Purchased from E. M. Rhodes & Company, 1915
Accession Lot
- Object[48]
- no[48]
- american[48]
- arrow[1]
- bag[1]
- basket[11]
- basket lid[5]
- belt[1]
- berry basket[7]
- boat pump[1]
- boot[3]
- bow[1]
- bowl[1]
- cribbage board[4]
- dish[7]
- grease bowl[1]
- moccasin[1]
- needle case[1]
- seal club[1]
- sewing outfit[1]
- spear[1]
- throwing stick[2]
- bear grass[1]
- caribou fur[4]
- cattail leaves[1]
- cedar bark[2]
- cedar root[1]
- cloth[2]
- cotton[1]
- fiber[1]
- glass[1]
- grass[9]
- hide[3]
- ivory[2]
- leather[1]
- maidenhair fern[1]
- pigment[1]
- plant fiber[9]
- shell[2]
- sinew[3]
- skin[1]
- spruce root[9]
- walrus ivory[1]
- wolverine[1]
- wood[15]
- yarn[1]
- atleo[1]
1 - 30 of 48 Records

1 - 30 of 48 Records