Cerro de las Mesas Expedition, F.G. Rainey and M.W. Stirling, 1960
Accession Lot
- Object[199]
- no[199]
- american[199]
- animal tooth[2]
- axe[3]
- bead[77]
- blade core[2]
- blade fragment[2]
- body sherd[1]
- bowl[2]
- celt[5]
- comb[1]
- ear ornament[1]
- ear spool[10]
- effigy[1]
- figurine[43]
- figurine fragment[6]
- flake[3]
- flute[1]
- knife[1]
- knob[1]
- mask[4]
- object[5]
- ornament[2]
- panpipes[1]
- pendant[4]
- projectile point[3]
- rim sherd[3]
- sherd[5]
- spindle whorl[7]
- stamp[7]
- weight[1]
- whistle[7]
- cerro de las mesas[199]
- mexico (central america)[199]
- veracruz (mexico)[199]
- classic[2]
- postclassic[2]
- preclassic[1]
- central american[199]
- animal tooth[2]
- basalt[3]
- bone[4]
- ceramic[91]
- clay[1]
- granite[1]
- greenstone[1]
- jade[15]
- marine shell[1]
- obsidian[9]
- pigment[1]
- shell[66]
- stone[6]
1 - 30 of 199 Records

1 - 30 of 199 Records