Cherokee Expedition; Frank G. Speck and John G. Witthoft, 1946
Accession Lot
- Object[306]
- american[306]
- anvil[1]
- arrow[9]
- arrow point[2]
- art object[1]
- awl[2]
- ball stick[1]
- basket[22]
- basket lid[1]
- bird bone[1]
- bird trap[1]
- blade[13]
- blow gun dart[5]
- blowgun[1]
- boat model[3]
- body sherd[52]
- bow[1]
- bowl[1]
- bread mixing tray[2]
- bullet[3]
- canoe paddle[1]
- chisel[2]
- clam shell[3]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[5]
- container[3]
- cooking pot[1]
- crooked knife[3]
- deer call[2]
- dipper[1]
- doll[5]
- drill[1]
- dye[1]
- fan[1]
- fishing line[1]
- fishing reel[1]
- fly gun[1]
- fork[2]
- game piece[58]
- gaming tray[1]
- hammerstone[2]
- jar[1]
- knife[4]
- lacrosse stick[3]
- marble (game)[4]
- mat[2]
- maul[1]
- model[3]
- mortar[2]
- muller[1]
- necklace[1]
- pestle[2]
- polishing stone[1]
- pot[1]
- potter's tool[5]
- pottery polisher[1]
- pottery stamp[1]
- projectile point[29]
- purse[1]
- quiver[1]
- racquet[2]
- rim sherd[5]
- rubbing stone[1]
- scraper[3]
- sherd[1]
- shinny stick[2]
- shot pouch[1]
- spatula[3]
- spearhead[4]
- spoon[3]
- spoon ladle[3]
- stone[2]
- tugwesti[1]
- turkey whistle[1]
- twig[3]
- wedge[1]
- winnowing basket[1]
- wrist band[1]
- big cove band[1]
- bird town band[3]
- birdtown band[6]
- cherokee[300]
- bark[1]
- bear skin[1]
- bird bone[1]
- buckeye wood[3]
- cane (plant)[19]
- ceramic[60]
- chert[4]
- clam shell[3]
- clay[2]
- cornhusk[1]
- cotton fiber[5]
- dye[1]
- feather[9]
- fiber[8]
- flint[19]
- fur[5]
- glass[2]
- gourd[3]
- holly wood[2]
- japanese honeysuckle root[1]
- japanese honeysuckle roots[1]
- jasper[1]
- leaf[1]
- leather[6]
- metal[9]
- oak[6]
- pigeon feather[1]
- pigment[20]
- pigments[8]
- plant fiber[1]
- poke berries[1]
- pumpkin seed[1]
- quartz[34]
- quartzite[4]
- reed (plant)[1]
- rhododendron twig[1]
- rhododendron wood[58]
- sourwood[5]
- stone[9]
- white oak splints[3]
- wood[57]
- woodchuck skin[1]
- zinc[1]
1 - 30 of 306 Records
1 - 30 of 306 Records