Distribution from the Egypt Exploration Fund, 1912
Accession Lot
- Object[40]
- no[40]
- egyptian[40]
- bowl[3]
- dish[2]
- figurine fragment[2]
- flask[1]
- hair pin[2]
- horn[2]
- ivory[2]
- jar[4]
- jar handle[2]
- jar lid[2]
- kohl stick[3]
- lid[1]
- pot[1]
- shawabti[3]
- stela fragment[1]
- triple kohl tube[1]
- tumbler[3]
- vase[6]
- vessel[1]
- rhodian[2]
- 5[3]
- 50 a 11[1]
- 51 a 11[1]
- 52 s[2]
- 57 a 11[1]
- 64 a 11[1]
- 64-a11[1]
- 8n[1]
- 8s[1]
- cemetery u[1]
- grave u19-a11[1]
- p b a 11[1]
- p.b.a. 11[1]
- pb[5]
- rt[3]
- tomb 52 s[1]
- tomb p. b.[1]
- tomb pb[1]
- top a 11[1]
- top e 11[1]
- top e a 11[1]
- u 23 - a 11[1]
- u 26[2]
- u16-a11[2]
- u21, top[2]
- anthropomorphic[2]
- isis[1]
- woman[1]
- hieroglyphic[2]
- bronze[3]
- ceramic[25]
- chert[1]
- clay[2]
- horn (animal part)[2]
- ivory[5]
- paint[5]
- pottery[1]
- terracotta[2]
- wood[1]
- black top ware[5]
- painted[3]
- stamped[1]
1 - 30 of 40 Records

1 - 30 of 40 Records