
Results: 92

The Egyptian Collection

The Egyptian collection of the University Museum came into being during the last decade of the 1800’s. It was then […]

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The Pennsylvania-Yale Giza Project

The story of the Pennsylvania-Yale Project at Giza takes us back to the be­ginning of American archaeological work in Egypt. […]

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Tin in the Ancient Near East

Bronze—an alloy of copper and tin—gave its name to one of the periods of antiquity. It is now clear that […]

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The City of the Hawk

The origins of civilization have long aroused scientific curiosity and inflamed the popular imagination. At least six different times—in Mesopotamia, […]

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In the Tombs of the High Priests of Amun

Dira Abu el-Naga, located in the Theban Necropolis at Qurna, across the Nile from Luxor, was the burial place of […]

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Return to Dra Abu el-Naga

In the winter of 1968 the staff of the Dra Abu el-Naga Project once more assembled in Egypt, for another […]

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Field Work in Egypt

The University Museum has at present three field expeditions active in Egypt, continuing a tradition of Egyptological research begun by […]

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The Work of the University Museum at Thebes

On the west bank of the Nile, across from the town of Luxor and the Great Temple of the god […]

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Current University Museum Research -Fall 1967

AFGHANISTAN – Beginning excavations in the Seistan region during early months of 1968. George Dales in charge. AFRICA – Excavations […]

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Current University Museum Research – Winter 1967

AFGHANISTAN – Final arrangements for a proposed archaeological project in Seistan next fall and winter, working on problems of contacts […]

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