Bequest of Samuel Pennypacker, 1970
Accession Lot
- Object[1,054]
- animal bone[2]
- arrow[5]
- arrow shaft[2]
- arrowshaft[3]
- awl[25]
- axe[8]
- bag[2]
- bannerstone[3]
- basket[77]
- basket lid[7]
- bead[10]
- big house fan[2]
- bird arrow[3]
- bowl[41]
- box[4]
- box lid[4]
- bracelet[2]
- canoe model[2]
- carving[2]
- celt[11]
- charm[13]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[7]
- container[4]
- corn[2]
- corn husking peg[4]
- counters[47]
- cup[3]
- cup & pin game[2]
- dance staff[2]
- dart[3]
- dice[59]
- die[6]
- disc[7]
- disk[2]
- doll[3]
- drill[2]
- drum[4]
- drum beater[4]
- drumstick[5]
- fastener[2]
- fishhook[3]
- float[3]
- game[3]
- game piece[18]
- glass[2]
- gorget[4]
- hammerstone[9]
- harpoon head[3]
- hook[2]
- horse tail[2]
- implement[4]
- jug[6]
- kachina doll[2]
- knife[6]
- knife sheath[3]
- lacrosse stick[2]
- ladle[9]
- leg rattle[5]
- legging[2]
- mask[29]
- maskette[6]
- metal[2]
- miniature[5]
- moccasin[8]
- mortar[3]
- musical scraper[2]
- muskrat jaw[8]
- necklace[28]
- needle[3]
- net needle[3]
- netting needle[6]
- ornament[4]
- paint spatula[3]
- pendant[4]
- peyote fan[4]
- peyote feather[3]
- pin[4]
- pipe[11]
- pipe bag[4]
- pipe bowl[20]
- pipe stem[4]
- potsherd[44]
- projectile point[165]
- rattle[30]
- rim sherd[18]
- scraper[4]
- sherd[20]
- spoon[18]
- stamp[4]
- stone[5]
- string of beads[3]
- tobacco pouch[4]
- toggle[4]
- toy[8]
- turkey call[4]
- twig[7]
- ulu[3]
- wampum[3]
- war club[6]
- weaving implement[6]
- africa[1]
- alabama[12]
- alaska[7]
- alberta[1]
- allegheny reservation[2]
- arizona[12]
- arkansas[18]
- australia[1]
- bainbridge (pennsylvania)[7]
- beltrami county[1]
- berks county[18]
- big cove[22]
- bradford county[1]
- british columbia[3]
- california (state)[1]
- cameroon[9]
- camp hill[1]
- camphill[1]
- canada[219]
- cattaraugus county[2]
- cattaraugus reservation[2]
- central america[21]
- cherokee[18]
- comor site[7]
- connecticut[2]
- cumberland county (pennsylvania)[2]
- delaware[7]
- eastern canada[5]
- eastern plains[1]
- emmet county[3]
- fort washington[1]
- gabon[4]
- georgia[3]
- ghana[1]
- graham county (north carolina)[1]
- grand river reservation[2]
- great lakes[1]
- great plains (plain)[11]
- greater southwest[1]
- guatemala[2]
- harbor springs[1]
- harbor springs village[2]
- herndun[2]
- illinois[3]
- indiana[3]
- james river[1]
- king william county[1]
- king william county (virginia)[34]
- labrador[66]
- lamar county[1]
- lamar site[1]
- lancaster[1]
- lancaster county (pennsylvania)[41]
- lauriston[1]
- logan county (arkansas)[2]
- louisiana[9]
- maine[5]
- massachusetts[2]
- mcdonald county[4]
- michigan[6]
- mississippi[13]
- missouri[13]
- montana[2]
- montgomery county (pennsylvania)[15]
- near red river[2]
- new jersey[5]
- new mexico[6]
- new york[14]
- newfoundland[14]
- north america[293]
- north carolina[67]
- northeast[28]
- northern plains[6]
- ohio[2]
- oklahoma[24]
- ontario[53]
- pamunkey reservation[34]
- pennsylvania[110]
- perry county (pennsylvania)[2]
- portage la loche[2]
- quebec[17]
- saskatchewan[2]
- schwenksville[3]
- sierra leone[2]
- six nations reservation[50]
- sour springs longhouse[5]
- south alaska[4]
- south carolina[19]
- south dakota[5]
- southeast canada[3]
- southeast united states[4]
- susquehanna river[2]
- tesuque pueblo[2]
- united states of america[496]
- upper great lakes[6]
- vancouver island[2]
- virginia[61]
- washington boro[3]
- western plains[2]
- white river[5]
- abenaki[1]
- african american[3]
