This page includes information that may not reflect the current views and values of the Penn Museum.


Read the Press Release

Beauty of XiaohePHILADELPHIA, PA November 2010—With graceful eyelashes, long flaxen hair and serene expression, the "Beauty of Xiaohe" seems to have just softly fallen to sleep—yet she last closed her eyes nearly 4,000 years ago. 

For Bloggers

Calling all bloggersCalling all bloggers! The Penn Museum invites you to join the Penn Museum blog community to spread the word about your experience at Secrets of the Silk Road. Bloggers will be invited to the special Press opening of the exhibition. There are plenty of stories and ping back-worthy posts to be had around the silk road.

Images for the Press

Xiaohe CemeteryFor journalists, freelance writers and bloggers reporting on Penn Museum programs or research, the Public Information Office can provide high resolution and Web ready images of the Museum, research projects around the world, and event publicity shots.