British Museum/University Museum Expedition to Ur, Iraq, 1930
Accession Lot
- Object[735]
- near eastern[735]
- adornment[2]
- adze[3]
- amphora[1]
- animal figurine[2]
- arrowhead[4]
- axe[16]
- ball[1]
- basin (vessel)[3]
- bead[56]
- beads[24]
- belt[1]
- bird figurine[1]
- blade[16]
- bottle[3]
- bowl[34]
- bracelet[7]
- brim[5]
- chain[1]
- chisel[2]
- choker[7]
- cockle shell[1]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[4]
- cosmetic box[1]
- cosmetic kit[5]
- cosmetic shell[17]
- cuff[4]
- cup[4]
- cylinder jar[1]
- cylinder seal[70]
- dagger[12]
- dagger hilt[1]
- diadem[4]
- dish[2]
- door socket[1]
- drain pipe[1]
- earring[33]
- fibula (pin)[1]
- fillet[1]
- finger ring[21]
- flower[11]
- flute[1]
- frontlet[1]
- frontlet ring[1]
- game piece[2]
- garment pin[6]
- grinder[1]
- hair comb[6]
- hair pin[3]
- hair ribbon[10]
- hair ring[5]
- hairring[9]
- hand axe[1]
- hook[1]
- human figurine[2]
- implement[2]
- inlay[1]
- jar[52]
- jewelry[31]
- jewelry fragment[5]
- knife[4]
- knife handle[1]
- knob[2]
- lamp[1]
- lyre[3]
- mirror[1]
- model[1]
- nail[2]
- necklace[1]
- needle[52]
- needle fragment[2]
- object[1]
- ornament[3]
- palette[2]
- pendant[3]
- pike[1]
- pin[16]
- pin fragment[1]
- pin head[4]
- pinhead[1]
- pipe[1]
- pot[43]
- projectile point butt[2]
- rattle[2]
- raw material[2]
- razor[2]
- relief[1]
- ribbon[15]
- ring[7]
- scepter[1]
- scraper[1]
- sherd[3]
- spearhead[7]
- string of beads[34]
- toe ring[5]
- tumbler[9]
- vessel fragment[8]
- wall nail[2]
- weight[4]
- whetstone[4]
- wreath[6]
- -3 metres below surface; pg[1]
- -4-5 m pg.[1]
- c. 14, tw[1]
- diqdiqqeh[1]
- early dynastic iii, c. 2500 (royal cemetery)[1]
- em[9]
- em g30[1]
- em northeast. cassite pot grave.[1]
- em, g44[1]
- em, near larsalarnax graves, n.e. side.[1]
- em, surface[1]
- em. floor in top level.[1]
- em. larsa g15.[1]
- em. neo-babylonian pot grave.[1]
- foundation box, room i[1]
- grave in pgs -5 to -6 metres.[1]
- near pg 1068, loose in soil.[1]
- one of southern mounds of city -- (tomb) neo-babylonian[1]
- p.g. 1040[1]
- p.g. 1068?[1]
- p.g. 1212[1]
- p.g. 1220[1]
- p.g. 1267[1]
- p.g. 1298[1]
- p.g. 1329[1]
- p.g. 963[1]
- p.g. area -- loose in soil at depth of c-5.10 m[1]
- pd, entrance room 1.[1]
- pd. foundation deposit.[1]
- pd. foundation deposits.[1]
- pd. rubbish in filling of gigunu.[1]
- pg[1]
- pg -600 to -700[1]
- pg 1006[1]
- pg 1014[1]
- pg 1015[1]
- pg 1017[2]
- pg 1019[1]
- pg 1027[2]
- pg 1027 case 34, tray i[1]
- pg 1028[1]
- pg 1029[1]
- pg 1047[1]
- pg 1054[2]
- pg 1054 c[1]
- pg 1054, chest of central figure in domed chamber[1]
- pg 1054, domed structure[1]
- pg 1054, head of central person in the domed structure[1]
- pg 1054-c[3]
- pg 1054a[1]
- pg 1054b case 34, tray 3[1]
- pg 1054c[6]
- pg 1055c[1]
- pg 1068[1]
- pg 1070[1]
- pg 1100[2]
- pg 1104 case 34, shelf 1[1]
- pg 1110[1]
- pg 1114[1]
- pg 1116[1]
- pg 1130[2]
- pg 1131[1]
- pg 1133[8]
- pg 1136[2]
- pg 1155[1]
- pg 1157-15[1]
- pg 1157/14[1]
- pg 1157/18[1]
- pg 1157/19[1]
- pg 1157/23[2]
- pg 1157/3[1]
- pg 1195[8]
- pg 1205[3]
- pg 1234[3]
- pg 1237[2]
- pg 1237, body 64[2]
- pg 1237/16[10]
- pg 1237/22[4]
- pg 1237/30[3]
- pg 1237/4[5]
- pg 1237/40[15]
- pg 1237/45[2]
- pg 1237/47[3]
- pg 1237/64[17]
- pg 1237/67[16]
- pg 1237/69[10]
- pg 1237/70[6]
- pg 1237/8[12]
- pg 1284[5]
- pg 1300[2]
- pg 1307[2]
- pg 1316[2]
- pg 1318[2]
- pg 1332[2]
- pg 1335[2]
- pg 1337[3]
- pg 1379[2]
- pg 1401[3]
- pg 789[2]
- tte. group a.[2]
- animals[1]
- antelope[8]
- banquet[1]
- bearded man[1]
- beech leaf[1]
- bird[2]
- boat[3]
- boatman[1]
- buffalo[1]
- bull[16]
- bush[1]
- combat[3]
- contest[1]
- crescent[5]
- dots[1]
- eagle[3]
- enkidu[5]
- figures[1]
- flower[10]
- fly[1]
- geometric pattern[2]
- gilgamesh[6]
- gilgamesh?[1]
- goat[8]
- goats[2]
- god[4]
- goddess[1]
- hero[2]
- heroes[3]
- hunter[5]
- inscription[2]
- introduction[1]
- introduction scene[1]
- ishtar[1]
- kid[1]
- lion[23]
- man[1]
- men[1]
- mollusk shell[1]
- monkey[1]
- musician[1]
- nergal[1]
- noah?[1]
- offering[1]
- oryx[2]
- palm[1]
- palm tree[1]
- palm?[1]
- quadruped[1]
- ram[1]
- reeds?[1]
- scorpion[4]
- seated god[2]
- snake[3]
- snake?[1]
- solar hero[1]
- stag[4]
- standing figure[1]
- star[1]
- stem[1]
- symposium[2]
- tree[2]
- woman[1]
- worshipper[2]
- agate[5]
- alabaster[25]
- amethyst[1]
- aragonite[1]
- bitumen[4]
- bone[2]
- bronze[154]
- calcite[21]
- carnelian[67]
- ceramic[104]
- chalcedony[1]
- clay[2]
- cockle shell[1]
- copper[167]
- copper alloy[13]
- diorite[10]
- electrum[1]
- flint[6]
- frit[7]
- gold[169]
- hematite[1]
- ivory[2]
- jadeite[7]
- lapis lazuli[172]
- lava stone[1]
- limestone[8]
- marble (stone)[3]
- mollusk shell[2]
- mud[1]
- obsidian[1]
- paint[3]
- paste[3]
- pigment[17]
- quartz[2]
- sandstone[1]
- sard[1]
- shell[38]
- silver[64]
- soapstone[6]
- steatite[3]
- stone[12]
- terracotta[10]
- travertine[3]
- unbaked clay[1]
- wood[5]
- actual citation[97]
1 - 30 of 735 Records

1 - 30 of 735 Records