British Museum/University Museum Expedition to Ur, Iraq, 1931
Accession Lot
- Object[1,140]
- near eastern[1,140]
- 3D Model[1]
- amulet[2]
- animal figurine[69]
- arrowhead[2]
- axe[1]
- ball[16]
- basin (vessel)[7]
- bead[15]
- bead spacer[1]
- beaker[1]
- belt bead[1]
- bird figurine[3]
- blade[58]
- bottle[12]
- bowl[178]
- brick[6]
- celt[4]
- core[6]
- cosmetic shell[13]
- crescent[1]
- cup[6]
- drainpipe[2]
- equestrian figurine[15]
- figurine[63]
- flake[1]
- funnel[1]
- furniture model[19]
- grinder[8]
- hand axe[4]
- human figurine[128]
- impression[1]
- incense burner[4]
- jar[153]
- jar stopper[2]
- knob[1]
- lamp[6]
- lithic[14]
- loom weight[11]
- macehead[5]
- model[15]
- mold[1]
- nail[5]
- object[20]
- ornament[3]
- ostrich egg[1]
- pedestal[1]
- pendant[5]
- pestle[2]
- pigment[1]
- plaque[1]
- plate[1]
- polisher[1]
- pot[20]
- pouring vessel[1]
- rattle[5]
- raw material[1]
- rim sherd[1]
- ring stand[2]
- scraper[2]
- sealing[80]
- sherd[1]
- sickle[9]
- spatula[1]
- spindle whorl[37]
- spout[1]
- spouted jar[11]
- spouted pot[1]
- strainer[1]
- token[4]
- trough[3]
- tumbler[18]
- vase[2]
- vessel[2]
- vessel lid[3]
- vessel stand[1]
- wall cone[8]
- wall nail[16]
- weight[31]
- wheel[6]
- whetstone[8]
- animal[23]
- animal head[1]
- animals[3]
- antelope[6]
- antelope?[1]
- bearded god[5]
- bearded man[3]
- bed[3]
- bird[3]
- bird head[1]
- bird head?[1]
- birds[1]
- boat[1]
- branch[1]
- bull[8]
- bull?[18]
- bulls?[22]
- bust[1]
- camel?[1]
- chair[3]
- chariot[1]
- cheetah[1]
- child[6]
- crescent[1]
- deities[1]
- deity[2]
- dog[1]
- dog?[14]
- dogs?[22]
- eagle[6]
- enkidu?[2]
- fish[1]
- frog[1]
- fruit?[1]
- gateway[1]
- god[1]
- gods[3]
- greyhound[1]
- horse[5]
- horse head[8]
- human figure[21]
- human head[2]
- hut[1]
- hut?[1]
- ibex[2]
- inscription[1]
- jar?[1]
- lance[1]
- landscape[1]
- lion[5]
- mace[1]
- mace?[1]
- man[23]
- man?[1]
- mask[3]
- monkey[1]
- musician[3]
- nude[5]
- nude woman[74]
- palm[1]
- palm?[1]
- palms[1]
- phallus[1]
- pictograph[2]
- pig[3]
- rider[4]
- rosette[2]
- rug[1]
- scorpion[4]
- seated goddess[17]
- sheep[6]
- sheep?[36]
- snake[2]
- snakes[1]
- standing figure[2]
- standing goddess[6]
- star[2]
- stars[2]
- sunflower[1]
- table[12]
- tree[1]
- tree?[1]
- twin[2]
- twins[2]
- vase[1]
- war god[6]
- warrior[2]
- weapon?[1]
- wheel[5]
- woman[19]
- worshipper[1]
- actual citation[15]
1 - 30 of 1,140 Records

1 - 30 of 1,140 Records