- algonkin[6]
- apache[2]
- arapaho[2]
- attikamek[2]
- bamessing[1]
- bamum[1]
- barren ground band[11]
- big cove band[2]
- blackfeet[7]
- caddo[1]
- catawba (culture)[18]
- catholicism[1]
- cayuga[87]
- cherokee[77]
- chickahominy[1]
- chitimacha[3]
- choctaw[4]
- christian[1]
- cree[13]
- creek[2]
- crow (culture)[1]
- davis inlet band[1]
- delaware culture[31]
- eastern band[13]
- eastern woodlands[13]
- eskimo[20]
- fang[4]
- french[1]
- gizi[1]
- hopi[3]
- huma[5]
- hupa[1]
- indian[5]
- inuit[10]
- iroquois[117]
- kansas[1]
- kwakiutl[1]
- late prehistoric[1]
- lenape[31]
- makah[4]
- mendi[2]
- micmac[4]
- mississauga[1]
- mississippian[2]
- mohegan[1]
- munsee[8]
- nain band[6]
- nambe[1]
- nanticoke[2]
- nantikoke[3]
- naskapi[66]
- native american[9]
- nguile[1]
- nootka[1]
- ojibwa[16]
- onandaga[1]
- onondaga[3]
- osage[1]
- oto[2]
- ottawa[5]
- pamunkey[44]
- pennsylvania dutch[1]
- penobscot[4]
- pima[8]
- plains indian[1]
- powhatan[1]
- pueblo[5]
- rappahannock[1]
- river desert band[4]
- sarsi[2]
- seneca[55]
- shawnee[1]
- sioux[21]
- soco band[1]
- southern cree[1]
- st. augustine band[9]
- st. francis band[1]
- susquehannock[13]
- tewa (culture)[3]
- tlingit[3]
- tuscarora[2]
- woodland[23]
- yakutat (culture)[1]
- arctic culture area[30]
- california culture area[1]
- central africa[4]
- central american[25]
- great plains culture area[63]
- north american culture area[1]
- northeast culture area[552]
- northwest coast culture area[11]
- plains culture area[1]
- southeast culture area[342]
- southwest culture area[20]
- subarctic culture area[77]
- west africa[2]
- arctic[1]
- baby[1]
- bear[2]
- beaver[1]
- big house ceremony[3]
- bird[1]
- ceremonial[1]
- corn[1]
- cross[1]
- dance[3]
- day moon[1]
- elk[1]
- fox[1]
- frog[2]
- frog (?)[2]
- headdress[1]
- heart[1]
- human[1]
- indian face[1]
- inscription[1]
- laguna[1]
- leaf[1]
- male face[3]
- man[2]
- mide society[2]
- peyote ceremony[10]
- ritual object[5]
- snake (?)[1]
- sun[1]
- turtle[5]
- wolf[1]
- woman[2]
- french[1]
- animal[2]
- animal bone[15]
- animal fiber[1]
- antelope bone[1]
- antler[16]
- ash splint[1]
- ash wood[2]
- babiche[3]
- bark[1]
- basswood[1]
- bead[30]
- bean[1]
- bear fur[1]
- bear patella[1]
- bear skin[1]
- birch bark[9]
- birchbark[19]
- bison bone[1]
- bison horn[1]
- black walnut[1]
- blue jay feather[1]
- bone[47]
- buckskin[18]
- caribou bone[9]
- caribou hide[3]
- caribou skin[5]
- catlinite[4]
- ceramic[57]
- claw[3]
- clay[103]
- copper[2]
- corn[4]
- corn husk[8]
- cotton[8]
- cotton fiber[2]
- dogwood[2]
- dye[2]
- eagle claw[2]
- eagle feather[5]
- elm bark[2]
- feather[24]
- fiber[39]
- fur[9]
- glass[48]
- golden eagle feather[2]
- gourd[5]
- hair[7]
- hickory wood[2]
- hide[25]
- hoof[6]
- horn (animal part)[7]
- horsehair[35]
- ink[3]
- iron[5]
- ivory[13]
- jasper[2]
- lead[3]
- leather[27]
- maple wood[3]
- metal[43]
- muskrat bone[10]
- obsidian[3]
- paint[6]
- palmetto[2]
- peach seed[6]
- pigment[77]
- pigments[3]
- plant fiber[20]
- quartz[3]
- quartzite[23]
- quill[12]
- raffia[2]
- rawhide[16]
- red cedar[3]
- reed (plant)[4]
- sealskin[2]
- seed[44]
- seeds[6]
- shell[2]
- silk[2]
- silver[3]
- sinew[3]
- skin[12]
- slate[2]
- soapstone[4]
- splint[8]
- spruce root[4]
- squash gourd[2]
- steel[2]
- stone[204]
- string[3]
- stroud[2]
- thistledown[3]
- tin[9]
- tobacco[2]
- tooth[2]
- turtle shell[7]
- twine[2]
- wood[230]
- wool[2]
- actual citation[96]
31 - 60 of 1,054 Records

31 - 60 of 1,054 Records