Wanamaker Expedition to the Northwest Coast; Louis Shotridge, 1926
Accession Lot
- Object[26]
- yes[26]
- american[26]
- baton[1]
- bundle[1]
- club[1]
- feather case[2]
- fishhook[1]
- fishing float[2]
- fishing line[4]
- hair ornament[1]
- hat[2]
- hat cover[1]
- headband[1]
- headdress[2]
- musical horn[1]
- neck ring[3]
- parka[1]
- pestle[1]
- shirt[1]
- staff[1]
- wall hook[1]
- whistle[1]
- alaska[26]
- angoon[8]
- killisnoo[3]
- klukwan[1]
- sitka[12]
- southeast alaska[4]
- united states of america[12]
- yukon river[1]
- yukon river valley[1]
- athapaskan[1]
- tlingit[25]
- bear[1]
- frog[2]
- grizzly bear[1]
- killer whale[1]
- abalone[1]
- abalone shell[1]
- bone[1]
- brass[1]
- caribou hide[1]
- cedar bark[5]
- cedar wood[1]
- cloth[3]
- copper[1]
- ermine[2]
- ermine fur[1]
- feather[5]
- fish skin[1]
- flannel[1]
- glass[1]
- gut skin[1]
- hair[3]
- halibut stomach[1]
- hide[4]
- iron[1]
- leather[1]
- maple bark[3]
- metal[2]
- pigment[7]
- shell[2]
- sinew[1]
- spruce root[3]
- stone[1]
- string[1]
- walrus intestine[2]
- whisker[1]
- wood[11]
- wool[1]
1 - 26 of 26 Records

1 - 26 of 26 Records