Babylonian Expedition to Nippur II, 1890
Accession Lot
- Object[2,239]
- babylonian[2,027]
- near eastern[212]
- animal figurine[1]
- axe[1]
- axe fragment[17]
- axe head[2]
- barrel cylinder[1]
- bead[2]
- bead spreader[1]
- block[1]
- bottle[1]
- bowl[6]
- bracelet[1]
- bulla[5]
- cast[116]
- celt[1]
- cone[1]
- cup[2]
- cylinder[1]
- cylinder seal[41]
- die[1]
- disk[1]
- doll[1]
- duck weight[2]
- earring[3]
- equestrian figurine[2]
- equestrian figurine fragment[1]
- figurine[22]
- figurine fragment[12]
- figurine mold[1]
- firing tripod[1]
- fragment[2]
- glass fragment[1]
- hebrew bowl[18]
- human figurine[13]
- incense burner[1]
- incense burner fragment[1]
- jar[1]
- jewelry[1]
- label[2]
- lamp[9]
- lantern[1]
- molding[2]
- mortuary statue[13]
- object[10]
- pin fragment[1]
- plaque[8]
- plaque fragment[1]
- prism[5]
- raw material[1]
- relief[4]
- reproduction[45]
- rhyton fragment[1]
- ring[1]
- saw[1]
- sculpture[1]
- seal impression[1]
- seal ring[1]
- sealing[4]
- sherd[8]
- sherds[1]
- slab[2]
- spindle whorl[3]
- spout[1]
- stamp seal[5]
- statue[1]
- statuette[2]
- stele[1]
- stele fragment[1]
- tablet[1,902]
- tablet envelope[45]
- tablet fragment[1]
- tag[1]
- token[2]
- tube[1]
- vase[28]
- veil[1]
- vessel[10]
- vessel handle[1]
- vessel lid[2]
- vial[1]
- wall cone[2]
- weight[4]
- weight fragment[1]
- achaemenid period[6]
- babylonian[29]
- cassite[2]
- cassite period[2]
- early dynastic iiia[1]
- early dynastic iiib[41]
- early old babylonian period[63]
- kassite period[4]
- middle babylonian period[1,352]
- modern[1]
- neo-babylonian[4]
- neo-babylonian period[18]
- old akkadian period[28]
- old babylonian period[170]
- parthian[11]
- parthian period[3]
- post-christian[1]
- roman[3]
- roman period[4]
- sargonic[1]
- ur iii[220]
- assyrian[1]
- babylonian[1]
- cassite[1]
- egyptianizing[1]
- parthian[2]
- partho-sassanian[1]
- roman[11]
- sumerian[1]
- box 23[2]
- east of shatt[17]
- east of shatt en-nil[3]
- east side of shatt[5]
- east side of shatt en-nil[24]
- exact loc. not given.[1]
- exact place unknown[3]
- hill x or v[2]
- mound x[29]
- peters' mound iii[1]
- peters' mound v[1]
- place unknown[1]
- prob. temple library[3]
- south[1]
- tablet hill[106]
- temple archives[1]
- temple hill[1]
- temple hill, south end[13]
- temple lib[2]
- temple library[37]
- temple library or school[6]
- temple library?[1]
- temple school[5]
- unknown[1]
- upper stratum of tablet hill[2]
- west of shatt[44]
- west side of shatt[92]
- west side of shatt en-nil[793]
- west side of shatt-en-nil[24]
- west side of tablet hill[1]
- accounts[1]
- amphora[1]
- animal[1]
- baby[1]
- banquet scene[1]
- barley[1]
- bear?[1]
- bearded man[3]
- bel[7]
- bel?[4]
- beltis[9]
- beltis?[4]
- bird[1]
- boy[1]
- boy?[1]
- camel[1]
- cat?[3]
- couple[1]
- cup[1]
- deity[2]
- demon[8]
- dog[1]
- feline?[1]
- female head[5]
- floral motif[1]
- flute[1]
- god[1]
- goddess?[1]
- grapes[2]
- harp[1]
- headdress[3]
- horse[1]
- human head[1]
- ibex[1]
- inscription[5]
- lamb[1]
- lance[1]
- leopard[1]
- lioness[1]
- male head[1]
- man[8]
- mask[2]
- monkey[1]
- monkey?[1]
- musician[3]
- nude male[1]
- nude woman[2]
- panther[1]
- priapus?[1]
- priest?[1]
- quadruped[2]
- ram head[1]
- rider[3]
- seal impression[5]
- spear[1]
- tambourine[3]
- temple record[1]
- tray[1]
- tree[1]
- vase[2]
- woman[8]
- young man[2]
- youth[2]
- youths[1]
- zoomorphic[1]
- akkadian language[682]
- aramaic[2]
- aramaic language[5]
- hebrew language[2]
- mandaic[1]
- pseudo-script[1]
- sumerian language[425]
- syriac[1]
- agate[3]
- alabaster[7]
- basalt[1]
- bitumen[2]
- bone[3]
- bronze[2]
- calcite[26]
- ceramic[43]
- chalcedony[5]
- chlorite[1]
- clay[1,891]
- copper[3]
- diabase[1]
- diorite[5]
- dolomite[1]
- feldspar[1]
- flint[1]
- glass[2]
- glaze[2]
- gold[1]
- hematite[5]
- ink[18]
- jade[1]
- jasper[3]
- lapis lazuli[23]
- limestone[30]
- magnesite[2]
- marble[1]
- marble (game)[1]
- marble (stone)[4]
- paste[1]
- pigment[2]
- plaster[61]
- sandstone[1]
- serpentine[5]
- shell[2]
- silver[5]
- soapstone[5]
- stone[12]
- stone: diorite[1]
- stone: steatite[1]
- terracotta[76]
- baked[1]
- glazed[7]
- high relief[6]
- impressed[1]
- incised[2]
- inscribed[6]
- painted[1]
- stamped[1]
- unfinished[1]
- actual citation[133]
1 - 30 of 2,239 Records

1 - 30 of 2,239 Records