The Priniatikos Pyrgos Project is the result
of three decades of fieldwork and research within a 50-square kilometer
area of eastern Crete that flanks the central to western side of the
broad Gulf of Mirabello1. This recent research has engendered the
Priniatikos Pyrgos Geoarchaeological Project and Excavation, which
will be described in this web site. References to publications detailing
these decades of research are included within the bibliography of this
web site. These references are accompanied by references to articles,
published and in-process, that describe the current excavation of Priniatikos
Pyrgos, the primary harbor settlement of this region, and exploration
of its environment.
Priniatikos Pyrgos is a coastal promontory located
in a broad sandy embayment directly north of Kalo Chorio village and
the Istron River valley2. The
estuary of the Istron River is located directly east of Priniatikos
Pyrgos, set in a rich deltaic floodplain with deep soil, abundant vegetation,
and water3. The coastal harbor
settlement located on Priniatikos Pyrgos extends eastward, to encompass
the next large promontory of Nisi Pandeleimon4, and involves several
millennia of occupation, from the Neolithic through the Venetian/Ottoman
The geoarchaeological program and excavation are being conducted through
the auspices of the Mediterranean Section of the University of Pennsylvania
Museum; The Laboratory of Geophysical-Satellite Remote Sensing and Archaeo-environment,
Institute of Mediterranean Studies, Foundation for Research and Technology,
Rethymnon, Crete; The Laboratory of Archaeometry, Institute of Materials
Science, NCSR, Demokritos, Athens; and the 24th Department of Archaeology,
Aghios Nikolaos, Crete. The INSTAP Study Center in Pacheia Ammos, Crete,
is the research facility that will be utilized for analyses and storage
of finds from the excavation. Generous support for this project has been
provided by The Institute for Aegean Prehistory, the University of Pennsylvania
Museum, the American Philosophical Society, and the Loeb Classical Library
1. Map of the Study Area
2. Map of the Coast
3. View of the Delta
4a. Priniatikos Pyrgos from the West
4b. Priniatikos Pyrgos from Vrokastro
The pioneering work undertaken by Edith Hall (Dohan)
of the University of Pennsylvania Museum in eastern Crete (Hall 1914,
1915) centered upon excavation of the Bronze and Early Iron Age refuge
settlement of Vrokastro, located on a mountain peak that flanks the Istron
coastal zone of the central to western Gulf of Mirabello coast, eastern
Crete1. When Hall's work at Vrokastro
was completed in 1912, she began a brief excavation on the coastal promontory
of Priniatikos Pyrgos, where she believed a Minoan harbor town was located.
This brief excavation yielded much fine Minoan pottery that belonged
to both the Early and Late Minoan periods (third and second millennium
B.C.)2. A large Roman settlement was also discovered built over and damaging
part of the Bronze Age town. Minoan vases excavated at the site are part
of the Mediterranean collection of the University of Pennsylvania Museum
and have been published (Betancourt 1978, 1983).
Seventy years after Hall's pioneering efforts, new research
involving an intensive, systematic survey
of the Vrokastro region and
its environment was begun by Barbara Hayden of the Mediterranean Section,
University of Pennsylvania Museum, and Jennifer Moody of Baylor University.
The study area extended east-west from the Gournia Plain to the Istron/Kalo
Chorio Valley, and south to the upland, inland Meseleroi Valley3. The
survey documented the settlement history and environment of the Vrokastro
region from the Final Neolithic to the Ottoman periods, and has been
published in The Vrokastro Reports 1-3, 2002-5
(see the Bibliography). These sites were identified and dated through
clusters of pottery found on the surface, and the environmental framework
for these settlement systems was established through studies of plant
communities, water resources, soil, and land-use. Greek and Roman inscriptions
describing treaties and sanctuaries involving the region provided data
concerning the Vrokastro area during historical antiquity. Medieval historical
accounts and demographic data were used to interpret the Byzantine through
Ottoman settlement patterns established through survey. This in-depth
reconstruction of all aspects of life in the landscape established in
both broad and specific terms the cultural development of the region.
One additional goal of the Vrokastro Survey was to identify a site within
the survey boundaries that could reveal a stratified record of the entire
historical development of the region. New fieldwork followed old, for
the site selected, based on its size, potential complexity, and millennia-long
history, was Priniatikos Pyrgos. Excavation of this primary center will
provide stratified contexts by which to more carefully assess regional
development and synthesize results of the survey.
