Gift of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1997
Accession Lot
- Object[978]
- no[978]
- american[978]
- adze[6]
- anvil[3]
- arrow shaft straightener[2]
- awl[1]
- axe[25]
- ball[9]
- beads[2]
- button[1]
- celt[28]
- chisel[3]
- club head[1]
- core[2]
- cup[6]
- dish[2]
- disk[10]
- drill[26]
- elbow pipe[2]
- end scraper[17]
- game ball[1]
- gaming bones[7]
- gorget[3]
- gouge[2]
- grinding stone[7]
- grooved axe[15]
- grooved hammer[1]
- grooved stone[2]
- hammer[1]
- hammerstone[10]
- hand axe[1]
- hatchet[3]
- hoe[2]
- image[1]
- implement[3]
- knife[301]
- knife fragment[1]
- lid[1]
- mallet[14]
- mallet head[20]
- mano[2]
- medicine[1]
- metate[23]
- milling stone[1]
- mortar[24]
- muller[1]
- necklace[3]
- notched axe[1]
- object[4]
- ornament[1]
- paint mortar[5]
- painting bone[1]
- pendant[2]
- perforator[1]
- pestle[36]
- petrified wood[1]
- pick axe head[1]
- piki stone[1]
- pipe[7]
- plummet[1]
- point[237]
- polisher[1]
- potter's stone[1]
- pouch[1]
- ring[5]
- rubbing stone[3]
- sandal last[1]
- saucer[1]
- scraper[19]
- sharpening stone[1]
- sinker[3]
- smoothing stone[1]
- spade[9]
- stone[20]
- string of beads[4]
- tomahawk[1]
- tomahawk blade[2]
- tomahawk head[4]
- tube[4]
- walnut[1]
- war club[4]
- war club head[5]
- weight[3]
- whetstone[1]
- alabama[1]
- alaska[1]
- arizona[48]
- arkansas[12]
- auglaize county[1]
- bad river[1]
- bainbridge (pennsylvania)[12]
- bates county[3]
- beltrami county[5]
- bismark[1]
- british columbia[9]
- brown county (ohio)[21]
- calhoun county[2]
- california (state)[10]
- canada[13]
- canadian river[12]
- cape girardeau county[14]
- cochiti pueblo[1]
- colorado[2]
- connecticut[6]
- coosa river[1]
- cumberland county (pennsylvania)[1]
- delaware[11]
- duboistown[8]
- dulce lake[1]
- el paso[1]
- eta river[1]
- florida[6]
- floyd county (georgia)[1]
- fremont county (wymoing)[1]
- georgia[27]
- gila river[1]
- gordon county[3]
- hampden county[2]
- hancock county (ohio)[3]
- illinois[103]
- indiana[18]
- jackson county (illinois)[19]
- jeddito spring[5]
- kentucky[15]
- laguna pueblo[2]
- lancaster county (pennsylvania)[33]
- little white river[2]
- louisiana[9]
- lycoming county[8]
- maine[4]
- marsh run[13]
- maryland[10]
- massachusetts[11]
- mexico (central america)[14]
- michigan[8]
- milton county[2]
- minnesota[6]
- mississippi[16]
- missouri[98]
- missouri river[3]
- near canadian river[2]
- near red lake[2]
- near salt river[7]
- new holland[8]
- new mexico[122]
- new york[10]
- niagara county[3]
- north america[26]
- north carolina[12]
- north dakota[4]
- northeast arizona[6]
- ohio[76]
- oklahoma[18]
- oregon[30]
- pennsylvania[64]
- pike county (illinois)[19]
- preble county[4]
- red lake[3]
- rio grande[15]
- salt river[15]
- salt river valley[8]
- san jose river[10]
- san juan river[6]
- smith county[27]
- sonoma county[2]
- south dakota[23]
- southern mexico[9]
- southwest colorado[15]
- southwest new mexico[3]
- tennessee[67]
- tesuque river[2]
- texas[2]
- united states of america[703]
- upper rio grande river[24]
- vancouver island[9]
- virginia[20]
- washington (u. s. state)[8]
- wayne county (ohio)[2]
- west virginia[9]
- white clay creek[2]
- white river[17]
- wisconsin[8]
- york county (pennsylvania)[5]
- zuni river[25]
- apache[1]
- arapaho[4]
- aztec[3]
- cheyenne (culture)[8]
- chippewa[1]
- cliff dweller[9]
- creek[1]
- eskimo[1]
- mound (culture)[2]
- prehistoric pueblo[5]
- pueblo[21]
- sioux[1]
- tuscarora[3]
- arctic culture area[2]
- arctic culture area [3]
- california culture area[10]
- central american[14]
- great basin culture area[10]
- great plains culture area[52]
- north american culture area[31]
- northeast culture area[351]
- northeast culture area [1]
- northwest coast culture area[41]
- southeast culture area[271]
- southwest culture area[196]
- subarctic culture area[4]
- "prehistoric cliff ruins".[1]
- anicent ruins[1]
- cliff dwellilng[1]
- mound[1]
- near chama river[1]
- near fort sill[1]
- near jettyto spring[2]
- near niagara falls[3]
- near red pipestone quarry[1]
- near rio chama[1]
- near rio grande river[1]
- near upper rio grande river[4]
- near white river[3]
- north of zuni river[1]
- rinely[1]
- ruins[2]
- san nicholas island[1]
- west of river[1]
- andesite[2]
- animal hoof[1]
- argillaceous material[7]
- argillite[18]
- bone[12]
- bone (unidentified)[1]
- chalcedony[374]
- chert[54]
- clay[1]
- deer hoof[3]
- felsite[1]
- flint[14]
- fruit[1]
- granite[3]
- hematite[3]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- igneous rock[1]
- iron[5]
- jasper[32]
- lava stone[23]
- leather[2]
- limestone[2]
- metal[3]
- mica schist[1]
- obsidian[26]
- petrified wood[1]
- pigment[1]
- porphyry[1]
- quartz[13]
- quartzite[27]
- rhyolite[16]
- river stone[1]
- sandstone[15]
- shale[2]
- shell[4]
- skin[1]
- slate[7]
- steatite[4]
- steel[1]
- stone[289]
- turtle shell[1]
- volcanic stone[4]
- walnut[1]
- walnut shell[1]
- wood[5]
- actual citation[435]
- general reference[1]
1 - 30 of 978 Records
1 - 30 of 978 Records