Gift of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1997
Accession Lot
- Object[726]
- no[726]
- adze[1]
- adze blade[12]
- adze haft[3]
- arm ring[1]
- armlet[2]
- arrow[96]
- arrow shaft[8]
- arrowhead[13]
- bag[6]
- bark cloth[69]
- bark cloth beater[4]
- bark cloth border[2]
- bark cloth material[1]
- bark cloth sample[47]
- bark cloth stamp[1]
- basket[1]
- basket lid[1]
- bead[1]
- beads[3]
- bed curtain[1]
- bedding[7]
- belt[6]
- betel container[1]
- betel container lid[1]
- boomerang[9]
- bow[2]
- bowl[8]
- bowling stone[8]
- box[1]
- box lid[1]
- bracelet[3]
- breast ornament[1]
- brush[2]
- calabash[1]
- cannibal fork[1]
- canoe[3]
- canoe lashing material[1]
- canoe making adze blade[1]
- canoe paddle[1]
- cap[1]
- cape (clothing)[1]
- carrying basket[1]
- cloak[2]
- cloth[3]
- clothing[13]
- club[12]
- cluster[2]
- collar[11]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[5]
- cord[3]
- cover[3]
- currency[7]
- dance skirt fragment[3]
- drum[2]
- fan[6]
- fine mat[18]
- fishhook[10]
- fly whisk[3]
- garment[8]
- head[2]
- imitation[2]
- kava bowl[7]
- kava cup[2]
- knife[3]
- knife sheath[3]
- loincloth[2]
- mat[26]
- model[4]
- neck rest[2]
- necklace[14]
- octopus hook[2]
- octopus hook sinker[13]
- octopus lure[10]
- ornament[6]
- pendant[2]
- poi pounder[4]
- pouch[9]
- rope[5]
- sandal[4]
- sap gathering bucket[2]
- scabbard[2]
- shark hook[2]
- shield[5]
- skirt[17]
- skirt fragment[3]
- sleeping cloth fragment[15]
- sleeping mat fragment[8]
- sling[2]
- sorcerer's burning dish[2]
- spear[20]
- spear shaft[4]
- spearhead[2]
- spoon[2]
- sword[10]
- sword sheath[8]
- throwing club[5]
- tobacco pipe[2]
- waist band[14]
- weapon[2]
- whale tooth[3]
- abyssinia[6]
- africa[23]
- angola[5]
- antanarivo[24]
- apia[1]
- auckland[3]
- austral islands[2]
- australia[11]
- banjuwangie[1]
- batu payung[2]
- borneo[5]
- bougainville[8]
- british new guinea[3]
- buka island[1]
- burai agong[1]
- caroline islands[5]
- cook islands[10]
- dutch new guinea[1]
- dutch west borneo[2]
- east africa[5]
- east coast, new guinea[1]
- fiji islands[17]
- french polynesia[1]
- futuna[2]
- gabon[7]
- gilbert islands[6]
- guinea[1]
- hana[3]
- hawaii[3]
- hawaiian islands[189]
- hilo[1]
- honokua[1]
- honolulu[2]
- horne islands[2]
- indonesia[2]
- java[8]
- jogjakarta[2]
- kailua[1]
- kalaiki[2]
- kauai[73]
- kendawangan river[2]
- kipukai[4]
- lacepede islands[2]
- liberia[1]
- libreville[7]
- luzon[1]
- madagascar[24]
- mangaia[2]
- manila[1]
- marquesas islands[3]
- marshall islands[5]
- masai land[10]
- maui[4]
- melanesia[2]
- micronesia[11]
- mindanao[5]
- morocco[2]
- mount kilimanjaro[18]
- new caledonia[1]
- new guinea[71]
- new hebrides[6]
- new ireland[12]
- new south wales[2]
- new zealand[8]
- niue[4]
- njen[1]
- north africa[2]
- northeast africa[1]
- northern luzon[5]
- nuku hiva[3]
- oahu[31]
- pacific islands[22]
- palawan[2]
- palm island[1]
- panay[2]
- philippine islands[22]
- polynesia[7]
- queensland[2]
- rhodesia[2]
- samoa islands[117]
- society islands[6]
- solomon islands[59]
- south africa[2]
- sudan[5]
- sulu archipelago[2]
- sumatra[3]
- tahiti[8]
- tanzania[19]
- tokitoki[9]
- tonga islands[4]
- trobriand islands[2]
- tunis[2]
- tunisia[2]
- united states of america[72]
- upolu[6]
- west africa[4]
- west central africa[7]
- western australia[5]
- zanzibar[2]
- zimbabwe[2]
- central africa[7]
- masai land[1]
- north africa[1]
- human head[1]
- mancala[1]
- bamboo[51]
- bark[1]
- bark cloth[165]
- basalt[4]
- bast fiber[1]
- bird beak[1]
- boar tusk[3]
- bone[23]
- brass[6]
- bronze[1]
- buffalo horn[1]
- cane (plant)[59]
- carnelian[2]
- clam shell[1]
- cloth[2]
- clove[1]
- coconut[1]
- coconut fiber[8]
- coconut shell[6]
- copper[3]
- coral[5]
- cord[1]
- cotton[8]
- cowry shell[11]
- dog teeth[1]
- feather[12]
- fiber[11]
- flax[4]
- fur[1]
- glass[15]
- glaze[14]
- gourd[8]
- gum[4]
- hair[2]
- hide[18]
- horn (animal part)[3]
- iron[9]
- ivory[2]
- lava[2]
- lava stone[6]
- leaf[2]
- leather[16]
- metal[40]
- midrib[1]
- oil[8]
- paint[2]
- palm fiber[6]
- palm leaf[11]
- palm wood[1]
- pandanus leaf[11]
- paper[1]
- paper-mulberry bark[5]
- parchment[1]
- pearl[1]
- pearl shell[1]
- peel[100]
- pig[1]
- pigment[178]
- pipturus albidus bark[3]
- plant fiber[121]
- plant material[3]
- plaster[1]
- poison[3]
- pumice[2]
- raphia[22]
- reed (plant)[11]
- root[1]
- sea turtle shell[1]
- seed[3]
- seed pod[1]
- shark teeth[2]
- shell[36]
- silk[1]
- skin[3]
- steel[6]
- stone[33]
- straw[1]
- turtle shell[4]
- vegetable fiber[6]
- whale teeth[1]
- whale tooth[3]
- wire[1]
- wood[246]
- wool[5]
- actual citation[27]
- type citation[4]
1 - 30 of 726 Records

1 - 30 of 726 Records