Purchased from J. F. G. Umlauff, 1913
Accession Lot
- Object[631]
- no[631]
- oceanian[631]
- adze[8]
- adze blade[1]
- amulet[6]
- amulet bag[4]
- arm band[8]
- arm ring[4]
- arm ring drill[2]
- arm ring holder[2]
- arrow[138]
- arrow shaft[2]
- arrowhead[10]
- axe[18]
- axe head[5]
- bag[1]
- basket[4]
- belt[12]
- bill[1]
- blowgun[1]
- blowgun dart[1]
- bow[4]
- bowl[7]
- breadfruit splitter[8]
- breast ornament[4]
- breast shield[1]
- bull-roarer[2]
- button[2]
- canoe[1]
- canoe bailer[6]
- canoe bow ornament[1]
- canoe paddle[9]
- ceremonial axe[1]
- ceremonial axe handle[1]
- ceremonial flute[1]
- club[54]
- club ornament[1]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[4]
- cup[6]
- dagger[2]
- dance cap[1]
- dance headdress[1]
- dance mask[2]
- dance ornament[6]
- dance stick[1]
- dance wand[6]
- dish[16]
- doorpost[2]
- drum[10]
- earring[1]
- figure[6]
- fish arrow[3]
- fish spear[7]
- fishhook[35]
- fishing line[14]
- fishing tackle[1]
- food dish[1]
- fork[1]
- frontlet[3]
- funerary mask[14]
- girdle[2]
- hair ornament[1]
- head ornament[4]
- headband[1]
- hood[1]
- hook[1]
- knife[5]
- leg band[2]
- lime container[2]
- lime container lid[1]
- lime stick[1]
- mask[13]
- mask fragment[5]
- memorial figure[13]
- memorial frieze[9]
- memorial frieze part[1]
- model[1]
- neck rest[1]
- net bag[8]
- paddle[1]
- pendant[1]
- pubic cover[1]
- scraper[6]
- sheath[1]
- shield[9]
- skirt[3]
- sling stone bag[1]
- slit drum[2]
- spear[35]
- spear thrower[1]
- spinning top[1]
- spoon[10]
- staff[2]
- sword[2]
- sword club[3]
- tablet[5]
- taro pounder[2]
- tobacco dryer[1]
- toy[1]
- wand[3]
- water container[6]
- admiralty islands[5]
- angel island[7]
- arup[9]
- astrolabe bay region[1]
- aua[109]
- berlin harbor[5]
- berlin harbor region[12]
- bertrand island[9]
- bismarck archipelago[222]
- british new guinea[39]
- buka island[2]
- but[3]
- dallmann harbor[5]
- duke of york island[1]
- dutch new guinea[1]
- ehu[1]
- fly river[1]
- french island[2]
- gazelle peninsula[17]
- german new guinea[77]
- huon gulf[7]
- kapsu point[7]
- lower sepik river[1]
- maclay coast[1]
- malaita[1]
- malingum[2]
- massim area[1]
- near potsdam harbor[2]
- new britain[37]
- new caledonia[15]
- new guinea[156]
- new hanover[1]
- new ireland[72]
- normanby[2]
- north coast (new guinea)[2]
- northern new guinea[18]
- northern new ireland[4]
- northwest german new guinea[1]
- orokolo area[1]
- papua new guinea[2]
- papuan gulf[18]
- potsdam harbor[1]
- purari river delta[2]
- rey coast[7]
- schouten islands[2]
- seleo island[1]
- sepik river[19]
- sepik river mouth[1]
- sissano[13]
- solomon islands[121]
- southern new britain[6]
- walis[2]
- warapu[1]
- wuvulu[113]
- elema[32]
- massim[2]
- solomon islander[1]
- sulka[1]
- bamboo[22]
- barb[2]
- bark[15]
- bark cloth[3]
- bast fiber[2]
- bird skin[1]
- bone[61]
- cane (plant)[121]
- cassowary bone[2]
- clay[2]
- coconut[1]
- coconut shell[11]
- cotton[24]
- feather[26]
- feathers[4]
- fiber[11]
- fish bone[4]
- flying fox fur[2]
- glass[6]
- gourd[3]
- gum[13]
- leaf[5]
- lime[2]
- lizard skin[1]
- nassa[1]
- nut (plant)[5]
- nuts[1]
- palm[1]
- palm leaf[2]
- palm leaf midrib[1]
- palm wood[2]
- pandanus[1]
- pearl shell[1]
- peel[178]
- pigment[151]
- pith[3]
- plant fiber[141]
- plaster[6]
- rattan[3]
- reed (plant)[23]
- sea snail operculum[1]
- seed[9]
- seeds[5]
- sennit[3]
- shark teeth[2]
- shark tooth[4]
- shell[137]
- skin[6]
- splinter[2]
- sponge[3]
- stingray spine[1]
- stone[17]
- thorn[2]
- tooth[1]
- turtle shell[14]
- tusk[4]
- vegetable fiber[1]
- wood[455]
- actual citation[29]
- type citation[1]
1 - 30 of 631 Records

1 - 30 of 631 Records