation of
clay fabrics, and imported (including Attic black-glazed wares and sherds
with red-figure decoration). These vases will provide insights concerning
trade contacts and the extent and nature of regional ceramic production
during the Greek period. At the bottom of this deposit, a quern was located
in an upright position, surrounded by stone tools, the assemblage suggesting
a floor. This floor was of yellow, claylike soil, hard-packed and identical
in color and consistency to the deep yellow strata of trench G1000. The
quern and stone tools were also located on a level that accords with
the base of the probable Greek wall G2020 in the south baulk, 1.10 m.
below the surface.
Below this, a stratum (G2028) of yellowish brown hard-packed
soil with small pebbles and rocks was found; this produced little pottery
and bone, but some carbon and many stone tools. The presence of carbon
and the claylike dense soil suggests roofing material. A possible bin
was excavated in the northeast corner of Area 1. Another feature (G2032)
appears to be a stone-built drain, paralleling the southern baulk4. No
certain floor could be associated with the base of this drain. The last
stratum (G2030) excavated in Area 1, at a depth of 1.30 m., revealed
more hard yellow claylike soil with many small pieces of white plaster,
these not horizontal in the soil but angled into this surface. The presence
of this plaster indicates the depth and location of a possible damaged
floor. On this possible floor, sherds recovered belonged to both the
Greek period and the Bronze Age.
Area 2, in the southwestern part of trench G2000, produced
two thick strata of gray-brown and yellowish brown soil after removal
of the upper gray loose soil. These units contained stone tools, glass,
loomweights, and a quern. The next stratum, G2018, contained the head
of a small terracotta figurine5. The
yellowish brown soil continued from this point with bits of carbon to
the top of a large, well-preserved, probable Bronze Age wall (G2035),
oriented north-northeast-south-southwest6. This wall was composed of
rounded pieces of limestone, in contrast to the later Greek and Roman
walls, that were built of more angular limestone. The base of wall G2035
is associated with a contemporary floor to the east located at a depth
of 1.40 m. below the surface. This floor consists of bits of white plaster
(better preserved, but corresponding in appearance and depth, at 1.40
m., to stratum/floor G2030 in Area 1, directly east). Bits of white plaster
were found with pieces of burnished red plaster, perhaps from the floor
surface. Only a few Bronze Age sherds were found on this floor (these
were Middle and Late Minoan), thus the floor may have been cleaned off
for later construction. Wall G2035 suggests the presence of well-preserved
Bronze Age phases within the overall multi-period settlement area. One
of the objectives for the 2006 fieldwork season is to continue the excavation
of this small area. It should be noted that the possible Bronze Age floors
identified in Areas 1 and 2 accord in depth and composition to the first
Bronze Age surface identified within nearby Trench G1000.
Directly north, the narrow Area 3 is defined by the southern
side of the calderimi, which will be removed in 2006, and wall G2011
on the south7. This is part
of another interior room that again revealed the western end of the ashy
deposit that was detected in Area 1. In this area another pebble-packed
Greek floor was identified, dated by the sherds found on this surface,
accompanied by the large painted hand of a ceramic figurine8. This Greek
surface accords in depth to the higher Greek floor (G2017) identified
in Area 1.
The structures within Area G belong to both the prehistoric
period and to later phases of historical antiquity. Some of these buildings
could be the habitations of craftsmen who were involved in production
of ceramics and metal at the site. Further excavation of this trench
and area G has the potential to reveal the nature of prehistoric and
historical (Greek and Roman) habitation and industrial activity, as well
as data concerning agriculture and pastoralism within the region (derived
from flotation of sediments and study of animal bone). Remote sensing
in area G also indicated the likely presence of more kilns and furnaces,
located directly south of trench G2000. With further excavation, the
relationship between the deep strata in the scarp (G1000) and the strata
under the level surface of the hill top (G2000) will be understood, and
the relationship between these habitations and industrial activity explicated.
