Purchased from George E. Starr, 1931
Accession Lot
- Object[241]
- no[241]
- american[241]
- anklet[2]
- arm band[2]
- armlet[2]
- arrow[29]
- arrow shaft straightener[1]
- awl case[1]
- axe[3]
- back rest[1]
- basket[7]
- basket lid[1]
- belt fragment[1]
- belt pouch[1]
- berry basket[1]
- bow[5]
- bow case[2]
- bow drill[2]
- bowl[15]
- bracelet[4]
- breech cloth[1]
- bridle[1]
- button[2]
- canteen[2]
- case[1]
- cooking jar[2]
- cradle board[2]
- crook[1]
- cup & pin game[1]
- dance stick[1]
- deer call[2]
- dipper[8]
- disc dice[6]
- effigy bowl[1]
- effigy vessel[1]
- game bowl[1]
- game counter[1]
- gaming arrow[3]
- gaming wheel[1]
- garter[4]
- glove[2]
- hair ornament[1]
- hair roach[1]
- hair whorl form[2]
- hammer[1]
- hammerstone[1]
- handle[1]
- jar[7]
- kachina doll[2]
- kilt[2]
- lacrosse stick[2]
- lance[1]
- lasso[1]
- legging[6]
- loom[1]
- moccasin[32]
- necklace[2]
- olla[6]
- parfleche[1]
- pelt[1]
- pendant[1]
- pestle[1]
- pictograph[1]
- pipe[1]
- pipe bag[3]
- pipe bowl[3]
- pipe stem[2]
- plaque[5]
- plume box[1]
- pouch[1]
- purse[1]
- quiver[2]
- rabbit stick[1]
- rattle[4]
- robe[1]
- saddle cloth[1]
- sash end[2]
- scalplock[1]
- scraper[1]
- shield[1]
- shirt[1]
- smoothing stone[2]
- spoon[3]
- stick dice[4]
- tomahawk pipe[2]
- toy[2]
- tray[6]
- trousers[1]
- war bonnet[1]
- war club[1]
- water jar[1]
- weaving comb[1]
- whip[1]
- wrist guard[1]
- acoma[1]
- adams county (mississippi)[1]
- alaska[11]
- aleutian islands[1]
- andover[12]
- arizona[75]
- arkansas[1]
- attu island[1]
- california (state)[1]
- canada[12]
- cataract canyon[1]
- cochiti pueblo[2]
- concordia parish[1]
- dallas[2]
- darlington agency[61]
- fort sill[1]
- great plains (plain)[10]
- hopi[2]
- hopi mesa[2]
- iowa[4]
- keams canyon[1]
- keams canyon region[1]
- kodiak island[2]
- louisiana[1]
- mandan[2]
- mississippi[1]
- nambe pueblo[1]
- near darlington agency[1]
- near oraibi[2]
- new brunswick (canada)[12]
- new mexico[18]
- north america[19]
- north dakota[2]
- northeast arizona[1]
- northwest coast[2]
- oklahoma[78]
- old ruin[2]
- oraibi[16]
- oregon[1]
- oto[2]
- san juan[1]
- sikyatki[1]
- southeast united states[2]
- texas[2]
- third mesa[7]
- united states of america[128]
- zuni[3]
- zuni pueblo[1]
- pueblo iv[2]
- acoma[1]
- aleut[1]
- anasazi[1]
- apache[5]
- arapaho[41]
- caddo[2]
- cheyenne[7]
- cheyenne (culture)[14]
- choctaw[3]
- cowboy[2]
- crow (culture)[2]
- eskimo[8]
- havasupai[4]
- hopi[62]
- hupa[1]
- keresan[2]
- kickapoo[1]
- kiowa[3]
- modoc[1]
- nambe[1]
- native american[10]
- navajo[11]
- nez perce[2]
- paiute[2]
- plains indian[1]
- ponca[2]
- potawatomi[2]
- protohistoric hopi[1]
- pueblo[14]
- shoshone[2]
- sioux[5]
- southern cheyenne[15]
- tewa (culture)[1]
- tlingit[2]
- tobique[12]
- western apache[1]
- zuni[4]
- abalone[1]
- amber[1]
- basalt[2]
- bead[36]
- beads[2]
- bell[2]
- bison horn[2]
- bison pelt[1]
- bone[11]
- brass[1]
- buckskin[36]
- calf skin[1]
- calfskin[1]
- caribou bone[6]
- catlinite[1]
- clay[42]
- cloth[2]
- cotton[6]
- cotton cloth[1]
- curly maple[1]
- deer hair[1]
- devil's claw[1]
- eagle feather[1]
- feather[36]
- fiber[13]
- fox skin[1]
- fur[2]
- glass[8]
- goat horn[1]
- gourd[1]
- grass[3]
- hair[4]
- hide[27]
- hoof[1]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- horsehair[2]
- iron[25]
- leather[9]
- maidenhair fern[1]
- metal[8]
- mountain sheep horn[1]
- muslin[1]
- paint[2]
- parfleche[1]
- pigment[16]
- plant fiber[10]
- quill[5]
- rabbit brush[5]
- rawhide[16]
- reed (plant)[2]
- seed[1]
- shell[3]
- silk[5]
- silver[6]
- sinew[11]
- skin[10]
- spruce root[2]
- squirrel hide[2]
- steel[1]
- stone[13]
- string[3]
- sumac[5]
- synthetic dye[1]
- tinkler[2]
- velvet[2]
- willow[1]
- wood[70]
- wool[15]
- yarn[1]
- yucca[5]
- basketry[17]
- beaded[4]
- coiled[5]
- painted[2]
- plaited[6]
- polacca polychrome[1]
- polished[1]
- polychrome[9]
- sikyatki polychrome[1]
- twined[5]
- wicker[5]
- woven[5]
1 - 30 of 241 Records

1 - 30 of 241 Records