Vol. 17 / No. 4

By: Donald White

Archaic Cyrene and the Cult of Demeter and Persephone

The rapid outward movement of the ancient Greeks from their mainland homes between the 10th and 6th centuries B.C., first […]

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Vol. 18 / No. 2

By: Linny Schenk, Irene F. Bald, Marcia Bloom, Karen Chance, Gerald P. Schaus, Susan Tutweiler, Donald White and Brian R. MacDonald

Seven Recently Discovered Sculptures from Cyrene, Eastern Libya

Readers of this magazine have already been introduced to some features of the University Museum’s Cyrene project, but the focus […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: Donald White

Roman Athletics: Classical Antecedents to the National Mania

I: Contrasting Attitudes “Modern versus the Antique “In the Michaelmas term after leaving school, Tom Brown received a summons from […]

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Vol. 27 / No. 2

By: Donald White

The Game of Trigon

From Roman Athletics: Classical Antecedents to the National Mania “All at once we saw a bald old man [Trimalchio–Ed.] in […]

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Vol. 28 / No. 3

By: Donald White

The Morris Coin: A Masterpiece by Euaenetus

“Somewhere in the misty field if the seas / where Ortygia lies by Thrinakria / Apheiis’s bubbling miuth intermingles / […]

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Vol. 34 / No. 1-2

By: Donald White

Illustrations by the Early Travelers: An Appreciation of a Lost Art

The following 15 North African coastal scenes were executed by four artist-explorers between roughly 1820 and 1865. The geographic region […]

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Vol. 34 / No. 1-2

By: Donald White

Preface: Excavations at The Extramural Sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone at Cyrene, 1969-1981

Ceres, thou most bounteous lady, thy rich leas Of wheat, rye, barley, vetches, oats, and pease; Thy turf y mountains, where live […]

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Vol. 34 / No. 1-2

By: Donald White

The Sanctuary’s History and Architecture

Archaeologists know from ex­perience that Demeter sanctuaries can be counted on to warehouse large quantities of ob­jects. The worship of […]

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Vol. 34 / No. 1-2

By: Donald White

Statue Breakers and Spirit Exorcists: The Earthquake Destruction and Its Aftereffects

The Sanctuary’s later days are marred by acts of violence that form a disturbing con­trast with its apparently tranquil preceding […]

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Vol. 39 / No. 3

By: Donald White

Of Coffins, Curses, and Other Plumbeous Matters: The Museum's Lead Burial Casket from Tyre

Many have taken voluminous pains to determine the state of the soul upon disunion; but men have been most phantastical […]

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Vol. 41 / No. 3

By: Donald White

Renovating the Etruscan and Roman Galleries

What with a total replacement of its fire safety and security system and the imminent addition of the new Mainwaring […]

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Vol. 45 / No. 2

By: Donald White

Setting the Record Straight: The Contorted History of the Museum's Theseus Mosaic

The Cretans … say that the Labyrinth was only an ordinary prison, having no other bad quality but that it […]

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Vol. 46 / No. 3

By: Donald White

What Is a Water Trough Where a Horse Can’t Even Get a Drink?: An Abandonded Roman Sarcophagus By the Wissahickon

Now the Wissahiccon is of so remarkable a loveliness that, were it flowing in England, it would be theme of […]

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Vol. 52 / No. 3

By: Donald White

Dr. Elfriede R. (Kezia) Knauer: 3 July 1926– 7 June 2010 - Portrait

Penn Museum has lost a highly regarded authority on the Silk Road just months before the appearance of this special […]

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Vol. 53 / No. 3

By: Donald White

A View of the Horse from the Classical Perspective: The Penn Museum Collection

Equus caballus is handsomely stabled in the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. From the Chinese Rotunda’s masterpiece […]

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