The Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Expedition to Dendereh, Egypt; Clarence Stanley Fisher, 1915-1923
Accession Lot
- Object[1,016]
- no[1,016]
- egyptian[1,016]
- amulet[77]
- amulets[4]
- anklet[1]
- armlet[1]
- awl[8]
- axe head[6]
- balance scale[3]
- ball[1]
- band[1]
- bead[121]
- bead spreader[1]
- bead string[258]
- beads[3]
- belt[1]
- blade[6]
- bowl[45]
- bracelet[28]
- bracelet fragment[1]
- button[1]
- chain[1]
- clam shell[1]
- cone[1]
- cooking pot[1]
- coral[1]
- cosmetic spoon[1]
- crocodile bone[1]
- cup[48]
- dish[3]
- drill[1]
- earring[5]
- fastening[2]
- ferrule[1]
- figurine[3]
- finger ring[2]
- footed bowl[1]
- fragment[4]
- hair[4]
- handle[2]
- head rest[1]
- human remains[4]
- jar[96]
- jar lid[2]
- jar stand[29]
- jewelry fragment[1]
- kohl[1]
- kohl pot[6]
- kohl stick[5]
- lamp[3]
- mirror[17]
- model[3]
- mold[1]
- mummy bead[1]
- necklace[23]
- nut (plant)[2]
- offering dish[27]
- offering tray[37]
- ostracon[1]
- pearl shell[1]
- pendant[6]
- pin[5]
- pipe[1]
- plant material[1]
- pot[3]
- ring[4]
- ring stand[1]
- sample[1]
- scarab[5]
- seal[1]
- seal (object)[3]
- sealing[1]
- shell[46]
- socket[1]
- spatula[7]
- staff head[2]
- statuary[1]
- statue[1]
- string of beads[64]
- textile fragment[1]
- tweezers[3]
- vase[1]
- vessel[5]
- wand[3]
- zoomorphic vessel[5]
- first intermediate period[145]
- middle kingdom[19]
- new kingdom[13]
- old kingdom[3]
- "antef" tomb, area x2[2]
- 021c / 11 east -- 23:921c[1]
- 032 a/8[1]
- 032 a/x5 -- 23:932a[1]
- 032a/x7 -- 23:832a[1]
- 033 e/x -- 23:933 e[1]
- 034 b[1]
- 034 c/x3 east ch. -- 23:934c[1]
- 034 c/x4 east ch. -- 23:934 c[1]
- 034b/x11 west ch. -- 23:934 b[1]
- 041[1]
- 041 a -- 23:941a[1]
- 041 c/x2 -- 23:941 c[1]
- 050.4 - 23:950.4[1]
- 051 a/x -- 23:851 a, debris in chamber[1]
- 051 g[1]
- 10-08-92[1]
- 12:173 c/x1[1]
- 13:033 c[1]
- 13:033 d[1]
- 13:033 d/x5[1]
- 13:037[1]
- 13:062[1]
- 13:064 neck of young female[1]
- 13:064 a[15]
- 13:064 b[1]
- 13:064a[1]
- 13:064a from neck[1]
- 13:064f from neck[1]
- 13:065[1]
- 13:065 iii[1]
- 13:065iii on breast & down side[1]
- 13:073[1]
- 13:086 c[1]
- 13:089a[1]
- 13:089a near left wrist[1]
- 13:093[1]
- 13:096 from neck[1]
- 13:098[1]
- 13:098 a[1]
- 13:098 b/x9[1]
- 13:098 c[2]
- 13:098 c/1[1]
- 13:163 a[1]
- 13:163 a / e. ch.[1]
- 13:163 a/8 ch. near body. with 29-65-587.[1]
- 13:163 d[1]
- 13:163 d/14 from child[1]
- 13:164 a[3]
- 13:164 c/2[1]
- 13:174 a[2]
- 13:184 a[2]
- 13:184a/x4[2]
- 13:194[4]
- 13:291 a[2]
- 13:376 a[5]
- 13:389 e/x4[2]
- 13:480.4[3]
- 15:030[2]
- 15:030/x area[2]
- 15:120.1/x2 and 3[2]
- 15:214 h[4]
- 15:214 l[6]
- 15:332 c[2]
- 15:515 a[5]
- 18:082 a[2]
- 23:310.1[2]
- 23:384 c[3]
- 23:490.1[2]
- 23:681 f[2]
- 23:841[3]
- 25:513[3]
- 5:521 b[2]
- 5:531 c[3]
- 5:581 a[2]
- 5:891 b[4]
- 7:713 c[2]
- 7:730.2/3[3]
- 7:733 c[2]
- 7:840.5[2]
- 7:858[3]
- 7:950.1[2]
- 8:031 c[2]
- 8:112 e/x7 w. ch[3]
- 8:312 e/x6[3]
- 8:312 l[2]
- 8:410/x area[2]
- 8:531 b/x2[2]
- 8:610.6/1[2]
- 8:622 a[4]
- 8:631 b[4]
- 8:790.2[3]
- 8:933 b/9. n. ch.[2]
- 8:951 d i[2]
- d64 a -- 13:064a (from waist)[3]
- from left wrist[12]
- from waist.[2]
- house 2[2]
- house 4/3[3]
- on neck[2]
- animal[2]
- ape[2]
- ba bird[2]
- ba bird?[1]
- bird[2]
- boat[1]
- bull head[1]
- calf head[1]
- cat[1]
- chair[1]
- couch[1]
- deity[1]
- eye[1]
- falcon[5]
- female sphinx[1]
- fly[1]
- foot[1]
- gazelle head[1]
- hare[1]
- harpocrates[2]
- hathor head[1]
- hedgehog[1]
- hippopotamus head[2]
- horus[2]
- indeterminate[1]
- isis[1]
- lion[2]
- lotus flower[1]
- menat[1]
- monkey[1]
- mut[1]
- scarab[4]
- seated human[1]
- shell[1]
- son of horus[3]
- sphinx[2]
- taweret[3]
- wedjat eye[10]
- woman[1]
- agate[10]
- alabaster[30]
- amazonite[2]
- amber[1]
- amethyst[48]
- beryl[11]
- bone[16]
- brass[1]
- bronze[47]
- carnelian[187]
- ceramic[261]
- clam shell[1]
- clay[18]
- conglomerate[1]
- copper[1]
- coral[1]
- cowrie shell[1]
- crocodile bone[1]
- electrum[7]
- fabric[1]
- faience[366]
- feldspar[1]
- fiber[1]
- garnet[5]
- glass[19]
- gold[13]
- hair[5]
- hematite[1]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- iron[10]
- ivory[31]
- jade[1]
- jasper[4]
- kohl[1]
- lapis[5]
- lapis lazuli[3]
- limestone[2]
- linen[2]
- marble (stone)[1]
- mica[1]
- mud[1]
- nut (plant)[2]
- paint[7]
- paste[1]
- pearl[1]
- pearl shell[1]
- pigment[1]
- plant[1]
- plaster[1]
- pottery[2]
- quartz[7]
- quartzite[1]
- shell[79]
- silver[13]
- slate[1]
- steatite[17]
- stone[17]
- stucco[2]
- terracotta[40]
- turquoise[2]
- wood[1]
1 - 30 of 1,016 Records

1 - 30 of 1,016 Records