Gift of Randolph Clay, 1912
Accession Lot
- Object[139]
- american[135]
- european[1]
- mediterranean[3]
- amphora[2]
- aryballos[3]
- aryballus[4]
- axe[2]
- bag[1]
- bottle[26]
- bowl[3]
- canteen[1]
- celt socket[1]
- cup[2]
- cupping instrument[1]
- effigy bottle[9]
- effigy jug[3]
- effigy pitcher[1]
- effigy vase[3]
- effigy vessel[8]
- figurine[1]
- image[1]
- jar[3]
- jug[9]
- kero[2]
- kothon[1]
- lamp[1]
- llama bell[2]
- pendant[1]
- pitcher[14]
- plate[2]
- pot[2]
- rain coat[1]
- trumpet[1]
- vase[10]
- vessel[19]
- vessel fragment[1]
- water pipe[1]
- whistle[1]
- whistling jar[5]
- whistling vessel[2]
- alaska[2]
- ancon[1]
- chiriqui province[1]
- costa rica[1]
- cuzco[3]
- france[1]
- grand chimu[2]
- greece[1]
- huacas[10]
- huaura[8]
- italy[1]
- lambayeque[26]
- mediterranean[1]
- mississippi valley[1]
- panama[2]
- pativilca[1]
- peru[130]
- pisco city[1]
- quintay[1]
- santiago de caos[11]
- switzerland[1]
- trujillo[1]
- united states of america[1]
- wainwright[2]
- colonial[2]
- colonial period[1]
- early chimu[4]
- late ancon i[2]
- late chimu[40]
- late corinthian period[1]
- late horizon[1]
- middle chimu[2]
- modern[3]
- neolithic[1]
- chimu[52]
- chiriqui[1]
- christian[1]
- corinthian[1]
- inca[8]
- inuit[2]
- middle chimu[1]
- moche[2]
- mochica[1]
- swiss lake dweller[1]
- animal[8]
- animal head[2]
- arms[1]
- bean pod[1]
- bird[10]
- bird head[2]
- birds[2]
- bivalve shell[1]
- cat head[3]
- chicha[1]
- corn beer[1]
- crab[1]
- crab claw[1]
- crawfish[3]
- duck[4]
- face[1]
- fan[1]
- fish[1]
- flower[1]
- frog[1]
- fruit[8]
- fruit?[2]
- guinea pig?[1]
- head[1]
- hoof[1]
- human[1]
- human figure[4]
- human head[1]
- llama[3]
- male head[1]
- man[7]
- marine shell[1]
- melon[1]
- melon?[1]
- monkey[6]
- monkey?[1]
- nut?[2]
- nuts?[1]
- paddle[1]
- pakui pod[1]
- pear?[1]
- pig[2]
- rosette[1]
- seated figure[2]
- shark?[1]
- shell[1]
- tortoise[1]
- toucan[1]
- woman[1]
- actual citation[10]
1 - 30 of 139 Records

1 - 30 of 139 Records