Babylonian Expedition to Nippur I,1889
Accession Lot
- Object[1,122]
- babylonian[508]
- near eastern[614]
- 3D Model[1]
- alabastron[3]
- amulet[1]
- animal figurine[13]
- arrowhead[4]
- arrowhead fragment[1]
- ball[1]
- balls[1]
- base sherd[2]
- bead[36]
- beads[3]
- beaker[5]
- bell[1]
- bird figurine[4]
- bottle[2]
- bowl[22]
- bracelet[2]
- buckle[1]
- bulla[36]
- celt[2]
- chain fragment[1]
- chisel[1]
- clasp[1]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[2]
- cosmetic spatula[1]
- counter[3]
- cup[8]
- cylinder[2]
- cylinder seal[6]
- dagger[2]
- dish[6]
- disk[7]
- door socket[3]
- equestrian figurine fragment[8]
- fibula (pin)[3]
- figurine[5]
- figurine fragment[14]
- figurine mold[4]
- firing tripod[8]
- fragment[4]
- furniture model[3]
- game piece[4]
- grinder[5]
- hairpin[5]
- handle[3]
- hebrew bowl[58]
- human figurine[14]
- incense burner fragment[2]
- inlay[4]
- jar[52]
- jar stopper[3]
- jewelry[7]
- jug[2]
- lamp[7]
- loom weight[7]
- macehead[3]
- model[11]
- molding[2]
- nail[2]
- needle[4]
- object[21]
- object fragment[2]
- ornament[18]
- pendant[5]
- pin fragment[4]
- plaque fragment[4]
- plate[2]
- polisher[7]
- polishing stone[2]
- pot[7]
- pot lid[7]
- raw material[8]
- razor[2]
- ring[9]
- rubbing stone[2]
- seal ring[3]
- sealing[3]
- shell[3]
- sherd[37]
- sherds[5]
- spearhead[3]
- spindle whorl[19]
- stamp seal[3]
- stone fragment[4]
- string of beads[19]
- tablet[448]
- tablet envelope[8]
- tablet fragment[3]
- toilet kit[2]
- token[5]
- tray[2]
- tray fragment[4]
- tube[2]
- urn[2]
- vase[6]
- vessel fragment[2]
- vial[9]
- wall cones[3]
- weight[26]
- whetstone[6]
- whetstone fragment[3]
- anbar[1]
- iraq[1,097]
- nippur[1,091]
- tell jokha[5]
- achaemenid period[38]
- archaic[1]
- assyrian[3]
- babylonian[2]
- cassite[1]
- early babylonian period[4]
- early dynastic iiib[2]
- early old babylonian period[40]
- late babylonian period[2]
- middle babylonian period[39]
- neo-assyrian period[1]
- neo-babylonian period[35]
- old akkadian period[1]
- old babylonian period[136]
- parthian[23]
- parthian period[2]
- persian period[1]
- post-christian[1]
- pre-sargonic[2]
- roman[1]
- sargonic[1]
- sassanian[1]
- ubaid[2]
- ur iii[113]
- egyptianizing[3]
- greek[3]
- parthian[1]
- sassanian[1]
- sumerian[4]
- 256[1]
- east side of shatt[1]
- east side of shatt en-nil[148]
- exact place unknown[1]
- hill viii[1]
- nippur i, exact place of discovery unknown.[1]
- shelf 65[1]
- south[4]
- stratum v (?)[11]
- tablet hill[188]
- temple library[1]
- temple of bel[1]
- upper stratum of tablet hill[4]
- west edge of temple library[1]
- west side of shatt[7]
- west side of shatt en-nil[9]
- west side of temple library[2]
- animal head[2]
- ape head[1]
- baby[1]
- bearded god[2]
- bel[1]
- bel?[3]
- beltis[9]
- bird[2]
- bitch[1]
- boar[1]
- business[1]
- camel[1]
- chariot[1]
- chariot wheel?[2]
- chicken[1]
- cow[1]
- creation[1]
- deer head[1]
- demon[11]
- dog[1]
- dog?[3]
- enlil?[1]
- female head[2]
- figures[1]
- frog[1]
- gazelle[1]
- gilgamesh?[1]
- god[1]
- goddess[1]
- headdress[1]
- horse[9]
- horse head[3]
- horse?[1]
- human[1]
- human figure[1]
- hymn[1]
- inscription[1]
- jirboa?[1]
- lion skin[1]
- lioness[1]
- lotus[1]
- male torso[1]
- man[1]
- mask[1]
- mathematics[1]
- monkey?[1]
- mouse[1]
- multiplication[1]
- necklace[1]
- nude man[1]
- nude woman[2]
- ox[2]
- puppy[1]
- quadruped[3]
- rider[9]
- seated figure[1]
- shell[1]
- staff[1]
- table[1]
- tambourine[1]
- weapon[1]
- wheel[6]
- wheel?[2]
- wild turkey?[1]
- woman[5]
- woman?[1]
- akkadian language[83]
- aramaic[30]
- hebrew language[2]
- mandaic[2]
- pahlavi language[1]
- pseudo-script[10]
- sumerian language[247]
- syriac[2]
- agate[7]
- alabaster[8]
- amber[1]
- amethyst[3]
- baked clay[1]
- basalt[3]
- bitumen[3]
- bone[19]
- bronze[22]
- calcite[4]
- carnelian[16]
- ceramic[197]
- chalcedony[3]
- clay[521]
- copper[18]
- dolorite[1]
- egg[1]
- flint[1]
- glass[34]
- glaze[2]
- gold[8]
- hematite[1]
- ink[56]
- iron[12]
- ivory[3]
- jasper[1]
- lapis lazuli[6]
- lead[2]
- limestone[17]
- marble (game)[1]
- marble (stone)[6]
- metal[1]
- mother-of-pearl[4]
- mussel[1]
- mussel shell[1]
- paste[8]
- quartz[2]
- quartzite[2]
- rock crystal[2]
- rose quartz[1]
- sandstone[2]
- seashell[1]
- shale[1]
- shell[46]
- silver[5]
- soapstone[1]
- stalagmite[1]
- stone[59]
- stucco[1]
- terracotta[136]
- turquoise[3]
- carved[3]
- eggshell ware[1]
- enamel[1]
- enameled[3]
- glazed[30]
- incised[26]
- inscribed[3]
- mould made[2]
- painted[2]
- pierced[4]
- punched[1]
- relief[1]
- seal impression[1]
- stamped[4]
- unbaked[12]
- actual citation[108]
631 - 660 of 1,122 Records

631 - 660 of 1,122 Records