
Results: 92

David Randall-MacIver

As a young man of 26, the British-born archaeologist and anthropologist David Randall-MacIver began his career working at Abydos as […]

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When Stone Is More Than Stone

Scattered Across the world on the surface and in buried deposits are billions of prehistoric stone arti­facts the most durable […]

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Harold L. Dibble, Curator, European Archaeology Section

HAROLD L. DIBBLE, Curator-in-Charge of the European Archaeology Section at the Museum, has been fascinated with stone tools and archaeology […]

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Meet the Curators – Josef Wegner

The Museum’s Josef Wegner, Associate Curator in the Egyptian Section, has been interested in Egyptology since childhood. Growing up in […]

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Time and Memory in Ancient Egyptian Cemeteries

When travelers visit ancient sites in modern Egypt, they experience a static and soften recreated snapshot of a moment time […]

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An Ice Age Oasis in Jordan

If you visited the Wadi al-Hasa region of west cen­tral Jordan today, you would probably find it hard to picture […]

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Middle Egypt in Prehistory

The word Egypt for many people evokes im­ages of one of the great civilizations of the ancient world and represents […]

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Mapping Petra

In 1993 Martha Joukowsky opened a new exca­vation at the ancient Nabatean city of Petra in southwest Jordan (see box […]

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Excavating the Residence of an Ancient Egyptian Mayor

For 1000 miles, from the Mediterranean Sea south into Nubia, the Nile Valley is dense with the great buildings of […]

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The Beginnings of Winemaking and Viniculture in the Ancient Near East and Egypt

The origins of winemaking and viniculture are shrouded in the mists of human prehistory. Scenarios of how wine might have […]

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