Wanamaker Expedition to the Southwest, R. Stewart Culin, 1901
Accession Lot
- Object[296]
- no[296]
- american[296]
- arrow[3]
- arrowhead[3]
- awl[2]
- basket[6]
- bead[5]
- belt[1]
- blade[1]
- blanket[2]
- blanket dress[1]
- bones[1]
- bowl[35]
- bread[1]
- breech cloth[1]
- candle mold[1]
- canteen[1]
- carrying case[1]
- celt[2]
- cup[1]
- dance wand[1]
- digger[1]
- drum[2]
- drum head[2]
- drumstick[2]
- fetish[8]
- flute[5]
- gaming arrow[1]
- head[1]
- headdress[1]
- image[1]
- jar[7]
- kachina doll[106]
- kilt[10]
- knife[1]
- ladle[14]
- leg band[1]
- legging[2]
- miniature[1]
- moccasin[1]
- moccasins[1]
- necklace[1]
- ornament[2]
- pendant[6]
- pendant bell[1]
- pipe[6]
- pipe stem fragment[1]
- plaque[14]
- pouch[1]
- prayer stick[4]
- prayer stick stand[2]
- rattle[1]
- robe[1]
- sash[3]
- scraper[1]
- sherd[2]
- shield[5]
- snake[1]
- snake dance outfit[10]
- spear[1]
- stick dice[1]
- stone[1]
- tool[1]
- toy[1]
- tray[16]
- twister[1]
- water bottle[1]
- wedding outfit[6]
- wristlet[1]
- antelope mesa[1]
- arizona[272]
- awat'ovi[4]
- awatovi[20]
- coy-yav-ap-kee-koo[12]
- first mesa[9]
- greater southwest[1]
- hano[1]
- hopi reservation[1]
- jemez pueblo[1]
- kawayka'a[2]
- koo-uy-kah[8]
- new mexico[20]
- northeast arizona[4]
- oraibi[34]
- pajanito pinta[1]
- san juan pueblo[1]
- santa clara canyon[2]
- santa clara pueblo[2]
- santa fe (new mexico)[10]
- second mesa[2]
- shipaulovi[1]
- third mesa[22]
- united states of america[112]
- walpi[4]
- late pueblo iv[1]
- prehistoric[1]
- protohistoric hopi[1]
- pueblo iv[36]
- apache[4]
- comanche[3]
- hopi[203]
- hopi-tewa[1]
- jicarilla[1]
- navajo[2]
- pima[1]
- prehistoric hopi[1]
- protohistoric hopi[41]
- pueblo[21]
- rio grande pueblo[1]
- santa clara[1]
- tewa (culture)[3]
- western apache[2]
- white mountain apache[3]
- zuni[3]
- animal[2]
- animal track[1]
- antelope[3]
- bean sprout[2]
- bird[3]
- bird track[2]
- bow[1]
- chevron[7]
- circle[1]
- cloud[27]
- clown[5]
- corn[14]
- corn smut[1]
- crow[3]
- dance stick[1]
- eagles[1]
- feather[3]
- flower blossom[16]
- frog[1]
- goat[1]
- hands[1]
- havasupai[4]
- hornet[1]
- kachina[7]
- katsina[7]
- laguna[5]
- lightning[1]
- mountain lion[1]
- mudhead[3]
- navajo[8]
- ogre[1]
- phallus[4]
- puma[1]
- rainbow[9]
- shell[1]
- snake[3]
- squash blossom[2]
- star[3]
- summer w. matteson[1]
- sun[3]
- tripod[1]
- turtle[1]
- water serpent[3]
- zuni[8]
- zuni warrior[1]
- bone[4]
- buckskin[7]
- buffalo hide[1]
- ceramic[1]
- chalcedony[3]
- chert[3]
- clam shell[1]
- clay[68]
- cloth[23]
- corn husk[3]
- cotton[15]
- cotton cloth[5]
- cotton string[14]
- cottonwood (tree)[19]
- devil's claw[2]
- feather[98]
- fiber[11]
- fossil shark tooth[1]
- fur[6]
- gourd[1]
- great horned owl feather[1]
- hair[8]
- hematite[1]
- hide[9]
- homespun wool[1]
- jasper[2]
- juniper wood[2]
- leather[1]
- metal[52]
- natural dye[1]
- obsidian[1]
- owl feather[1]
- paint[106]
- paw[1]
- pigment[39]
- plant fiber[10]
- quail feather[1]
- rabbit brush[14]
- rawhide[4]
- reed (plant)[6]
- resin[1]
- seed[1]
- shell[2]
- sinew[6]
- skin[3]
- slate[1]
- stone[25]
- string[70]
- sumac[13]
- thread[1]
- turkey feather[1]
- turquoise[2]
- willow[2]
- wood[109]
- wool[3]
- wool cloth[1]
- wool cord[1]
- wool yarn[2]
- yarn[15]
- yucca[11]
- basketry[19]
- braided[2]
- carved[1]
- chipped[1]
- coiled[7]
- jeddito black-on-orange[1]
- jeddito black-on-yellow[29]
- jeddito yellow ware[1]
- knitted[2]
- plaited[13]
- polychrome[1]
- sikyatki polychrome[6]
- twined[1]
- wicker[13]
- woven[14]
1 - 30 of 296 Records
1 - 30 of 296 Records