Received from various sources, pre-1929
Accession Lot
- Object[315]
- no[315]
- asian[56]
- historic[255]
- near eastern[4]
- advertisement[2]
- ball[1]
- block puzzle[14]
- book[1]
- bowl[3]
- box[2]
- card game[2]
- checker[1]
- checkers board[1]
- counters[1]
- cup[1]
- dexterity puzzle[3]
- dice[2]
- dice cup[1]
- die[1]
- doll[1]
- doll clothes[1]
- double euchre[2]
- double pinochle[3]
- drawing[2]
- drum[1]
- envelope[1]
- folding game board[2]
- football[1]
- fortune telling card[3]
- game[8]
- game ball[9]
- game board[4]
- game book[1]
- game box[1]
- game counters[1]
- game diagram[3]
- game piece[10]
- game pieces[2]
- goblet[4]
- heavens and nines playing cards[2]
- humming top[3]
- instruction[1]
- jackstones[3]
- kite[1]
- knee drum[1]
- knucklebone[1]
- link puzzle[2]
- marble (game)[6]
- marbles[3]
- mechanical toy[1]
- minchiate[1]
- painting[1]
- pencil[1]
- picture puzzle[1]
- pinochle[7]
- playing card[85]
- playing card box[64]
- playing card deck[33]
- playing cards[1]
- poker[1]
- puppet[1]
- puzzle[16]
- puzzle box[1]
- puzzle instructions[1]
- rattle[2]
- reproduction[4]
- ring[5]
- roulette[1]
- sample[153]
- sample book[8]
- scepter[1]
- shuttlecock[1]
- sliding block puzzle[2]
- spanish pack[1]
- spinning top[8]
- stand[1]
- tangram[4]
- textile[1]
- tian jiu playing cards[2]
- toy[16]
- whist[8]
- whistle[1]
- wire puzzle[13]
- yo-yo[4]
- africa[1]
- arabian peninsula[1]
- asia[1]
- burma[1]
- china[10]
- cincinnati[161]
- constantinople[1]
- dabu[1]
- europe[71]
- firenze[2]
- france[2]
- fujian[1]
- germany[3]
- great britain[1]
- india[35]
- iran[1]
- italy[3]
- japan[9]
- korea[1]
- massachusetts[1]
- munich[1]
- new york[7]
- new york city[7]
- new york county[7]
- ohio[161]
- paris (france)[2]
- russia[1]
- salem[1]
- syria[1]
- thailand[1]
- turkey (country)[1]
- united states of america[224]
- alphabet[1]
- army[5]
- bear[1]
- card game rules[1]
- checkerboard[1]
- circus[1]
- cock[1]
- coins[2]
- comic[3]
- cross[1]
- deity[1]
- fish[2]
- folk heroes[1]
- fortune telling[2]
- game playing[1]
- hand[1]
- heart[1]
- hexagon[1]
- human face[1]
- lion[1]
- man[3]
- navy[5]
- owl[1]
- peacock[1]
- roulette rules[1]
- serpent[1]
- sun disk[1]
- tennis[2]
- the stage[1]
- triangle[1]
- turtle[1]
- women[1]
1 - 30 of 315 Records

1 - 30 of 315 Records