Persian Expedition; Erich Schmidt, 1933
Accession Lot
- Object[889]
- near eastern[889]
- 3D Model[1]
- animal figurine[30]
- awl[23]
- bead[16]
- bead spreader[1]
- beads[14]
- beaker[3]
- biconical token[1]
- blade[4]
- bottle[10]
- bowl[47]
- bracelet[77]
- buckle[1]
- button[1]
- celt[4]
- chisel[4]
- crescent[2]
- cup[75]
- diadem[4]
- dipper[1]
- disc[12]
- dish[2]
- earring[34]
- figurine[7]
- finger ring[2]
- footed bowl[47]
- footed pot[17]
- funnel[1]
- goblet[1]
- gouge[2]
- grinder[1]
- hair ribbon[1]
- hammer[3]
- implement[2]
- implement mold[1]
- inlay[1]
- jar[49]
- jar stopper[2]
- jewelry[17]
- jug[1]
- knife[3]
- ladle[3]
- loom weight[4]
- macehead[1]
- mattock[1]
- metal fragment[2]
- metal fragments[3]
- mold fragment[1]
- mortar[2]
- nail[1]
- needle[6]
- object[12]
- pendant[4]
- pestle[4]
- pin[15]
- pin fragment[1]
- pin head[3]
- point[1]
- polisher[1]
- polishing marble[3]
- polishing stone[1]
- pot[35]
- ribbon[2]
- rim sherd[1]
- sample[1]
- sealing[2]
- shaft[1]
- slag[1]
- spear[2]
- spearhead[5]
- spindle[1]
- spindle whorl[25]
- spouted bowl[1]
- spouted cup[5]
- spouted jar[2]
- spouted pot[7]
- stamp seal[68]
- stone fragment[1]
- string of beads[145]
- token[5]
- tube[10]
- vessel[6]
- vessel fragments[1]
- vessel lid[1]
- wand[1]
- weight[4]
- whetstone[3]
- iran[889]
- tepe hissar[889]
- hissar i[10]
- hissar ia[87]
- hissar ib[229]
- hissar ic[1]
- hissar ii[18]
- hissar iia[85]
- hissar iib[40]
- hissar iii[3]
- hissar iiia[152]
- hissar iiib[249]
- animal[27]
- bird[1]
- cow[1]
- goat?[2]
- horned animal[1]
- human figure[1]
- human leg[1]
- human torso[2]
- ibex?[1]
- mattock[1]
- quadruped[1]
- ram[1]
- sheep?[1]
- agate[6]
- alabaster[18]
- basalt[2]
- bitumen[2]
- bone[34]
- bronze[4]
- carnelian[15]
- ceramic[312]
- chalcedony[1]
- clay[19]
- copper[155]
- copper alloy[1]
- crystal (stone)[3]
- diorite[1]
- frit[48]
- glaze[11]
- gold[3]
- grahamite[56]
- gypsum[108]
- hematite[1]
- horn (animal part)[2]
- jasper[2]
- lapis lazuli[28]
- lead[3]
- limestone[49]
- marble (stone)[4]
- mother-of-pearl[2]
- obsidian[1]
- paint[90]
- pigment[1]
- plaster[2]
- porphyry[1]
- quartz[1]
- rock crystal[1]
- sandstone[6]
- serpentine[3]
- shell[13]
- silver[37]
- slate[1]
- steatite[4]
- stone[25]
- terracotta[66]
- turquoise[5]
- wood[1]
1 - 30 of 889 Records

1 - 30 of 889 Records