Delaware River Valley Expedition, Charles C. Abbott, 1890
Accession Lot
- Object[507]
- no[507]
- american[507]
- arrow point[2]
- awl[1]
- axe[1]
- bannerstone[9]
- celt[5]
- ceremonial object[3]
- disc[1]
- drill[12]
- flake[30]
- flakes[1]
- hammer[1]
- hammerstone[10]
- hammerstones[3]
- implement[34]
- knife[96]
- knives[1]
- net-sinker[1]
- pebble[10]
- pestle[3]
- pipe fragment[3]
- point[39]
- points[9]
- polishing stone[1]
- potsherds[1]
- projectile point[159]
- projectile points[16]
- quartz[1]
- rubbing stone[1]
- scraper[24]
- sherd[29]
- spearhead[1]
- stone[4]
- delaware valley[33]
- diamond (ohio)[4]
- laurie's mill pond[2]
- mercer county[502]
- new jersey[503]
- ohio[4]
- palmyra township[4]
- portage county[4]
- trenton[503]
- united states[1]
- united states of america[502]
- unites states of america[4]
- late archaic[1]
- paleolithic[1]
- chipped[411]
- fired[1]
- groundstone[7]
1 - 30 of 507 Records

1 - 30 of 507 Records