University Museum / Bryn Mawr College Expedition to Alaska; Frederica de Laguna, 1953
Accession Lot
- Object[648]
- no[648]
- american[648]
- abrader[3]
- adze[36]
- adze fragment[12]
- amulet[5]
- animal bone[3]
- animal bone fragment[1]
- awl[6]
- axe[2]
- axe blade[2]
- ball[1]
- band[1]
- barb[3]
- bark[3]
- basket[3]
- bead[47]
- bear tooth[1]
- bird bone[6]
- blade[3]
- blade fragment[2]
- blanket fragment[1]
- bone[22]
- bow fragment[1]
- box[1]
- bracelet[6]
- burin[35]
- can[1]
- catch[1]
- chert[38]
- china[1]
- china fragment[8]
- chisel[45]
- club head[1]
- coal[36]
- cobble[1]
- comb teeth[2]
- copper[5]
- copper fragment[10]
- cordage[7]
- dagger[1]
- drill[13]
- figurine[2]
- glass[2]
- gorge[2]
- gouge[1]
- hammerstone[6]
- handle[2]
- harpoon[7]
- harpoon head[9]
- harpoon socket[1]
- hook[2]
- ice pick[1]
- iron[2]
- knife[29]
- knife blade[4]
- knife fragment[2]
- lamp[9]
- lamp fragment[2]
- leather[1]
- lure[1]
- mammal bone[3]
- matting fragment[1]
- maul head[1]
- mica[1]
- nail[8]
- needle[1]
- object[11]
- paint stone[11]
- pebble[2]
- pendant[5]
- pestle[2]
- pin[12]
- planing adze[2]
- planing adze blade[12]
- point[61]
- projectile point[29]
- ring[3]
- root[1]
- rubbing tool[3]
- saucer[1]
- saucer fragment[2]
- scraper[21]
- seeds[3]
- shaft[5]
- shell[1]
- slab[1]
- slate[4]
- spike[3]
- splitting adze[1]
- splitting adze blade[28]
- stone[1]
- toy[3]
- tube[2]
- ulu[12]
- ulu fragment[1]
- whale bone[3]
- whalebone[1]
- whetstone[9]
- wood[6]
- wool[1]
- alaska[648]
- diyaguna'et[16]
- dolgoi island[1]
- fort island[1]
- knight island[597]
- lost river[48]
- nessudat[33]
- old town[597]
- united states of america[645]
- yakutat bay[648]
- old town[21]
- old town i[54]
- old town ii[149]
- old town iii[191]
- bottom of deposit in cut bank below house pit[1]
- cut bank[2]
- dark brown midden with thermal fractured rock[1]
- dark gray sandy midden[1]
- dark grey sand with charcoal fragments.[1]
- depth 6.5", gray sandy midden[1]
- depth:30", subsurface pit 15[1]
- fill of house 9.[1]
- fill of house pit i, dark, sandy midden.[1]
- from storage house fill.[1]
- gray sandy midden, possibly fill of subsurface pit a.[2]
- house 1[1]
- house 1 fill, depth 10", light,tan sandy midden[1]
- house 1 fill, depth 7", light,tan sandy midden[1]
- house 1 - fill, depth 4",brown, sandy midden[1]
- house 1 - fill[1]
- house 1 - fill. top of sterile sand, light and tan sandy midden.[1]
- house 1 - fill. top of sterile sand, light tan sandy midden.[1]
- house 1 fill[3]
- house 1 fill, depth 4", dark,tan sandy midden[1]
- house 1 fill, depth 5", tan sandy midden.[1]
- house 1 fill, depth 6, dark, tan, sandy midden[1]
- house 1 fill, depth 9", light, tan sandy midden[1]
- house 1 fill, light tan sandy midden[2]
- house 1 fill, upper level, depth 0-6"[1]
- house 1, depth 6", brown sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 0-6", dark, sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 11", lens of black sandy[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 17", tan sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 2", dark tan sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 3", tan sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 4", dark sandy midden[2]
