Moorehead-Johnson Expedition to Texas, 1920
Accession Lot
- Object[431]
- yes[431]
- no[431]
- american[431]
- animal bone[26]
- animal tooth[1]
- antler tip[1]
- arrowhead[6]
- ash[1]
- awl[8]
- axe[6]
- basket fragment[1]
- cast[1]
- celt[1]
- chip[3]
- chips[1]
- clam shell[1]
- cloth[1]
- core[2]
- drill[5]
- drill point[2]
- flake[20]
- flakes[5]
- footprint[1]
- fossil[1]
- gouge[2]
- hammerstone[7]
- implement[5]
- knife[131]
- mano stone[1]
- mollusk shell[1]
- ornament[2]
- point[1]
- projectile point[85]
- rubbing stone[2]
- sandstone[12]
- scraper[99]
- shell[1]
- shell fragment[1]
- sherd[6]
- sherds[6]
- smoother[1]
- stone[3]
- stone fragment[1]
- thumb scraper[1]
- alibates creek[26]
- antelope creek[53]
- canadian river[231]
- cottonwood creek (texas)[53]
- eyerly ruin[2]
- flores village site[1]
- gould ruin[91]
- handley ranch[105]
- indian hill[74]
- jackson ruins[5]
- kansas[21]
- kings river[9]
- kings ruins[48]
- landergin[74]
- near englewood[21]
- ochiltree county[13]
- potter county (texas)[26]
- tarbox creek[9]
- texas[410]
- united states of america[430]
- wolf creek[98]
- animal bone[30]
- animal tooth[1]
- antler[1]
- ash[1]
- bone[7]
- chert[1]
- clam shell[1]
- clay[13]
- cloth[1]
- flint[327]
- fossil[1]
- jasper[2]
- mollusk shell[2]
- obsidian[6]
- quartz[1]
- quartzite[1]
- sandstone[12]
- shell[3]
- stone[16]
- yucca[1]
- worked[18]
1 - 30 of 431 Records

1 - 30 of 431 Records