Gift of William H. Miller, 1916
Accession Lot
- Object[151]
- no[151]
- african[4]
- american[55]
- asian[37]
- near eastern[12]
- oceanian[43]
- arrow[14]
- boots[2]
- bow[4]
- bowl[7]
- ceremonial club[1]
- clog[5]
- clogs[2]
- club[11]
- container[1]
- cooking pot[1]
- cup[1]
- dart[26]
- effigy[1]
- fan[2]
- figurine[2]
- jar[1]
- mask[1]
- moccasin[4]
- mummy mask[1]
- overshoe[1]
- perforator[1]
- pestle[1]
- pitcher[1]
- pot[31]
- pottery[1]
- pottery sherd[1]
- sandal[4]
- sandals[1]
- scraper[1]
- sherd[1]
- slipper[15]
- slippers[3]
- throwing club[3]
- vessel[1]
- war club[1]
- adams county (mississippi)[3]
- alabama[1]
- ancon[1]
- arkansas[1]
- armenia[1]
- british columbia[1]
- calcutta[1]
- canada[6]
- china[25]
- colan[2]
- delaware county (pennsylvania)[1]
- fiji islands[15]
- india[1]
- iran[1]
- japan[11]
- liberia[2]
- maritime province[2]
- massachusetts[1]
- mexico (central america)[2]
- middle mississippian[1]
- mississippi[5]
- missouri[1]
- mounds of olumba[2]
- natchez (mississippi)[3]
- new ireland[1]
- new mexico[1]
- new york[3]
- niagara falls[1]
- north carolina[1]
- pachacamac[1]
- pennsylvania[1]
- peru[35]
- pisco (city)[2]
- polynesia[22]
- quebec[2]
- queen charlotte islands[1]
- rio bamba[5]
- rio la chira[11]
- rotuma[1]
- salem[1]
- samoa islands[1]
- santa cruz islands[1]
- society islands[26]
- solomon islands[1]
- st. louis area[1]
- st. paul river[1]
- sudan[2]
- syria[1]
- tahiti[26]
- tonga islands[2]
- turkey (country)[9]
- united states of america[14]
- wendake[2]
- west africa[1]
- qing dynasty[9]
- mounds[2]
- bamboo[2]
- bark[4]
- bone[2]
- cane (plant)[36]
- canvas[1]
- ceramic[37]
- clay[7]
- cotton[4]
- deer bone[1]
- deer skin[2]
- feathers[14]
- fiber[13]
- glass[2]
- gourd[1]
- grass[7]
- hardwood[1]
- iron[14]
- leather[15]
- metal alloy[2]
- moose hair[2]
- moose hide[2]
- peel[21]
- pigment[26]
- plant fiber[4]
- porcupine hair[2]
- porcupine quill[2]
- quill[2]
- rattan[1]
- shell[1]
- silk ribbon[2]
- sinew[3]
- steatite[1]
- stone[1]
- textile[7]
- vegetable fiber[3]
- velvet[2]
- wood[59]
- black ware[10]
- carved[3]
- embroidered[4]
- gray ware[1]
- incised[1]
- painted[3]
- plaited[4]
- polychrome[1]
- quillwork[2]
- red ware[1]
- woven[5]
- actual citation[10]
1 - 30 of 151 Records

1 - 30 of 151 Records