- house 1, fill, depth 5", black sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 5", brown sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 5", dark, sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 6", tan sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 8", dark, sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 9", tan sandy midden[1]
- house 1, flat broken surface, depth 17", light sandy midden[1]
- house 1, depth 1", in turf roots[1]
- house 1, depth 1.5"[1]
- house 1, depth 19"[1]
- house 1, depth 3-5", in light sandy midden[1]
- house 1, depth 33", below floor, light tan sandy midden[1]
- house 1, depth 4", tan, sandy midden[1]
- house 1, depth 4", gray, sandy midden[1]
- house 1, fill, depth 2", tan sandy midden[2]
- house 7[2]
- house 7 upper level, depth 7"[2]
- house 7, lower level, depth 48", grey sandy midden[2]
- house 7, upper level, depth 12-18"[2]
- house 7, upper level, depth 18-24"[2]
- house 7, upper level, depth 6-12"[2]
- house 8[6]
- house 8, box in center, pit 24[2]
- house 9[4]
- house i fill, tan sandy midden.[2]
- house pit, northwest corner[2]
- mound a, upper level, depth 11"[2]
- mound b[74]
- mound b, lower level[3]
- mound b, lower level, depth 18"[2]
- mound b, lower level, depth 19"[2]
- mound b, lower level, depth 20"[4]
- mound b, lower level, depth 21"[2]
- mound b, lower level, depth 23"[2]
- mound b, lower level, depth 24"[2]
- mound b, lower level, depth 29"[2]
- mound b, lower level, depth 31"[2]
- mound b, lower level, depth:25"[2]
- mound b, upper level[3]
- mound b, upper level, depth 0-6"[2]
- mound b, upper level, depth 12-18"[4]
- mound b, upper level, depth 13", shell stratum[2]
- mound b, upper level, depth 14"[7]
- mound b, upper level, depth 15"[3]
- mound b, upper level, depth 16"[2]
- mound b, upper level, depth 18"[2]
- mound b, upper level, depth 2"[2]
- mound b, upper level, depth 6-12"[4]
- mound b, upper level, depth 8"[4]
- mound b, upper level.[8]
- mound b, upper level. in dark sandy midden.[2]
- mound b?[2]
- mound c[6]
- mound d[3]
- mound d, lower level, depth 23", shell midden layer[2]
- mound d, upper level, depth 0-6"[2]
- storage house[5]
- storage house fill, depth 32", subsurface pit 15[2]
- storage house, just above floor, subsurface pit #15, upper level, depth 41"[2]
- storage house, subsurface pit #15[2]
- storage house, subsurface pit #15, floor of box[2]
- subsurface pit #15[6]
- subsurface pit 15[2]
- subsurface pit 38[2]
- test pit 1[12]
- test pit 5, depth 0-5"[2]
- test pit 5, depth 0-6"[2]
- test pit 5, depth 6-12"[2]
- raven tail[1]
- animal bone[6]
- animal tooth[3]
- bark[2]
- basalt[2]
- bear tooth[2]
- beaver tooth[10]
- bird bone[37]
- bone[104]
- cedar bark[1]
- chert[44]
- china[4]
- clay[2]
- coal[74]
- copper[55]
- crystal (stone)[1]
- fiber[1]
- fish bone[1]
- glass[5]
- grass[1]
- greenstone[45]
- hematite[7]
- igneous rock[2]
- iron[22]
- iron oxide[1]
- leather[1]
- limestone[7]
- mammal bone[3]
- metamorphic rock[3]
- metasediment[2]
- mica[1]
- microcrystalline rock[1]
- mountain goat wool[1]
- nephrite[1]
- plant fiber[3]
- porcelain[8]
- quartz[1]
- root[1]
- sandstone[7]
- schist[35]
- seal bone[2]
- seal tooth[2]
- seed[3]
- shale[5]
- shell[1]
- siltstone[3]
- slag[1]
- slate[65]
- spruce root[6]
- stone[21]
- tin[1]
- tooth[1]
- whale bone[5]
- wood[35]
- wool[1]
1 - 30 of 648 Records

1 - 30 of 648 Records