Gift of Mrs. Sarah (William D.) Frishmuth, 1900
Accession Lot
- Object[813]
- african[201]
- american[94]
- asian[426]
- near eastern[36]
- oceanian[56]
- altar bell[2]
- armlet[2]
- bagpipe[2]
- banjo[1]
- battle drum[1]
- bell[98]
- bell mallet[2]
- bell stand[4]
- book[2]
- bow[3]
- box[1]
- box lid[1]
- cast[1]
- castanet[8]
- clapper[2]
- clarinet[4]
- conch shell trumpet[8]
- crocodile zither[1]
- cymbal[5]
- dance belt[1]
- dancer's bell[1]
- double clarinet[2]
- drum[101]
- drum fragments[1]
- drum hammer[1]
- drum parts[1]
- drum pegs[1]
- drum stand[6]
- drumstick[15]
- drumsticks[2]
- dulcimer[6]
- fiddle[31]
- fiddle bow[15]
- fiddle fragment[2]
- fiddle fragments[1]
- finger piano[6]
- flageolet[6]
- flute[54]
- flutes[1]
- frame drum[3]
- goblet drum[8]
- goblet drum fragments[1]
- gong[39]
- gong hammer[1]
- gong mallet[6]
- gong mallet handle[1]
- gong stand[4]
- gong striker[5]
- guitar[12]
- hand drum[1]
- harness bell[2]
- harp[10]
- hooked trumpet[1]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- idiophone[2]
- inner duct flute[1]
- jew's harp[4]
- kamancheh[1]
- kettledrum[9]
- leg rattle[5]
- leglet[2]
- lute[38]
- lute bow[5]
- lute fragments[12]
- lyre[3]
- maraca[2]
- model[2]
- moon guitar[3]
- mouth organ[5]
- musical bow[4]
- musical horn[7]
- musical scraper[3]
- oboe[16]
- ocarina[2]
- panpipes[12]
- pigeon whistle[12]
- pitch pipe[3]
- plate gongs[4]
- plectrum[11]
- rattle[57]
- santur[5]
- sehtahr[2]
- shell trumpet[2]
- sistrum[5]
- sitar[2]
- stringed instrument[2]
- tambourine[6]
- temple bell[2]
- theatrical cymbal[2]
- toy[3]
- trumpet[28]
- tuning box[4]
- violin[6]
- violin bow[2]
- violin fragment[2]
- whistle[26]
- xylophone[8]
- xylophone hammer[2]
- xylophone striker[2]
- zither[21]
- admiralty islands[1]
- africa[5]
- alaska[6]
- algeria[9]
- aoba[1]
- arizona[1]
- armenia[1]
- asia[1]
- bangala district[5]
- belgian congo[4]
- belgian mandate[1]
- benin kingdom[1]
- borneo[2]
- boyoma falls[1]
- brazil[7]
- burma[8]
- cameroon[10]
- canada[6]
- chile[1]
- china[99]
- colombia[1]
- congo[1]
- cuba[4]
- dahomey[1]
- damascus[1]
- east africa[3]
- eastern horn[3]
- ecuador[1]
- egypt[59]
- equatorial province[2]
- ethiopia[1]
- fiji islands[1]
- french equatorial africa[3]
- gabon[5]
- gabun[1]
- india[73]
- iran[24]
- jamaica[2]
- japan[210]
- java[34]
- kasai district[7]
- kenya[4]
- korea[2]
- kyoto[2]
- lake nyassa[3]
- lake tanganyika[2]
- lake victoria[4]
- liberia[1]
- lopori river[1]
- lower congo[3]
- lower missouri[1]
- lower ubangi[2]
- madagascar[1]
- maine[1]
- malacca[1]
- malay archipelago[2]
- mali[5]
- manchuria[1]
- maringa river[1]
- maritime congo[9]
- mexico (central america)[2]
- morocco[3]
- mozambique[4]
- nebraska[1]
- nepal[13]
- new guinea[5]
- new hebrides[2]
- new mexico[1]
- nias[1]
- nigeria[3]
- north africa[20]
- north america[56]
- north congo[1]
- northeast africa[1]
