Bequest of Samuel Pennypacker, 1970
Accession Lot
- Object[17]
- no[17]
- american[17]
- awl[3]
- comb cleaner[1]
- conjuring bones[1]
- fishhook[1]
- game[1]
- paint spatula[2]
- patella[1]
- pestle[1]
- pigment[1]
- pipe bowl[1]
- pipe stem[1]
- scraper[1]
- spear point[1]
- stencil[1]
- canada[17]
- newfoundland[14]
- quebec[17]
- naskapi[17]
- st. augustine band[3]
- antler[2]
- babiche[1]
- bear patella[1]
- bone[6]
- caribou bone[3]
- fiber[1]
- fur[1]
- hide[1]
- metal[1]
- ochre[1]
- pigment[1]
- porcupine tail[1]
- red pigment[1]
- stone[1]
- wood[4]
1 - 17 of 17 Records
1 - 17 of 17 Records