American School Oriental Research / University Museum Expedition to Tepe Gawra, Iraq; E. A. Speiser, 1935
Accession Lot
- Object[373]
- near eastern[373]
- animal figurine[6]
- awl[1]
- ballista[3]
- bead[10]
- beads[8]
- blade[3]
- blade fragment[4]
- bowl[18]
- cap[3]
- celt[13]
- cooking pot[1]
- core[3]
- core fragment[1]
- cult object[5]
- cup[3]
- disc[1]
- eye-idol[5]
- grinding stone[1]
- hammer[3]
- human figurine fragment[1]
- jar[8]
- jar stopper[1]
- ladle fragment[2]
- macehead[5]
- model fragment[1]
- nail[1]
- object[4]
- ornament[11]
- palette[2]
- pebble[1]
- pebbles[1]
- pendant[6]
- pendants[1]
- pestle[1]
- pin[1]
- polisher[1]
- pot[13]
- pot fragment[1]
- pot stand[2]
- rim sherd[14]
- scraper[1]
- sealing[67]
- sherd[16]
- spatula[2]
- spindle whorl[73]
- spouted bowl[1]
- stamp seal[31]
- token[24]
- vessel stand[2]
- wall peg[1]
- weight[5]
- whorl[1]
- iraq[373]
- tepe gawra[373]
- gawra ix[2]
- gawra sub xi[44]
- gawra x[23]
- gawra xi[113]
- gawra xi intrusive[18]
- gawra xia[9]
- gawra xii[91]
- gawra xiii[2]
- 102 libn tomb[10]
- 11 k [11 g][1]
- 6 '0' [9 m] locus 106[1]
- 6 m [10 m][1]
- 7 '0' [9 l][1]
- intrusive xi level[5]
- iraq, tepe gawra[1]
- level[1]
- level intrusive sub xi[2]
- level intrusive xi[27]
- level sub xi[39]
- level x[20]
- level x?[1]
- level xi[84]
- level xi (?)[5]
- level xi [sub][2]
- level xi a[8]
- level xi intrusive[2]
- level xi sub[1]
- level xi?[3]
- level xii[87]
- level xiii[2]
- level xx[1]
- tepe gawra 4 m [10 p][1]
- tepe gawra 5 m [10 n] locus 144, child's grave[1]
- tepe gawra 5 q [8 n][1]
- tepe gawra 6 '0' [9 m][1]
- tepe gawra 6 q [8 n][1]
- tepe gawra, - m [10 -][1]
- tepe gawra, 10 k [11 h][1]
- tepe gawra, 3 '0' [9 r][1]
- tepe gawra, 3 k [11 r][1]
- tepe gawra, 3 m [10 r][1]
- tepe gawra, 3 m [10 r] edge of tell 11.32[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 '0' [9 f][2]
- tepe gawra, 4 '0' [9 p][32]
- tepe gawra, 4 '0' [9 p] locus 148, iii, pottery deposit.[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 '0' [9 p] white room[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 '0' [9 p], edge of tepe[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 j [12 p][4]
- tepe gawra, 4 j [12 p] edge[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 k [11 p][2]
- tepe gawra, 4 k [11 p] locus 112, temple[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 k [11 p] locus 114, libn tomb[6]
- tepe gawra, 4 k [11p][1]
- tepe gawra, 4 m [10 p][22]
- tepe gawra, 4 m and 4 k [10 p and 11 p] locus 110 libn tomb[6]
- tepe gawra, 4 m and 4 k [10 p and 11 p] locus 110, libn tomb[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 m and 4 k [10 p and 11 p] locus 116, libn tomb[1]
- tepe gawra, 4 n [10 p][2]
- tepe gawra, 4 q [8 p][14]
- tepe gawra, 5 '0' [9 m] locus 102 libn tomb[2]
- tepe gawra, 5 '0' [9 n][39]
- tepe gawra, 5 '0' [9 n] locus 102 libn tomb[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 '0' [9 n] locus 102, libn tomb[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 '0' [90 n][1]
- tepe gawra, 5 j [12 n][4]
- tepe gawra, 5 j [12 n] edge of tepe[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 k [11 n][1]
- tepe gawra, 5 k [11 n] locus 109 libn tomb[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 k [11 n] locus 109, libn tomb[14]
- tepe gawra, 5 k [11 n], locus 109, libn tomb[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 m [10 m] locus 157 pottery deposit[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 m [10 n][20]
- tepe gawra, 5 m [10 n] locus 111, libn tomb[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 m [10 n] locus 144, child's grave[1]
- tepe gawra, 5 m [9 n][1]
- tepe gawra, 5 q [8 n][14]
- tepe gawra, 5 s [7 n][1]
- tepe gawra, 5q [8 n][1]
- tepe gawra, 6 '0' [9 m][21]
- tepe gawra, 6 '0' [9 m] locus 100 child's grave[1]
- tepe gawra, 6 '0' [9 n][1]
- tepe gawra, 6 '0' [9 p][1]
- tepe gawra, 6 k [11 m][6]
- tepe gawra, 6 m - 5 m [10m - 10 n] locus 107, libn tomb[1]
- tepe gawra, 6 m [10 m][19]
- tepe gawra, 6 m [10 m] locus 124, libn tomb[2]
- tepe gawra, 6 q [8 m][18]
- tepe gawra, 6 s [7 m][1]
- tepe gawra, 6 x [11 m][1]
- tepe gawra, 7 '0' {9 l] locus 118, child's grave[1]
- tepe gawra, 7 q [8 l][5]
- tepe gawra, 7? '0' (9q0[1]
- tepe gawra, base of tepe[2]
- tepe gawra, east base[1]
- tepe gawra, n e t[errace][1]
- tepe gawra, s j [12 k][2]
- yepe gawra, 5 k [11 n] 11.72[1]
- ag[1]
- agate[2]
- alabaster[6]
- basalt[4]
- beryl[4]
- bitumen[1]
- bone[5]
- bronze[2]
- carnelian[8]
- ceramic[67]
- chert[4]
- electrum[2]
- fossil[1]
- gold[18]
- hematite[2]
- hornfels[3]
- lapis lazuli[10]
- limestone[14]
- marble (stone)[20]
- obsidian[16]
- oolitic limestone[1]
- paint[8]
- paste[2]
- quartzite[7]
- serpentine[4]
- shell[6]
- steatite[24]
- stone[11]
- terracotta[157]
- turquoise[3]
- actual citation[246]
1 - 30 of 373 Records

1 - 30 of 373 Records