Alaskan Expedition, Frederica de Laguna, 1932
Accession Lot
- Object[242]
- american[242]
- adze blade[1]
- adze blade socket[1]
- animal bone[1]
- antler[1]
- articulation[10]
- awl[25]
- bead[4]
- bear bone[6]
- bear tooth[1]
- bird bone[2]
- blade[22]
- bone[4]
- caribou bone[4]
- chip[2]
- chisel[1]
- cutting board[1]
- dart[1]
- dart head[12]
- drill[3]
- drill point[3]
- fish hook[4]
- flake[14]
- flint flaker[1]
- grinding stone[1]
- harpoon head[2]
- knife[1]
- labret[2]
- lamp[6]
- lance blade[2]
- lance head[1]
- mirror[1]
- needle[5]
- needle case[1]
- object[2]
- peg[1]
- pendant[3]
- pick[1]
- pin[15]
- point[16]
- pumice[2]
- rib[1]
- ring[1]
- scraper[3]
- scraper blade[1]
- shaft[2]
- shale[1]
- slate[1]
- socket piece[2]
- spear head[4]
- spoon[1]
- stone[23]
- toy[2]
- tube[8]
- ulu blade[14]
- wedge[5]
- whale tooth[1]
- whetstone[1]
- alaska[238]
- cook inlet[111]
- crescent river[6]
- fox farm[111]
- grass island[2]
- halibut cove[64]
- indian island[4]
- ishmailoff island[63]
- kachemak bay[90]
- kasitana bay[1]
- passage island[12]
- port graham[34]
- qatlexelye[5]
- qngaqesle[3]
- qngaqesle island[10]
- refuge island[5]
- rock shelter[4]
- rocky point[1]
- seldovia[1]
- smith's fox farm[16]
- tutka[3]
- tutka bay[4]
- tuxedrie bay[1]
- united states of america[237]
- yukon island[113]
- athapaskan[1]
- eskimo[3]
- indian[1]
- inuit[1]
- kachemak bay[1]
- kachemak bay culture iii[10]
- kachemak bay iii[1]
- prehistoric eskimo[229]
- prehistoric indian[5]
- 10' - 10' 8"[6]
- 10' 8" - 11' 5"[4]
- 10' 8" - 12' 5"[1]
- 1931 test pit, 6' below surface. 4' below surface on 1932 test pit.[1]
- 2' 6" - 3' 3"[13]
- 2'6"-3'3"[1]
- 3' - 3' 9"[4]
- 3' 2" - 3' 9"[1]
- 3' 9" - 4' 4"[8]
- 3' 9" - 4' 5"[1]
- 4' 5" - 5'[4]
- 4' 6"[2]
- 4'6"[1]
- 5' - 5' 6"[2]
- 5' 4" - 5' 9"[4]
- 5' 9" - 6' 4"[2]
- 6' - 6' 4"[4]
- 6' 10" - 7' 5"[4]
- 6' 10" - 7' 8"[1]
- 6' 4" - 6' 10"[1]
- 7' 11" - 8' 6"[3]
- 7' 5" - 7' 11"[4]
- 8' 6" - 9'[2]
- 9' - 9' 6"?[1]
- 9' 6" - 10'[12]
- 9' 9' 6"?[1]
- from below guano deposit[1]
- from hill behind seldovia house[1]
- modern midden[1]
- new midden[2]
- nutbeam's beach[1]
- point west of halibut cove[2]
- rock at mouth of gecian or "crescent" river[1]
- rock at mouth of river[5]
- rock on west side of island[1]
- surface - 2' 6"[17]
- adze[2]
- animal bone[3]
- antler[37]
- basalt[3]
- bear bone[7]
- bear tooth[1]
- bird bone[28]
- bone[85]
- boulder (stone)[1]
- caribou bone[5]
- chert[4]
- dog bone[1]
- dolorite[1]
- felsite[1]
- fish bone[2]
- flint[2]
- fossil ivory[1]
- iron[1]
- ivory[2]
- jasper[2]
- lance[1]
- lava stone[4]
- marble (stone)[2]
- pumice[2]
- quartz[1]
- red shale[3]
- sandstone[1]
- seal tooth[1]
- shale[2]
- slate[36]
- stone[34]
- tooth[1]
- ulu[2]
- walrus ivory[1]
- whale bone[2]
- whale ivory[1]
- whale tooth[1]
- chipped[1]
- cut[9]
- notched[2]
- shaped[4]
- unfinished[1]
1 - 30 of 242 Records

1 - 30 of 242 Records