Vol. 46 / No. 2

By: William B. Hafford

Glittering Gold: What in the World

Gold. Through the ages, it has adorned kings and queens and made princes of the common, inspiring greatness and greed […]

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Vol. 47 / No. 2

By: William B. Hafford

Hanging in the Balance: Precision Weighing in Antiquity: Research Notes

Have you ever asked yourself, “Just how accurate was ancient weighing? Probably not, but that is what I ask myself […]

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photo of object

Vol. 59 / No. 1

By: William B. Hafford

City of the Moon: New Excavations at Ur

The ancient city of Ur was dedicated to the Sumerian moon god—today it resembles a lunar landscape. From 1922 to […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: William B. Hafford

A Spectacular Discovery: Burials Simple and Splendid

Of more than 2,000 total graves, only 16 had the structure, wealth, and evidence of human sacrifice that convinced the […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: William B. Hafford

Mesopotamian City Life: Four Thousand Years Ago

Modern cities have neighborhoods, shops, factories, religious centers, and cemeteries. They have transportation networks along streets and alleyways, and drainage […]

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Vol. 60 / No. 1

By: Richard L. Zettler and William B. Hafford

The Thrill of Discovery: Penn Museum Excavations in Iraq and Iran

England and France have done a noble work of exploration in Assyria and Babylonia. It is time for America to […]

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