Purchased from Samuel Mathewson Scott, 1902
Accession Lot
- Object[368]
- no[368]
- american[368]
- amphora[1]
- animal bones[2]
- arrowhead[2]
- arrows[1]
- back strap[1]
- backstrap pad[1]
- bag[5]
- band[1]
- band fragment[1]
- bead[5]
- bead fragment[1]
- beads[2]
- beans[1]
- block[1]
- blow pipe[2]
- bone fragment[1]
- bones[1]
- bottle[45]
- bottle stopper[2]
- bow[1]
- bowl[4]
- box[4]
- brush[1]
- cap[1]
- carving[1]
- charm[1]
- cloth[4]
- coca bag[1]
- coca leaves[2]
- cooking pot[3]
- cord[2]
- cord fragment[1]
- cords[1]
- corn popper[1]
- corncob[1]
- cover[8]
- cup[8]
- digging stick[1]
- dish[6]
- ear spool[1]
- effigy bottle[2]
- effigy vase[2]
- effigy vessel[8]
- figurine[5]
- figurine fragment[1]
- fish net[1]
- flask[3]
- food[2]
- fragments[1]
- girdle[2]
- goblet[1]
- grinding stone[1]
- gum[2]
- hammer head[1]
- hammerstone[2]
- head vase[1]
- headband[1]
- headdress[2]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- human remains[1]
- image[1]
- jar[1]
- knapsack[1]
- labret[8]
- ladle[2]
- lima bean[1]
- loom[1]
- loom bundle[1]
- loom part[1]
- loom stick[8]
- mace head[1]
- metal fragment[4]
- mixing stick[3]
- mortar[2]
- napkin[3]
- necklace[29]
- needle[4]
- object[3]
- paint pot[3]
- pendant[3]
- plate[5]
- poncho[2]
- pot[3]
- rod[2]
- sack[2]
- shirt[2]
- shroud[10]
- shroud fragment[15]
- shuttle[4]
- spindle[2]
- textile[2]
- textile fragment[2]
- thread[6]
- tool[2]
- tweezer[2]
- vase[52]
- vessel fragment[2]
- wand[2]
- whorl[6]
- work box[2]
- amazon district[4]
- ancon[13]
- bolivia[11]
- chanchamayo[4]
- chimbote[36]
- chira valley[287]
- cuzco[12]
- parinas valley[1]
- peru[357]
- tiahuanaco[13]
- yacay[2]
- yucay[2]
- early chimu[1]
- modern[13]
- spanish period[1]
- agouti[2]
- animal[3]
- animal head[1]
- animal?[1]
- bag[2]
- banana[1]
- bird[9]
- bird head[2]
- birds[1]
- bridle[1]
- cat[2]
- coat of arms[1]
- cow[1]
- demon?[1]
- drum[1]
- ear plug[1]
- ear spool[1]
- erotic[1]
- figure[2]
- figures[1]
- fish[1]
- fox[2]
- frog[1]
- gourd[2]
- grotesque head[2]
- head[2]
- helmet[1]
- house[2]
- human[1]
- human face[1]
- human figure[3]
- human head[3]
- jug[1]
- leopard[1]
- lion head[1]
- lizard[1]
- llama[3]
- maize[1]
- male[1]
- man[7]
- marine shell[1]
- melon[1]
- monkey[8]
- mound[2]
- owl[2]
- parrot[1]
- pelican[1]
- portrait head[3]
- puma[1]
- puma head[2]
- seated human[1]
- shield[1]
- snake[3]
- staff[2]
- sun[1]
- woman[1]
- animal bone[2]
- bast fiber[2]
- bead[3]
- bean[1]
- bone[3]
- cane (plant)[4]
- ceramic[78]
- chalk[1]
- clay[71]
- cloth[3]
- coca leaves[2]
- copper[12]
- coral[6]
- cord[1]
- corncob[1]
- cotton[41]
- feather[2]
- fiber[30]
- flesh[1]
- food[2]
- glass[1]
- gold[3]
- gourd[21]
- grass[1]
- gum[1]
- lima bean[1]
- magnesia[1]
- metal[5]
- nuts[1]
- paint[3]
- palo santo tree gum[1]
- pigment[5]
- plant fiber[1]
- powder[1]
- quartz[2]
- seed[1]
- shell[31]
- silver[6]
- soil[1]
- stone[28]
- thread[4]
- wood[38]
- wool[7]
- woven[1]
1 - 30 of 368 Records

1 - 30 of 368 Records