Purchased from George Comer, 1913
Accession Lot
- Object[569]
- american[569]
- adze blade[2]
- adze haft[1]
- adze head[3]
- amulet[4]
- antler fragment[1]
- armor[1]
- arrow[8]
- arrow foreshaft[1]
- arrow shaft straightener[2]
- arrowhead[10]
- awl[8]
- awl handle[1]
- axe head[2]
- bag[2]
- bag handle[2]
- bead[1]
- bird bolt[2]
- blades[1]
- block[1]
- bodkin[1]
- bone[1]
- boot[5]
- bow[7]
- bow end[3]
- bowl[2]
- buckle[5]
- butcher knife[1]
- button[3]
- carving[16]
- case[1]
- charm[1]
- clasp[10]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[7]
- container base[1]
- cord attacher[2]
- coupler[1]
- dart head[2]
- dipper[1]
- dish[9]
- dish fragment[1]
- doll[7]
- doll clothes[1]
- drill mouthpiece[1]
- drinking tube[2]
- fish spear[5]
- fish stringer[2]
- flakes[7]
- float mouthpiece[2]
- float plug[3]
- goggles[2]
- harpoon[2]
- harpoon foreshaft[6]
- harpoon head[43]
- harpoon point[16]
- harpoon points[9]
- harpoon shaft[4]
- harpoon socket[4]
- kettle[6]
- kettle fragment[2]
- knife[37]
- knife blade[12]
- knife handle[14]
- ladle[9]
- lamp[9]
- lance head[7]
- marlin spike[3]
- moccasin[4]
- model[6]
- necklace[2]
- needle[4]
- needle case[2]
- net leader[2]
- object[36]
- object fragment[12]
- ornament[8]
- parka[6]
- plug[2]
- prong[10]
- quiver[3]
- raw material[12]
- salmon spear[2]
- scraper[22]
- scraper blade[2]
- scraper handle[3]
- sinker[2]
- sled part[2]
- snow knife[3]
- snow tester[2]
- spear head[9]
- spoon[2]
- tinder kit[3]
- toggle[12]
- toy[6]
- trousers[5]
- tuputa[3]
- ulu[2]
- ulu handle[9]
- wedge[5]
- whetstone[6]
- wound pin[3]
- canada[567]
- cape fullerton[1]
- chesterfield inlet[2]
- fury and hecla strait[52]
- gulf of boothia[59]
- northampton island[26]
- northwest territories[14]
- nunavut[1]
- repulse bay[189]
- southampton island[127]
- southhampton island[2]
- vansittart island[1]
- victoria land[19]
- wager river[80]
- winchester inlet[9]
- antler[19]
- baleen[1]
- beads[1]
- bear teeth[1]
- bear tooth[2]
- bird feet[1]
- bone[131]
- bone (unidentified)[2]
- caribou[5]
- caribou fur[3]
- caribou hide[1]
- clay[1]
- copper[1]
- crystal (stone)[1]
- deerskin[2]
- dog tooth[1]
- flint[18]
- fossil[1]
- fox skull[1]
- glass[1]
- hide[13]
- horn (animal part)[12]
- ivory[74]
- limestone[2]
- metal[1]
- metallic crystal[1]
- moss[4]
- musk ox horn[1]
- oak[1]
- pebble[1]
- polar bear fur[3]
- salmon skin[1]
- seal skin[3]
- sealskin[3]
- shell[5]
- shells[1]
- sinew[3]
- skin[6]
- slate[18]
- soapstone[2]
- squirrel hide[2]
- stone[41]
- tin[1]
- tooth[2]
- walrus tooth[2]
- weasel hide[1]
- whale bone[1]
- wolverine fur[1]
- wood[25]
- carved[2]
- decorated[1]
- perforated[7]
- unfinished[1]
- worked[32]
- igalaaq[1]
1 - 30 of 569 Records

1 - 30 of 569 Records