This timeline is based on the detailed descriptions of the project that Worth recorded during 1966. The timeline goes day by day through the complete ten weeks of the project, including summaries and excerpts.
The organization is based on Worth’s own organization and labeling of his papers. The citations refer to the Sol Worth Papers (UPT 50 W933), University of Pennsylvania Archives, Philadelphia, PA. [Hereafter referred to as Worth Papers]. The papers and finding aid are available to the public.
A citation such as B14FF27PP81-2 refers to Box 14, File Folder 27, Pages 81-82. Where a specific passage has not been cited, the citation includes the entire day.
Pre Project: Friday, March 11- Thursday, March 17
Preliminary Week: Wednesday, June 1 – Sunday, June 5
Week 1: Monday, June 6 – Friday, June 10
Week 2: Saturday, June 11 – Sunday, June 19
Week 3: Monday, June 20 – Saturday, June 25
Week 4: Sunday, June 26 – Monday, July 4
Week 5: Tuesday, July 5 – Sunday, July 10
Week 6: Monday, July 11 – Sunday, July 17