Peruvian Expedition, William C. Farabee, 1923
Accession Lot
- Object[1,866]
- no[1,866]
- american[1,866]
- arrow[13]
- arrowhead[13]
- arybale[5]
- awl[23]
- bag[7]
- band[5]
- basket[18]
- basket lid[4]
- basket tray[5]
- bead[7]
- beads[16]
- belt[6]
- border[8]
- bowl[264]
- brush[5]
- buckskin[7]
- canteen[9]
- cloth[73]
- cloth fragment[5]
- coca bag[15]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[5]
- cord[10]
- corn[10]
- crepe[5]
- cup[132]
- disk[22]
- double spout jar[12]
- ear plug[8]
- effigy vase[5]
- effigy vessel[8]
- feathers[8]
- figure[20]
- figurine[11]
- flageolet[11]
- handle[9]
- headband[7]
- jar[23]
- jug[24]
- lime gourd[8]
- lime stick[6]
- maize[5]
- marine shell[11]
- mat[5]
- metal[10]
- mussel shell[13]
- necklace[9]
- needle[24]
- needles (object)[10]
- object[14]
- olla[44]
- organic material[8]
- pebble[5]
- pebbles[26]
- pendant[28]
- pigment[5]
- pitcher[44]
- point[5]
- potsherds[14]
- pottery[23]
- quipu[12]
- reed (plant)[5]
- ribbon[25]
- rope[5]
- sandal[7]
- sash[24]
- saucer[6]
- seeds[6]
- shaft[7]
- sherd[5]
- sling[42]
- snail shell[5]
- spear thrower[13]
- spindle[7]
- spindle whorl[6]
- spindles[19]
- spine[6]
- staff[23]
- stake[10]
- stick[8]
- sticks[10]
- stone[10]
- stones[6]
- stopper[5]
- tapestry[15]
- tassel[25]
- textile[76]
- thread[19]
- tray[9]
- tweezers[33]
- vase[14]
- vessel[52]
- weaving implement[21]
- weaving pick[7]
- weaving sticks[5]
- weaving sword[5]
- weaving tool[12]
- whistle[11]
- whorl[40]
- wrapping[5]
- yarn[18]
- arequipa[103]
- bolivia[3]
- cabildo gramadales[35]
- cerro colorado[4]
- chincha valley[1]
- chorillos[2]
- manrique[113]
- nazca[4]
- nazca district[900]
- paracas necropolis[1]
- peru[1,863]
- pisco province[428]
- pisco valley[3]
- puntello pisco[2]
- puntilla[314]
- quintay[1]
- s.v.bolar[1]
- sabandia[92]
- south coast[1]
- tiahuanaco[1]
- vaschet[1]
- chincha[6]
- colonial[4]
- colonial period[3]
- early colonial period[21]
- early ica[3]
- early intermediate period[1]
- early soniche[3]
- epigonal[53]
- huari[1]
- ica[4]
- inca[28]
- late chinca[1]
- late chinca i[2]
- late ica i[9]
- late ica ii[1]
- late nasca[2]
- late pre-inca[11]
- middle ica[8]
- middle ica i[10]
- middle ica ii[28]
- middle nasca[2]
- moche[2]
- moche iv[1]
- modern[6]
- nasca[12]
- paracas period[3]
- pre-inca[3]
- proto-nasca[290]
- soniche[2]
- chimu[5]
- chincha[3]
- epigonal[14]
- ica[69]
- inca[86]
- late ica[20]
- late ica i[30]
- late ica ii[12]
- late inca[2]
- late pre-inca[4]
- middle ica[13]
- middle ica ii[21]
- nasca[20]
- paracas[348]
- paracas style[2]
- peruvian[3]
- pre-inca[2]
- proto-nasca[90]
- tajaraca b[3]
- tiahuanaco[1]
- andean[1,866]
- "east-12"[2]
