Vol. 51 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Gabriel H. Pizzorno

Gordion in History

According to ancient writers, Gordion is the place where, in 334/3 BCE, Alexander the Great cut the famous Gordian Knot […]

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Vol. 51 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Gabriel H. Pizzorno

Building Digital Gordion: Coping with the Past in the 21st Century

Ever since the Penn Museum began excavations there in 1950, Gordion has remained a key site for the archaeology of […]

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Vol. 55 / No. 2

By: Gareth Darbyshire and Gabriel H. Pizzorno

Taming the Beast: The Digital Gordion Mapping Project

Gordion, in central Turkey, is the largest and longest-running of the Penn Museum’s many excavation projects. An ancient site of […]

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