Expedition to Beth Shean (Beisan); Clarence Fisher, 1932
Accession Lot
- Object[422]
- near eastern[422]
- adze[3]
- amulet[2]
- arrowhead[5]
- axe[1]
- bail handle[2]
- balsamarium[3]
- bead[35]
- beads[5]
- bell[2]
- blade[10]
- blade fragment[1]
- block[1]
- boss[3]
- bottle[31]
- bowl[19]
- box[1]
- bracelet[4]
- buckle[1]
- button[4]
- cap[4]
- capital[1]
- castanet[1]
- celt[1]
- chain[1]
- coin[11]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[1]
- cult object[1]
- cylinder[2]
- cylinder seal[2]
- cylindrical vessel[1]
- disc[1]
- discs[1]
- dish[1]
- door jamb[5]
- door socket[1]
- earring[13]
- figurine[4]
- figurine fragment[3]
- finger ring[1]
- footed bowl[2]
- funnel[1]
- game piece[1]
- grape flask[1]
- hook[1]
- implement[2]
- jar[4]
- jar stopper[2]
- javelin[1]
- jewelry[3]
- jug[6]
- juglet[21]
- knife[3]
- knob[2]
- kohl stick[2]
- lamp[34]
- lantern[2]
- lid[5]
- lintel fragment[1]
- loom weight[1]
- macehead[3]
- milk bowl[1]
- model[3]
- mortar[2]
- mouthpiece[1]
- needle[1]
- ornament[2]
- palette[1]
- pebble[1]
- pendant[5]
- pilaster[1]
- pin[5]
- pin fragment[2]
- pin head[2]
- plaque[2]
- plaster[6]
- pommel[1]
- pot[17]
- potter's wheel[1]
- rattle[1]
- rhyton[1]
- rim fragment[2]
- ring[5]
- rubbing stone[3]
- scarab[21]
- scaraboid[2]
- scraper[4]
- seal (object)[1]
- sherd[2]
- spindle whorl[16]
- spout[3]
- stamp seal[4]
- stirrup vase[2]
- string of beads[2]
- stud[2]
- tear bottle[3]
- theriomorphic vessel[2]
- toggle pin[3]
- unguentarium[2]
- weight[5]
- wheel[3]
- beth shean[422]
- israel[421]
- anastasius i[1]
- byzantine[10]
- byzantine period[5]
- early arabic[5]
- early bronze age[1]
- early iron age[1]
- elagabalus[1]
- hellenistic period[2]
- heraclius i[1]
- imperial roman period[1]
- iron age ia[50]
- iron age ib[71]
- iron age iia[26]
- justin i[1]
- justin ii[3]
- late bronze ib[51]
- late bronze iia[44]
- late bronze iib[9]
- middle bronze iib[54]
- middle bronze iic[83]
- roman period[133]
- sophia[3]
- byzantine[5]
- cypriot[1]
- egyptian[3]
- hellenistic[2]
- imperial roman[1]
- roman[133]
- above room 1648[1]
- area 1350, below steps[1]
- area 1544[1]
- area 1584[2]
- area 1585[6]
- area 1586[4]
- area 1586, at s.[2]
- area 1586, at w.[2]
- area 1594[2]
- area 1598[2]
- area 1600[1]
- area 1600, in pit[2]
- below room 1519[5]
- below room 1592[1]
- below room 1601-9[2]
- below room 1627[1]
- below room 1631[2]
- below room 1639[1]
- below room 1650[1]
- below rooms 1601-9[4]
- below rooms 1666-73[3]
- below rooms 33 and 1549[2]
- below thutmosis iii temple, level ix[1]
- below tuthmose iii temple on level ix[1]
- below tuthmosis ii temple on level ix[1]
- below tuthmosis iii temple on level ix[26]
- below tuthmosis iii temple, on level ix[1]
- below tuthmosis temple on level ix[1]
- byzantine street surface (western slope area)[2]
- c.n.[21]
- c.n. 257[1]
- c.n. 274[1]
- c.n. 280[1]
- c.n. 282[1]
- c.n. 289[8]
- c.n. 292[4]
- c.n. 292 (western loculus)[1]
- c.n. 295[89]
- c.n. 295 entrance[1]
- c.n. 295, entrance[4]
- c.n. 298[1]
- c.n. 299, e[2]
- c.n. 300[5]
- c.n. 301[1]
- c.n. 306[3]
- c.n. surface[4]
- cistern 1597[1]
- debris n.e. summie[1]
- e. of 1522[1]
- e. of room 1522[1]
- field notes say in wall here[1]
- level ix foundation[1]
- level v, in wall[1]
- n. of roman temple foundation[1]
- n. of room 1519[1]
- n. of room 1588[2]
- n. of room 1619[4]
- n. of room 1706[1]
- room 1544[1]
- room 1549[1]
- room 1551[2]
- room 1556[1]
- room 1557[2]
- room 1557, below floor[1]
- room 1559[1]
- room 1564[4]
- room 1566[3]
- room 1567[2]
- room 1569[1]
- room 1569 (filling at sw)[1]
- room 1585[1]
- room 1587[3]
- room 1588[2]
- room 1591[1]
- room 1599[3]
- room 1601[4]
- room 1602[1]
- room 1603[1]
- room 1605[2]
- room 1607[1]
- room 1608[3]
- room 1609[2]
- room 1611[3]
- room 1612[3]
- room 1613[2]
- room 1614[3]
- room 1615[1]
- room 1617[2]
- room 1619[2]
- room 1627[3]
- room 1636[2]
- room 1648[4]
- room 1658[2]
- room 1660[3]
- room 1683[2]
- room 1693[5]
- room 1710[3]
- w. of room 1599[2]
- w. of room 1612[13]
- w. of rooms 1607-8[3]
- acanthus leaf[1]
- animal[2]
- animal head[2]
- branch?[1]
- bull horn[1]
- cartouche[1]
- crown[1]
- female[1]
- female figure[4]
- female head[1]
- fish[2]
- gazelle?[2]
- greek inscription[7]
- hawk[1]
- helmet?[1]
- hieroglyphic[1]
- human figure[1]
- inscription[5]
- male head[1]
- ramesses ii[1]
- tree[1]
- uraeus[1]
- woman[1]
- alabaster[16]
- amethyst[2]
- basalt[3]
- bone[7]
- bronze[44]
- carnelian[11]
- ceramic[139]
- crystal (stone)[1]
- diorite[1]
- faience[26]
- flint[15]
- frit[4]
- glass[63]
- glaze[1]
- gold[19]
- granite[1]
- green stone[4]
- haematite[1]
- iron[1]
- ivory[26]
- jasper[1]
- lapis lazuli[2]
- limestone[13]
- marble (stone)[1]
- mother-of-pearl[1]
- onyx[2]
- paste[3]
- plaster[7]
- sandstone[1]
- serpentine[1]
- steatite[19]
- stone[2]
- turquoise[1]
- applied thread[1]
- chipped[3]
- glazed[2]
- grey ware[1]
- incised[12]
- inlaid[2]
- mould blown[1]
- moulded[1]
- painted[5]
- threading[1]
- unfinished[1]
- anastasius i[1]
- heraclius i[1]
- justin i[1]
- justin ii[3]
- actual citation[142]
1 - 30 of 422 Records

1 - 30 of 422 Records