Guatemalan Expedition; Robert Burkitt, 1920
Accession Lot
- Object[611]
- american[611]
- arrowhead[2]
- axe head[4]
- axehead[6]
- band[3]
- bead[86]
- beads[12]
- bell[4]
- blade[6]
- bottle[1]
- bowl[71]
- bowl cover[2]
- bowl fragment[2]
- bowl sherd[2]
- bracelet[5]
- brick[1]
- button[4]
- carving[1]
- censer[1]
- censer base[1]
- censer fragment[2]
- chisel[1]
- copal[1]
- cup[39]
- cups[1]
- cylinder vessel[3]
- cylindrical vessel[1]
- disc[4]
- disk[4]
- disks[1]
- ear spool[1]
- earring[2]
- effigy[6]
- effigy censer[5]
- effigy figure[2]
- effigy fragment[1]
- effigy vessel[4]
- figure[3]
- figurine[34]
- figurine fragment[12]
- finger ring[1]
- flake[14]
- flute[1]
- fluted bowl[1]
- grinding stone[2]
- gum[1]
- handle[2]
- incensario lid[1]
- incense[1]
- incense burner[2]
- incense burner lid[1]
- jar[16]
- jewelry fragment[12]
- knob[1]
- mano[1]
- mask[5]
- metal fragment[1]
- metate[1]
- metate fragment[3]
- mold fragment[1]
- mortar[4]
- necklace[8]
- object[4]
- object fragment[1]
- objects[1]
- olla[17]
- olla fragment[1]
- ornament[3]
- ornament fragment[2]
- pan (object)[1]
- pebbles[2]
- pendant[26]
- pestle[1]
- pigment[3]
- pitcher[3]
- plaque[12]
- plaque fragment[1]
- plate[3]
- polishing stone[1]
- pot[1]
- pot cover[4]
- potsherd[2]
- pottery[1]
- pottery fragment[1]
- pyrite[12]
- relief[7]
- relief fragment[5]
- ring[7]
- sherd[15]
- sherds[17]
- spearhead[10]
- stamp[4]
- stone[3]
- stone fragment[2]
- tripod bowl[7]
- tripod pitcher[2]
- urn[5]
- vase[9]
- vessel[28]
- vessel fragment[13]
- whistle[27]
- belehu[3]
- cahabon district[2]
- chagcar[1]
- chama[1]
- chama (guatemala)[294]
- chipal[236]
- chixoy[1]
- coban[15]
- coban district[12]
- cubilhuitz[1]
- department of quiche[224]
- gracias dios[1]
- guatemala[611]
- huehuetenango[1]
- la manzana[1]
- quirigua[1]
- rio sasteen[1]
- rokuima[14]
- samac[4]
- san cristobal verapaz[1]
- senahu[1]
- senahu district[8]
- stiapec[2]
- uspatan[1]
- verapaz[10]
- chipal 2[1]
- colonial[1]
- late classic[1]
- late classic maya[1]
- modern[1]
- post-classic maya[1]
- postclassic maya[1]
- chama 4[1]
- chipal 2[3]
- chipal i[1]
- classic maya[1]
- early post-classic[4]
- highland maya[9]
- late classic[1]
- late classic maya[2]
- maya[56]
- pre-maya[4]
- teotihuacan[1]
- toltec[1]
- central american[611]
- between ixkoy and soloma[2]
- burial cave[9]
- cave 20 miles north of coban[2]
- cave in neighborhood of pansamala[1]
- chichel or pampur[1]
- farm[1]
- found near na11198[3]
- found with skeleton 575[1]
- four leagues southwest of san cristobal verapaz[1]
- moun a, top digging[1]
- mound a[1]
- mound a, top digging[1]
- mound a, bottom digging[2]
- mound a, bottom digging.[2]
- mound a, top digging[67]
- mound a, top digging,[5]
- mound a, top digging.[26]
- mound b[10]
- one league below chiantla[1]
- sakulen[1]
- scattered finds[1]
- animal[1]
- animal face[2]
- animal head[16]
- animal head?[1]
- animal paw[1]
- animal torso[1]
- animal?[1]
- arm[1]
- armadillo[1]
- arms[1]
- ball[1]
- ballplayer[1]
- bat god[1]
- bat god?[1]
- bird[4]
- bird head[2]
- ceremony[1]
- child[1]
- club[1]
- cocoa pod?[1]
- corn?[1]
- death head[3]
- face[5]
- figure[2]
- flea?[1]
- flower[1]
- flute[1]
- frog[1]
- grotesque head[1]
- hand[2]
- head[12]
- headdress[5]
- heads[1]
- human[3]
- human arm[1]
- human face[13]
- human figure[12]
- human figurine[4]
- human foot[1]
- human head[16]
- human torso[2]
- human?[2]
- jaguar[2]
- jaguar face[2]
- jaguar head[9]
- knife[1]
- leaf[1]
- leaves[1]
- lizard[3]
- man[3]
- mask[7]
- monkey[3]
- monkey face[3]
- monkey?[2]
- musician[1]
- noble?[1]
- old man[2]
- old man?[1]
- plant[1]
- priest?[1]
- puma[1]
- puma head[1]
- rabbit god[1]
- raccoon[1]
- reptile head[3]
- seated figure[3]
- serpent[1]
- shield[1]
- snake[1]
- spike[1]
- staff[1]
- vulture[1]
- vulture head[1]
- warrior[2]
- woman[1]
- basalt[1]
- bivalve shell[5]
- bone[10]
- ceramic[248]
- clay[101]
- copal[1]
- copper[11]
- crystal (stone)[1]
- deer antler[1]
- flint[6]
- gold[7]
- gold alloy[1]
- granite[4]
- greenstone[2]
- jade[1]
- jadeite[49]
- lava stone[2]
- metal[1]
- mother-of-pearl[12]
- obsidian[25]
- ochre[2]
- paint[5]
- pigment[10]
- pyrite[12]
- quartzite[2]
- schist[2]
- serpentine[6]
- shale[3]
- shark tooth[1]
- shell[11]
- steatite[4]
- stone[80]
- terracotta[1]
- tufa[2]
- burnt[1]
- carved[5]
- chipped[4]
- drilled[3]
- engraved[1]
- flaked[4]
- impressed[1]
- incised[35]
- modelled[3]
- mould made[2]
- painted[45]
- polished[2]
- polychrome[1]
- stamped[2]
- unfinished[1]
- actual citation[21]
1 - 30 of 611 Records

1 - 30 of 611 Records