Received from various sources, pre-1981
Accession Lot
- Object[88]
- no[88]
- amulet[2]
- arm band[1]
- bag[5]
- basket[1]
- bell[1]
- belt[2]
- blanket[1]
- bow[2]
- bracelet[2]
- carrying stick[1]
- censer[1]
- chair[1]
- clarinet[2]
- cloth[2]
- coat[1]
- costume[1]
- crown[1]
- fetish[1]
- fiddle bow[1]
- flywhisk[3]
- fringe[1]
- harp[3]
- hat[3]
- headdress[1]
- hoe[1]
- implement[1]
- jacket[1]
- loom[1]
- mask[8]
- mat[1]
- musical horn[1]
- neck piece[1]
- necklace[2]
- ornament[1]
- pendant[1]
- pile cloth[2]
- pipe bowl[3]
- pottery[2]
- purse[1]
- sample[2]
- shield[1]
- shirt[2]
- spoon[1]
- strainer[1]
- surgical implement[1]
- sword[1]
- sword sheath[1]
- textile[10]
- top[1]
- tray[1]
- trousers[1]
- tunic[1]
- weapon[1]
- africa[5]
- angola[1]
- bhutan[1]
- cairo[1]
- east africa[1]
- eastern zaire[1]
- egypt[4]
- ethiopia[4]
- gabon[1]
- guinea[2]
- india[1]
- ituri forest[1]
- kasai district[9]
- kenya[4]
- lagos[1]
- liberia[4]
- mali[3]
- morocco[14]
- namibia[1]
- nigeria[7]
- north africa[5]
- northeastern zaire[1]
- republic of the congo[1]
- sherbro island[1]
- sierra leone[2]
- south africa[1]
- sudan[1]
- tanzania[1]
- togo[1]
- west africa[6]
- zaire[10]
- zanzibar[1]
- animal head[1]
- human face[1]
- janus[1]
- janus head[1]
- brass[6]
- cane (plant)[7]
- ceramic[2]
- cloth[2]
- cotton[12]
- cowrie[1]
- cowrie shell[1]
- fabric[6]
- feather[1]
- fiber[17]
- glass[7]
- grass[12]
- hair[1]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- iron[10]
- ivory[2]
- leaf[1]
- leather[10]
- oryx horn[1]
- paint[2]
- pigment[2]
- plant fiber[1]
- plant material[2]
- seeds[2]
- silk[3]
- silver[2]
- skin[2]
- snakeskin[1]
- steel[2]
- stone[1]
- tin[1]
- wax[1]
- wood[21]
- wool[3]
1 - 30 of 88 Records

1 - 30 of 88 Records