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History of Warfare
Weapons and Armor
East Greek Hoplite Aryballos
ca. 600&endash;570 BC
This little container, intended to hold perfume or scented unguents, gives
a naturalistic impression of a warrior´s face staring out from behind
his protective helmet. Compare this Ionian helmet type, with its separately
attached cheek pieces, with the bronze examples (MS 1608, MS 1534).
H. 6.5; L. 6.0; W. 5.5 cm.
Photo courtesy Public Information Office, Univ. of Pennsylvania Museum (99k)
Greek weaponry and armor underwent a continuous evolution in design from the
Bronze Age to the Byzantine period. The arms with which the individual foot
soldier was normally equipped included various combinations of swords, spears,
javelins, bows and arrows, and sling-propelled pellets. Mechanical stone and
bolt-throwers played an increasingly important role in siege and countersiege
tactics during the 4th century BC and later. Catapults were either torsional
machines or bow-driven.
The basic elements of body armor consisted of a shield (hoplon, from which comes the name hoplite for the Greek infantryman), helmet, cuirass or breastplate, and separate arm, thigh, lower leg and foot protectors. As time went on, the arm, leg and foot protectors were discarded in order to permit greater mobility. The word for an individual soldier´s equipment of weapons and armor is panoply. Made from a combination of materials including iron and bronze, it could be very expensive (as much as the equivalent of a modern car according to some experts).