- "refuse; 9 ft. deep"[6]
- east-12[3]
- found under floor[10]
- heda[14]
- refuse; 9 ft. deep[4]
- animal[27]
- animal face[1]
- animal head[1]
- animal?[2]
- animals[1]
- bands[1]
- bean pod[2]
- bean?[1]
- bird[50]
- bird head[1]
- bird?[1]
- birds[24]
- branch[1]
- centipede god[1]
- centipede god?[35]
- chevron[2]
- chili pepper[4]
- chili pepper?[1]
- coca leaves[1]
- condor[1]
- corn[1]
- crab?[1]
- demon[2]
- dog?[1]
- dot[1]
- eagle[2]
- face[9]
- figure[3]
- figures[1]
- fish[31]
- fish?[1]
- fruit[2]
- geometric motif[2]
- god[7]
- gods[1]
- head[1]
- heads[1]
- human[32]
- human face[12]
- human figure[9]
- human figures[8]
- human hand[1]
- human head[11]
- human heads[8]
- hummingbird[4]
- jaguar[7]
- jaguar god[3]
- jaguar god?[1]
- leaf[2]
- lizards[4]
- llama[4]
- llama head[1]
- llama?[2]
- lobster[1]
- lower limb[1]
- man[12]
- mask[1]
- men[2]
- monkey[3]
- monster[4]
- net[4]
- old man[1]
- panpipes[1]
- papita[1]
- parrot[3]
- plant[1]
- prisoner[1]
- puma[4]
- quadruped[1]
- reptile[3]
- seaweed[1]
- seaweed?[2]
- seed pods[5]
- serpent[5]
- serpents[2]
- shark[1]
- shark?[3]
- shrimp[1]
- snake?[1]
- snakes[1]
- star[4]
- stars[1]
- tree?[1]
- tuna[5]
- upper limb[1]
- vegetable[1]
- vulture[1]
- woman[6]
- agave fiber[5]
- alpaca wool[4]
- animal bone[2]
- bark[1]
- bark cloth[3]
- basalt[1]
- bast fiber[1]
- beads[1]
- bean[1]
- bird bone[4]
- bivalve[2]
- bivalve shell[1]
- bone[58]
- buckskin[3]
- cactus[3]
- cane (plant)[24]
- canvas[1]
- cat skin[1]
- ceramic[717]
- chalk[1]
- chert[2]
- clam shell[3]
- clay[8]
- cloth[48]
- coca leaves[5]
- conch shell[3]
- concretion[1]
- copper[98]
- cord[10]
- cords[2]
- corn[10]
- corn cob[1]
- corn husk[3]
- corn husks[1]
- corncob[1]
- cotton[181]
- cotton cord[1]
- cotton fiber[1]
- fabric[6]
- feather[11]
- feathers[8]
- fiber[55]
- fish bone[2]
- flamingo feather[3]
- flint[2]
- frog bone[2]
- glass[4]
- gold[6]
- gourd[48]
- hair[19]
- hematite[6]
- hide[5]
- igneous rock[3]
- lead[5]
- leaves[3]
- llama hide[3]
- maguey[3]
- maguey fiber[13]
- maize[5]
- marine shell[14]
- metal[2]
- mollusk shell[5]
- mother-of-pearl[2]
- mussel shell[28]
- obsidian[16]
- ore[9]
- organic material[8]
- paint[4]
- palm[11]
- palm wood[2]
- papier mache[3]
- parrot feather[7]
- parrot feathers[3]
- pigment[17]
- pitch[5]
- plant fiber[2]
- rawhide[5]
- reed (plant)[31]
- ribbon[7]
- rope[2]
- rush[10]
- rushes[3]
- seed[11]
- shell[50]
- silver[54]
- sinew[10]
- skin[7]
- snail shell[7]
- stone[52]
- sweet potato[4]
- thorn[24]
- thread[30]
- twine[2]
- vicuna hide[2]
- vicuna wool[15]
- wax[2]
- wicker[20]
- wood[142]
- wool[113]
- yarn[35]
- actual citation[20]
1 - 30 of 1,866 Records

1 - 30 of 1,866 Records