Monday, June 20
The class starts a new schedule, as “Most of the students were ready to work fairly independently.” Worth discusses what will happen to the films when the project ends, and brings up the idea of showing the finished films to the Pine Springs community (B14FF29PP201-203).
Tuesday, June 21
Students continue to work independently at different stages of the filmmaking process (B14FF29P204-211).
Wednesday, June 22
Students shoot at various locations. Worth writes,
Everybody is out shooting today. John Adair took Suzy to her mother’s with 300 foot of plus X negative and 100 of 4X negative. Suzy seems to know what she is doing and John wants to compare her shooting with Mike’s. Mike Anderson got his brother’s car and his little brother and they are going over to the lake to shoot the scenes of the boy washing clothes (B14FF29P212).
Thursday, June 23
Worth’s wife, Tobia, and daughter, Debbie, arrive in Pine Springs (B14FF29P215).
Friday, June 24
Worth brings up the concept of edemes and cademes:
I gave the girls a lesson in writing for editing. The purpose of this was to introduce the concept of the time of the shot on the screen. My edeme versus cademe idea. Up to now I have acted as if the shot – the cademe – were the only unit that was used. The students have to a little extent cut out some film, but only in very tiny segments at a time. I am curious to know if this is because I haven’t told them that they may cut something out or because everything that they shoot seems usable(B14FF29P217).
He also discusses the use of time in filmmaking:
This time I wanted to introduce them to the idea of time. I did this as a part of a discussion about design – as in weaving – and rhythm as in music, making the analogy of a design in a rug which has different lengths of yarn of each color and different amounts of design. A wide strip followed by a narrow strip. In music I used the analogy fast and slow. I spent about 30 minutes and then asked them to do between 10 and 15 shots listing the content of the shot – the time in seconds – and weather it is a close up medium shot or long shot (B14FF29P217).
Saturday, June 25
Worth travels with his family, the other researchers, or both (notes are unclear) to First Mesa, Zuni, Ramah, and El Morro (B14FF29P219).
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