Distribution from the Egyptian Research Account, 1898
Accession Lot
- Object[229]
- egyptian[229]
- amulet[1]
- axe head[1]
- bead[3]
- bead string[20]
- bowl[30]
- candle stand[2]
- celt[1]
- cup[4]
- disc[1]
- dish[7]
- figurine[33]
- footed bowl[1]
- fragment[3]
- hammerstone[10]
- implement[8]
- implement fragment[1]
- jar[22]
- jar stand[5]
- kohl pot[5]
- kohl pot lid[3]
- kohl pot rim[3]
- lid[1]
- mirror[2]
- model[2]
- object[3]
- offering dish[1]
- offering table[3]
- offering tray[1]
- ornament[1]
- palette[1]
- piercer[1]
- pot[2]
- rim ring[1]
- saucer[1]
- scarab[3]
- shawabti[1]
- statuary[20]
- statue[1]
- statuette[1]
- string of beads[1]
- tile[1]
- vase[18]
- vase ring[1]
- vessel[1]
- 245[2]
- factory[1]
- foundation deposit of the north east gate[8]
- from pigeon-house in south of town[1]
- from village near the step pyramid[1]
- gr255[1]
- grave 120[1]
- grave 129[1]
- grave 265[1]
- grave 288[2]
- grave 84[1]
- grave g 103[1]
- grave g 115[1]
- grave g 119[1]
- grave g 16[1]
- grave g 169[1]
- grave g 258[1]
- grave g 265[2]
- grave g 50[1]
- grave g 58[1]
- grave g 70[1]
- grave l2[1]
- grave m 1[1]
- grave m 10[1]
- m 11[1]
- outside wall under doorway[1]
- st 10[1]
- t3[1]
- t5[1]
- thothmes foundaton deposit[1]
- tomb 202[1]
- tomb 218[1]
- tomb 59[1]
- tomb 88[1]
- tomb l. 10[1]
- tomb l. 4[2]
- tomb l10[1]
- tomb st. 8[1]
- hieroglyphic[8]
- incised[4]
- actual citation[50]
1 - 30 of 229 Records

1 - 30 of 229 Records