1. View of Vrokastro
2. Pottery from Edith Hall's Excavations
3. The Boundaries of the Survey Area
At the close of the Vrokastro Survey Project the primary
harbor settlement of the survey region, Priniatikos Pyrgos, was selected
for further study. In 2002 the Istron/Priniatikos Pyrgos Geoarchaeological
Project was initiated in order to explore the nature and environment
of this key coastal settlement. The investigation was implemented through
geophysical prospection (remote sensing) and a new fieldwork study
of the geology, soils, topography, and resources of the Istron coastal
zone. Remote sensing on and near Priniatikos Pyrgos was conducted by
Dr. Apostolos Sarris (of the Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Foundation
of Research and Technology, Rethymnon)1. Results
indicated well-preserved architectural relics, possibly stratified
in two phases, especially in grids G and A in the central to western
parts of the site2,3. Dr.
Yannis Bassiakos (Demokritos Archaeometry Laboratory, Athens) identified
a large iron slag heap on the west slopes of the promontory4, where
metal smelting furnaces could utilize the northwest sea winds. Slag
also indicated early ironworking at the Early Iron Age settlement of
Vrokastro, and in the center of the Greek harbor town of Istron, located
on the large promontory of Nisi Pandeleimon, directly east of Priniatikos
Pyrgos. The unique regional geology may provide the ore source, as
the igneous diorite and granitics ('granodiorite')5 found
in Mirabello are accompanied by iron ore in the form of magnetite.
Other evidence for pyrotechnical industries on Priniatikos Pyrgos included
a possible channel/flue kiln, which was seen eroding into the sea along
the western edge of the promontory6. This type of Minoan (Bronze Age)
kiln has channels linked to the firing chamber that help to circulate
hot air through the kiln. Remote sensing on the promontory of Priniatikos
Pyrgos therefore revealed part of an extensive harbor settlement involving
long periods of prehistoric and historical occupation, accompanied
by an industrial, pyrotechnical function (production of ceramics and
metal), which involved both the prehistoric period and historical antiquity.
The potential size of this harbor settlement was revealed through remote
sensing in grids established along the coast, east and west of Priniatikos
Pyrgos (Sarris unpublished technical report 2003). Remote sensing revealed
shallow subsurface architectural relics of probable Greek or Roman
date extending to the south and east of Priniatikos Pyrgos, and massive
walls under a soccer field in an area called the Kambos, approximately
250 m. east of Priniatikos Pyrgos (Sarris unpublished report 2004)7. Before
remote sensing was undertaken in the soccer field area, a series of
cores and trenches were excavated to document the topography of the
coastal zone. One unexpected result was the appearance of abundant
Bronze Age sherds overlying more deeply buried Final Neolithic/Early
Minoan pottery. The elevation of the Bronze Age pottery accords with
the depth of the massive walls under the soccer field; the Neolithic-Early
Minoan phase was deeper, located directly above the water table. These
early phases were documented on both sides of the soccer field, suggesting
that a large 4th and 3rd millennium B.C. settlement underlies a Bronze
Age settlement in the Kambos. Directly east of the Kambos, the Vrokastro
Survey Project identified the large Greek harbor town or polis of
Preliminary results of the Istron Geoarchaeological Project indicated
that Priniatikos Pyrgos was part of a much larger harbor settlement, extending
to the Kambos and Nisi Pandeleimon, and involves five millennia of occupation,
from the Neolithic through the Venetian/Ottoman periods. In terms of lifespan,
size, and functional diversity, this harbor site appears primary along
the west-central coast of the Gulf of Mirabello. The genesis of settlement
here is environment: a rich, well-watered coastal zone and valleys, the
nexus of cross-island routes, a protected anchorage, and access to unique
regional resources utilized in local industries. These included iron ore,
granodiorite used as a ceramic clay temper and in stone tool production,
fresh water, clay for ceramics, and fuel for ceramic kilns and furnaces.
Topography is also a key factor, as the western slope of Priniatikos Pyrgos,
facing the sea winds, is ideal for pyrotechnical industrial activity, and
the broad sandy embayments afford an ideal anchorage for boats.
1. The Grids used in the Geoarchaeological