Expedition to Sierra Leone, West Africa; Henry Usher Hall, 1937
Accession Lot
- Object[411]
- african[411]
- adze[1]
- antidote[5]
- apron[1]
- axe[1]
- bag[3]
- bailer[1]
- bait basket[1]
- basket[23]
- basket lid[4]
- basketry[4]
- beater[2]
- bellows[3]
- belt[2]
- bobbin[3]
- bodice[4]
- bowl[4]
- bracelet[4]
- broom[2]
- cape (clothing)[2]
- carder[1]
- carrying stick[6]
- carving[1]
- charm[8]
- chisel[2]
- cloth[1]
- cloth fragment[1]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[7]
- container[1]
- cooking utensil[1]
- cotton gin[1]
- dagger[1]
- dipper[1]
- divination ring[2]
- dress[1]
- drum[1]
- drying rack[1]
- dye[1]
- figure[3]
- figurine[1]
- fish net[10]
- fish trap[1]
- fishing line[1]
- fishing trap[6]
- float[1]
- flywhisk[1]
- fringe[1]
- funnel[1]
- game part[3]
- game stick[2]
- girdle[7]
- gong[2]
- gong striker[1]
- gown[1]
- hammock[2]
- harpoon[2]
- hat[1]
- headdress[1]
- heddle pulley[3]
- helmet mask[2]
- hoe[1]
- hook[1]
- horn (animal part)[2]
- humming top[1]
- indigo dye[1]
- jar[1]
- javelin[2]
- knife[6]
- ladle[2]
- leaf[2]
- lid[4]
- loom[1]
- loom bar[1]
- loom weight[1]
- mask[15]
- mat[8]
- mat beater[1]
- medicine[92]
- medicine bundle[40]
- mortar[2]
- net[2]
- paddle[1]
- pen[1]
- pot[3]
- pottery[4]
- pouch[2]
- rattle[5]
- robe[2]
- sample[2]
- sanza[2]
- sculpture[8]
- spatula[2]
- spindle[2]
- spinning top[2]
- staff[2]
- stick[5]
- stool[2]
- textile[5]
- vessel[2]
- walking stick[2]
- whip[2]
- bachalo[2]
- balolo (sierra leone)[17]
- bamba[1]
- bawngge[14]
- bendu[1]
- bompe[1]
- bonthe[2]
- gambia[2]
- mange[1]
- movaudi[14]
- shengge[24]
- shengge chiefdom[3]
- sherbro island[399]
- sierra leone[411]
- sitia chiefdom[24]
- tisana[5]
- yawni[3]
- yoni[58]
- west africa[11]
- balolo[1]
- batehalo[1]
- bempe[1]
- gambia[2]
- mobambi[2]
- mobul[1]
- mokebe[1]
- moloko, neighbourhood of yoni[1]
- ndema chiefdom[7]
- near trisana[2]
- near yoni[9]
- rotifunk[5]
- sembehu[4]
- shengge[4]
- shengge [kagboro] chiefdom[3]
- shengge chiefdom[2]
- sitia chiefdom[17]
- sitia chiefdom - dubu[1]
- timdel chiefdom[1]
- trisana[3]
- tshokolo[2]
- yoni[10]
- animal[2]
- bird[1]
- dog[1]
- duck[2]
- duck head[1]
- elephant[1]
- female[5]
- female head[1]
- human[1]
- leopard[1]
- leprosy cure[1]
- love potion[1]
- skin of pangolie[1]
- trespasser curse[4]
- woman[1]
- aluminum[3]
- bamboo[1]
- bark[2]
- bone[1]
- cane (plant)[2]
- carnelian[1]
- ceramic[8]
- clay[1]
- coal[1]
- coconut shell[1]
- copper[5]
- cotton[15]
- cowrie[3]
- dye[1]
- earth[2]
- fabric[6]
- fiber[95]
- fur[2]
- glass[5]
- gourd[9]
- grass[12]
- hair[1]
- horn (animal part)[2]
- iron[17]
- ivory[2]
- lead[1]
- leaf[60]
- leather[4]
- metal[1]
- nuts[7]
- palm fiber[2]
- pigment[10]
- plant fiber[14]
- plant material[26]
- pods[2]
- quartz[1]
- raffia[2]
- raphia[2]
- reed (plant)[9]
- root[3]
- sand[1]
- seed[4]
- seeds[1]
- shell[3]
- silver[1]
- skin[5]
- stem[2]
- stone[45]
- tin[3]
- tortoise shell[2]
- turtle shell[7]
- wicker[3]
- wood[140]
- wool[2]
- actual citation[19]
211 - 240 of 411 Records
211 - 240 of 411 Records