- northeast belgian congo[1]
- northern congo[2]
- northern nigeria[1]
- northern togo[2]
- northern zaire[3]
- ogooue river[2]
- peru[3]
- sierra leone[3]
- solomon islands[3]
- south africa[4]
- south india[3]
- sudan[5]
- syria[3]
- tanganyika[2]
- tanzania[3]
- thailand[16]
- tibet[3]
- togoland[2]
- tunisia[8]
- turkey (country)[9]
- uganda[3]
- united states of america[8]
- upper guinea[7]
- upper nile[4]
- west indies[7]
- zaire[24]
- 15th century[1]
- 17th century[1]
- 19th century[2]
- edo period[1]
- modern[2]
- qing dynasty[3]
- song dynasty[1]
- apache[12]
- araucanian[1]
- asian[1]
- baganda[1]
- baluba[1]
- bangala[6]
- bankutu[1]
- bini[1]
- buddhist[55]
- bundu[1]
- burmese[3]
- bushongo[2]
- calabar[1]
- chinese[101]
- confucian[4]
- dervish[2]
- edo (africa)[2]
- eskimo[2]
- fang[5]
- galla[1]
- hausa[1]
- hindu[5]
- indian[73]
- iroquois[7]
- japanese[208]
- javanese[1]
- kafir[1]
- korean[1]
- mabudu[1]
- malay[2]
- mapuche[1]
- marungu[1]
- mon[1]
- moorish[1]
- nepalese[10]
- omaha (culture)[1]
- penobscot[1]
- pueblo[6]
- shinto[20]
- sioux[4]
- swahili[1]
- thai[13]
- tibetan[3]
- tlingit[6]
- tswa[1]
- wanyakyusa[1]
- wasafua[1]
- wasungu[1]
- wayao[1]
- andean[4]
- arctic culture area[2]
- caribbean[7]
- central africa[45]
- central american[2]
- east africa[22]
- great plains culture area[15]
- north africa[100]
- northeast culture area[8]
- northwest coast culture area[29]
- south american culture area[10]
- southern africa[4]
- southwest culture area[18]
- subarctic culture area[1]
- west africa[11]
- antelope horn[3]
- armadillo hide[1]
- bamboo[71]
- bead[3]
- bone[10]
- brass[68]
- brocade[1]
- bronze[8]
- buckskin[8]
- buffalo hoof[1]
- calabash[1]
- cane[1]
- cane (plant)[17]
- ceramic[20]
- clay[3]
- cloth[9]
- coconut[3]
- coconut shell[1]
- conch shell[8]
- copper[12]
- copper alloy[2]
- cotton[6]
- cotton cloth[1]
- cowhorn[1]
- cowrie[5]
- deer hoof[5]
- elephant tusk[1]
- ermine[1]
- fabric[8]
- feather[5]
- fiber[51]
- fur[1]
- glass[10]
- gourd[40]
- grass[2]
- hair[12]
- hickory bark[1]
- hide[30]
- hoof[1]
- horn (animal part)[5]
- horse hair[1]
- horsehair[5]
- ink[2]
- iron[29]
- ivory[46]
- lacquer[9]
- leather[37]
- membrane[29]
- metal[168]
- mother-of-pearl[8]
- nails[1]
- nut (plant)[1]
- ox horn[1]
- paint[3]
- palm leaf[2]
- palm wood[1]
- paper[5]
- papier mache[5]
- parchment[23]
- pebble[1]
- peel[9]
- pigment[32]
- plant fiber[7]
- plaster[1]
- quill[4]
- rattan[1]
- rawhide[8]
- redwood[1]
- reed (plant)[9]
- reptile skin[3]
- resin (material)[3]
- rope[1]
- rubber[2]
- seed[5]
- seeds[8]
- sequins[1]
- shell[18]
- silk[1]
- silk strings[1]
- sinew[3]
- skin[74]
- snail shell[1]
- snakeskin[8]
- stone[7]
- straw[2]
- string[9]
- textile[4]
- tin[2]
- tortoise shell[3]
- turtle shell[5]
- wire[3]
- wood[443]
- wool[1]
- unknown[5]
- actual citation[23]
1 - 30 of 813 Records

1 - 30 of 813 Records