Penn-Yale Nubian Expedition; W. K. Simpson, 1966
Accession Lot
- Object[127]
- no[127]
- egyptian[127]
- arrowhead[1]
- base sherd[3]
- body sherd[4]
- bowl[3]
- bowl fragment[2]
- censer[1]
- collar[1]
- cup[6]
- dish[1]
- door frame[1]
- door lintel[1]
- figurine[1]
- flask[3]
- fragment[2]
- furniture fragment[1]
- handle[2]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- jar[10]
- jar stand[1]
- jug[2]
- lamp[2]
- mirror[1]
- pectoral[1]
- pilgrim flask[1]
- pincer[1]
- pitcher[4]
- pot[2]
- rim sherd[4]
- rounded base sherd[1]
- sample[1]
- sealing[1]
- shawabti[2]
- sherd[29]
- sling stone[1]
- stela[24]
- stela fragment[2]
- vessel[4]
- weight[1]
- arminna east[3]
- arminna west[11]
- egypt[126]
- nubia[127]
- toshka east[81]
- toshka west[28]
- eighteenth dynasty[1]
- first dynasty[1]
- new kingdom[44]
- old kingdom[1]
- x-group[16]
- christian[4]
- meroitic[1]
- post meroitic[17]
- x-group[9]
- awb surface[1]
- gebel agg[39]
- hb 4.1[1]
- rock romb[1]
- rock tomb[2]
- so. slope gebel agg[1]
- tomb 1[30]
- tomb 2[2]
- tomb1[1]
- west cemetery tw b[1]
- alabaster[6]
- bronze[5]
- ceramic[74]
- faience[4]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- limestone[1]
- mud[1]
- paint[1]
- pigment[7]
- sandstone[29]
- serpentine[1]
- soapstone[1]
- terracotta[4]
- actual citation[31]
1 - 30 of 127 Records

1 - 30 of 127 Records