To the east and toward the center of the promontory,
trench A1000 was placed in an area where remote sensing identified possible
smelting furnaces or ceramic kilns. The trench was placed on the southeastern
slope of the promontory, 20 m. below the crest of the headland, where
the ruined apse of the chapel can still be seen. This foundation is identified
in local tradition with a chapel dedicated to the Panaghia (Virgin),
and held to be the oldest of the coastal chapels. Excavation
revealed at 0.40 m. below the surface a broad, well-preserved, worn limestone
paving of possible Late Roman or Byzantine date2. The paving, possibly
a road or a plateia (courtyard), extends across the trench toward the
northeast, perhaps leading up to the chapel. Since the pavement was not
continuous across the entire trench, excavation continued at its edges,
in an attempt to determine its date. On the west side of the paving,
and 15 cm. below it, a wall (A1004) was found extending to the northeast.
It is composed for part of its length of small pieces of schist along
the wall top, suggesting a leveling course for a mudbrick wall above.
Pieces of limestone are used for most of its coursing, however, and two
interior rooms to the west are indicated by a wall extending west with
a right-angle. A few Greek sherds were found on the top of this wall,
and a small area excavated to its east revealed hard-packed sandy soil.
The date of the structure has not been determined, but it may be Greek
or Roman.
At the southeastern corner, a wall of larger stones (A1005),
some set on-edge, is oriented to the northeast and appears to be the
formal edge or boundary of the paving. The small angular pieces of loosely
'set' stone 10-15 cm. below the paving in this area appears to be a rough
bedding course for the paved surface.
At the northwest corner of the trench (A1006, A1008,
A1002.5), small to large pieces of rubble enclose small curved areas
containing fine burned gray-black soil3. These small curved walls are
packed with bits of burned clay that appears to be fused with iron slag,
suggesting that these features were probable iron-smelting shaft furnaces.
Directly to the south of the possible small shaft furnace A1008, a piece
of burned, curved furnace lining was recovered. These possible furnaces
are not located directly on the level of the limestone paving, but are
pedestalled on earth 10-15 cm. above the pavement. This suggests that
the metallurgical activity, at least in this area, may be late or post-antique.
Three types of slag were also found in the trench: large
to small pieces of iron slag; a glassy, green-colored lighter slag (derived
from copper or iron smelting, or from glass?); and a light, coarse crystalline,
glassy black and white slag. The first type of slag indicates the smelting
of iron ore, though glass or lime may also have been manufactured in
this area. Directly west and outside the trench, a large area of slag
has been identified, strewn across the western slopes of the promontory
(this area is now cultivated in cactus)4. Judging by the size of this
slag heap, it is probable that many more furnaces will be identified
with further excavation of the area. According to the results of the
geophysical prospection, these lie to the north and northwest of trench
In addition to slag and related material, parts of iron
spikes, some small pieces of bronze (probable bits of jewelry), stone
tools, tile, plaster, and Roman glass were recovered from this trench.
A few Bronze Age sherds were recovered from large units of pottery that
were primarily Roman-Byzantine/Venetian in date, with some sherds from
later periods.
Trench A2000
Two passes taken across the trench directly north (A2000) revealed probable
wall collapse in the north central part of the trench, possibly part
of the church complex. This mound of debris was mixed with plaster and
tile roofing fragments. Iron spikes and a large iron hinge were also
found, and much more slag was found along the south side of this second
trench. Continued excavation in this area has the potential to reveal
a late Roman/early Byzantine chapel or small basilica complex and a larger
part of the metalworking aspects of the site.
Mapping Project
Antonia Stamos of the INSTAP Study Center began a mapping
project with an EDM on the site after the close of the excavation. The
first task was to map the location of trenches and features. A contour
mapping project was then begun that continued for three weeks, and mapping
of most of the promontory was completed in 2005. Contour mapping will
continue in the Kambos, between Priniatikos Pyrgos and Nisi Pandeleimon,
which is the location of the large prehistoric and historical harbor
Continued excavation of Priniatikos Pyrgos will reveal
the cultural development of the region through exploration of the largest
prehistoric and historical coastal site in central-western Mirabello,
and the industrial and agricultural base that sustained and transformed
this long-term settlement. A developing exchange network in industrial
and agricultural products can also be documented in Crete and the southern
Aegean, this extending from the fourth millennium B.C. through the first
millennium A.D. Few well-preserved coastal sites of this chronological
and functional range have been investigated within Crete. Continued exploration
of this coastal site is key to understanding the cultural and economic
development of west-central Mirabello from the Final Neolithic to the
Late Roman/Byzantine periods.